[Added 2-13-1978 by L.L. No. 1-1978]
[Amended 3-22-2004 by L.L. No. 1-2004]
The following thoroughfares are hereby designated as one-way:
The driveway leading into the Municipal Parking Lot between the Village Square property at 22 Jordan Street (Tax Map No. 007-04-40) and the property at 16 Jordan Street (Tax Map No. 007-04-36) shall be one-way in an easterly direction.
The driveway leading into the Municipal Parking Lot between the Village Square property at 22 Jordan Street (Tax Map No. 007-04-40) and the Town Hall property at 24 Jordan Street (Tax Map No. 007-04-42) shall be one-way in an easterly direction.
The driveway leading into the Municipal Parking Lot between the property at 28 Jordan Street (Tax Map No. 007-04-44) and the property at 30-32 Jordan Street (Tax Map No. 007-04-45) shall be one-way in an easterly direction.
The driveway leading from the Municipal Parking Lot between the property at 30-32 Jordan Street (Tax Map No. 007-04-45) and the property at 38 Jordan Street (Tax Map No. 007-04-46) shall be one-way in a westerly direction.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 13-89, Fire lanes, which immediately followed this section, has been moved to Ch. 110, Fire Prevention.
The following area is designated as a tow-away zone: West Genesee Street, north side, for a distance of 60 feet easterly from the point of intersection of its north curbline with the east curbline of Griffin Street, if extended.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 13-91, which immediately followed this section, regarding the maximum fee for towing a vehicle, as added 6-8-1987 by L.L. No. 4-1987, was deleted 3-22-2004 by L.L. No. 1-2004. See now § 212-8.