[Amended 11-16-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-06; 3-6-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01; 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-04; 3-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-01]
The areas designated "General Business Commercial" are found along Township major arterial roads. Attention shall be focused on general design, traffic circulation planning and coordination of individual projects. The district is intended to provide locations for highway-oriented uses subject to the design concerns previously enumerated in this section.
The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted by right by the Zoning Officer, provided that the use type, dimensional and all other applicable requirements of this chapter are satisfied:
All the following permitted uses require site plan approval in accordance with § 180-102:
Commercial uses:
Nursery or commercial greenhouse (see § 180-103.2).
Gas station (see § 180-104).
Bank or financial office with drive-in (see § 180-126).
Laundromat; public water and sewer required.
Gas station/grocery (see § 180-104).
Craft shop or similar uses by artisans, provided noise levels do not exceed ordinance limits.
Beverage distributor.
Car wash (see § 180-126).
Studio for art, dance, music or photography, provided noise levels do not exceed ordinance limits.
Cultural uses:
Library (see § 180-125).
Community center (see § 180-125).
Cultural facility (see § 180-125).
Hotel and motel; public water and sewer required (see § 180-110).
Bed-and-breakfast home (see § 180-110).
Office, business or research:
Business offices.
Research offices.
Planned office and laboratory park (see § 180-106).
Public service uses:
Fire and emergency station (see § 180-125).
Government facility, Township (see § 180-125).
Hospital and extended-care facility; public water and sewer required (see § 180-121).
Recreational uses:
Commercial (outdoor) (see § 180-112).
Commercial (indoor); public water and sewer required (see § 180-112).
Theater (indoor) (see § 180-112).
Club, lodge or social building, private (see § 180-111).
Restaurant uses:
Tavern; public water and sewer required.
Sit-down; public water and sewer required.
Fast-food with or without drive-in facilities; public water and sewer required (see § 180-126).
Retail uses:
Convenience shopping center (see § 180-120).
Vehicle and boat sales.
Truck and equipment sales.
Lawn, gardening and farm equipment supplies sales.
Building supplies sales, hardware.
Service uses:
Funeral home.
Office, medical and professional.
Barber, beauty shop and other similar personal services; public water and sewer required.
Public utility facility (see § 180-123).
Nursery school or day care (see § 180-127).
Martial arts school.
Nursing home or extended-care facility.
Residential uses:
Rooming house (see § 180-117).
Conversion (see § 180-115).
The following permitted uses do not require site plan approval unless required by an overlay zone:
General agriculture, except animal husbandry and greenhouses.
Service uses:
Non-tower commercial communication facilities (see § 180-127.1).
Forestry (see § 180-127.2).
The following uses and their accessory uses may be permitted when authorized as a conditional use by the Township Council, subject to the provisions of this chapter:
Commercial uses:
Motor vehicle repair shop; site plan required (see § 180-104).
Outdoor advertising signs (see Article XVIA).
Service uses:
Tower-based commercial communication facilities (see § 180-127.1).
Accessory uses are permitted by right and/or conditional use if accessory to a conditional use. The following accessory uses are permitted in this district, subject to all yard regulations and the applicable provisions of other zoning regulations:
Satellite dishes (see § 180-129).
Fences and walls (see § 180-97).
Noncommercial pools and tennis courts (see §§ 180-130 and 180-135).
Parking spaces (see § 180-98).
Recreational vehicle and travel trailer storage (see § 180-133).
Residential accessory buildings (see § 180-131).
Signs (see Article XVIA).
Solar energy collection equipment (see § 180-129).
Temporary stands or offices (see § 180-132).
Windmills and other power-generating equipment (see § 180-129).
Underground storage tanks (see § 180-96).
The following dimensional requirements apply to each lot in the GB District by right and by conditional use, subject to applicable provisions of this chapter. More than one principal use is permitted on one lot in this district.
Area: minimum 40,000 square feet.
Width: minimum 150 feet.
Impervious surface coverage: maximum 75%.
Building coverage: maximum 60%.
Height: maximum 40 feet.
The following yard requirements apply to each principal use permitted in this district by right and by conditional use, subject to further applicable provisions of this chapter:
Front yard: minimum 25 feet.
Side yard: minimum 15 feet.
Rear yard: minimum 30 feet.