No person shall set or maintain any fire not expressly permitted under Article II hereof without first obtaining a written permit to do so. Permits shall, at all times, be kept on the premises designated therein and shall, at all times, be subject to inspection by the fire inspector, any officer of the Fire Department, the police or other Town officer.
No fee shall be charged for any permit or any inspection or other services rendered in connection with the granting of a permit.
Any person desiring to set or maintain or to permit the setting or maintenance of any fire not expressly permitted by Article II hereof shall obtain a permit therefor from the fire inspector, the Town Clerk (as his agent) or any other duly designated agent of the fire inspector. Application for such a permit may be made during regular business hours by telephone, personally or by letter.
Upon application and either with or without inspecting the place of the proposed fire, the fire inspector or his agent may issue a written permit. Authorization to burn shall not be effective until the applicant has actually received a written permit therefor.
No permit issued under this chapter shall authorize:
The setting or maintenance of any fire between the hours of sunset and sunrise, except a campfire.
Anyone to set or maintain a fire other than a competent person capable of extinguishing it, should the need arise.
Such authorized person to leave the area of the fire before completely extinguishing it.
The setting or maintenance of any uncontained fire within 50 feet of any structure.
The setting or maintenance of any uncontained fire without making provision to prevent its spreading to within 50 feet of any structure.
The fire inspector may require the permittee to provide specified equipment, such as brooms, water or Indian tanks, at and during the permitted fire if, in the fire inspector's opinion, such equipment may be reasonably necessary for the control of the permitted fire. All permits shall be subject to the power to prohibit burning as set forth in § 57-5 hereof.
A permit for an uncontained fire or fires shall be issued for a specified period of from one to 90 days; provided, however, that the fire inspector may issue a permit for a longer period not exceeding one year if in a particular case he shall find that a hardship would otherwise occur and also that proper safeguards from the hazards of fire are provided. No permit shall have retroactive effect. No permits shall be transferable.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Article IV, Fire Inspector, which followed this section, was superseded 7-17-1980 by L.L. No. 3-1980. See Chapter 55, Fire Prevention, Article II, Bureau of Fire Prevention.