The Highway Business Districts B-4 are established for the purpose of providing areas for business uses which are mainly oriented to the automobile.
In Highway Business Districts B-4, no building or other structure or land shall be used and no building or other structure shall be built for any purposes other than:
A use permitted in Neighborhood Business Districts B-3, except dwellings, which will not be allowed by special exception or otherwise.
The following uses:
Animal/veterinary office/hospital, provided that any structure or area used for such purposes, including pens or exercise runnings, shall be at least 100 feet distant from any residential district
Auto body shop
Automobile service station
Automotive repair shops and garages
Automotive sales establishments
Car wash
Commercial greenhouse and plant nursery, including offices and sales yards, provided that no building for any such use shall have a heating plant, ventilating flue or other opening, except stationary windows, within 100 feet of any residential district
Electric vehicle (EV): sales, leasing, distribution, manufacturing, and maintenance
[Added 6-17-2024 by L.L. No. 5-2024]
Farm implement or contractor's equipment display, hire and sales establishment, service part repair shop, provided that no portion of a building used for repair shall have any opening, other than stationary windows, within 100 feet of any residential district
Funeral home
Hotel or motel, subject to § 208-90
Ice storage and/or vending three tons or less incapacity
Medical marijuana dispensary: Medical marijuana dispensaries are allowed uses in all B-4 Business Zones except for the area immediately adjacent to Exit 9 of Interstate 87, bounded by Interstate 87 on the west, Old Route 146 on the north, Route 146 on the south and the Town line on the east; provided, further, that no such dispensary shall locate within 1,000 feet of a church, synagogue, or other place of worship, school, preschool or day-care establishment, as measured from any entrance to such establishment to the entrance to such dispensary
[Added 7-6-2015 by L.L. No. 8-2015]
Private club
Public garage
Public library
Retail business or retail service, including the making of articles to be sold at retail on the premises, provided that any such manufacturing or processing shall be incidental to a retail business or service and not more than five persons shall be employed in such manufacturing or processing
Tier 1 solar energy system
[Added 10-18-2021 by L.L. No. 6-2021]
Zero emissions vehicles (ZEV): sales, leasing, distribution, manufacturing, and maintenance
[Added 6-17-2024 by L.L. No. 5-2024]
Other uses and other buildings and structures as provided for by the following sections:
Only the following special uses shall be considered pursuant to § 208-79 et seq.:
Commercial Recreation Facility, subject to § 208-94.
Excavation and removal of stone, sand and gravel.
Electrical substation, gas district governor station, telephone exchange or other public utility building, structure or use.
Storage of LP gas in excess of 1,100 gallons.
Timbering. (See Chapter 184 of this Code.)
Section 208-96, Temporary uses and structures.
In addition to the specific restrictions established in connection with permitted uses listed in § 208-45 and the requirements listed in Article XIV, the following regulations apply to all uses permitted in Highway Business Districts B-4:
Area and lot dimensions. The minimum net land area per establishment shall be one acre (43,560 square feet) and the minimum width of lot at the front building line shall be 150 feet.
Front yards. There shall be a minimum front yard of 80 feet, into which space there shall be no encroachment of structures other than a fence, a wall or a sign not larger than 20 square feet and no encroachment of commercial usage other than parking space. There shall be no parking allowed within 30 feet of the front lot line. Building setbacks specifically established by § 208-98 shall take precedence over the above.
Side yards. No building shall be placed closer to a side property line than 30 feet, and no automobile parking space shall extend nearer to a side property line than 20 feet.
Rear yards. No building shall be placed closer to a rear property line than 50 feet if the adjacent district is a residential district or closer to the rear property line than 30 feet with no encroachment of structures or parking if the adjacent district is any other class of district.
Height. For each foot the height of a building exceeds 35 feet, the offset from the side and rear property lines shall be increased by two feet.
Green space shall be 35%.
When abutting a residential zone, a minimum buffer of 100 feet shall be maintained and supplemented as deemed appropriate by the Planning Board.
There shall be not more than one entrance and one exit per establishment upon any individual public thoroughfare, and the distance between the entrance and exit center lines, if separated, shall be no less than 100 feet.
The property margins at the sides from the front building line to the rear property line shall be planted with trees and shrubs for a width of not less than 15 feet.
It shall be allowable to construct a group of establishments in accordance with an integrated site and architectural plan. Minimum land area for such consideration shall be five acres with a minimum width of 400 feet at the building line.
See Article XIV, Exceptions and Special Provisions, for other applicable requirements.