[Adopted 11-5-2007 by L.L. No. 6-2007]
The Village of Akron is fortunate to own public land used for recreation by the public. These lands include Russell Park, Wilder Park, and the Peanut Line Bikepath. In order to promote the safe and enjoyable use of these areas, the Village Board requires a framework to establish consistent rules and regulations with regard to these recreational areas.
The Village Board may adopt by resolution rules and regulations for the public use of parklands and recreational areas owned, controlled, or maintained by the Village of Akron. Such rules and regulations shall:
Promote the safe use by the public;
Promote sound environmental practices;
Promote civil behavior by users;
Regulate the use of the public facilities located within and on the park and recreational lands.
Any person or corporation who shall be convicted of violating any provision of the rules and regulations adopted by the Village Board for the use of parklands and recreation shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II, General Penalty, and such person or corporation may have his or her privilege to use such Village facilities suspended for a period not exceeding one year.
All rules and regulations will remain on file with the Village Clerk and made available on the Village web site. Where appropriate, rules and regulations for use will be posted at an entrance of other conspicuous place within the park or recreational area.