[Amended 2-11-1997 by Ord. No. 829]
[Amended 1-25-2000 by Ord. No. 00-3]
The provisions of W.S.A. ch. 125 and ss. 938.344 and 778.25 relating to the sale of alcohol beverages, except ss. 125.09(6), 125.14(2) and (3), 125.56(2), 125.60, 125.61, 125.62, 125.63 and 125.66(3), except provisions therein relating to penalties to be imposed, are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this Part 1 as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any statute incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this Part 1. Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the statutes incorporated herein are intended to be made a part of this Part 1.
As used in this Part 1, the terms "alcoholic beverages," "intoxicating liquors," "sell," "sold," "sale," "restaurant," "club," "retailer," "person," "fermented malt beverages," "wholesalers," "retailers," "operators," "wine" and "nonintoxicating beverages" shall have the meaning given them by W.S.A. ch. 125.
Except as provided by W.S.A. s. 125.06, no person, firm or corporation shall vend, sell, deal or traffic in, or have in his possession with intent to vend, sell, deal or traffic in, or for the purpose of evading any law or ordinance give away any alcohol beverage in any quantity whatever, or cause the same to be done, without having procured a license as provided in this article nor without complying with all the provisions of this article and all statutes and regulations applicable thereto, as provided by W.S.A. ss. 125.25, 125.26, 125.27, 125.28 and 125.51.
[Amended 1-25-2000 by Ord. No. 00-3]
There shall be the following classes and denominations of licenses which, when issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer under the authority of the Common Council after payment of the fee herein specified, shall permit the holder to sell, deal or traffic in alcohol beverages as provided in W.S.A. ss. 125.17, 125.25, 125.26, 125.28 and 125.51.
"Class A" liquor license, issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer under the authority of the Common Council, authorizes the retail sale of liquor, in the original sealed container, for consumption off the licensed premises.
"Class B" liquor license, issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer under the authority of the Common Council, authorizes the retail sale of liquor for consumption on the licensed premises and in the original sealed container for consumption off the licensed premises.
"Class C" wine license, issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer under the authority of the Common Council, authorizes the sale of wine for consumption on the premises only.
Class "A" beer license, issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer under the authority of the Common Council, authorizes the retail sale of beer, in the original sealed container, for consumption off the licensed premises.
Class "B" beer license, issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer under the authority of the Common Council, authorizes the retail sale of beer for consumption on the licensed premises and in the original sealed container for consumption off the licensed premises.
A Temporary "Class B" license, when issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer, under authority of the Common Council, authorizes the retail sale of beer and/or wine containing not more that 6% alcohol by volume (i.e., wine coolers) by bona fide clubs, fair associations or agricultural societies, churches, lodges or societies that have been in existence for at least six months and veterans' organizations. This license is authorized by Wisconsin Statutes s. 125.51(10).
[Amended 9-9-2014 by Ord. No. 14-08]
A Temporary Class "B" license, when issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer under authority of the Common Council, authorizes the retail sale of beer and may be issued at any time by bona fide clubs, fair associations or agricultural societies, churches, lodges or societies that have been in existence for at least six months and veterans' organizations. This license is authorized by Wisconsin Statutes s. 125.26(6).
[Amended 9-9-2014 by Ord. No. 14-08]
Provisional retail license, when issued by the Clerk-Treasurer under authority of the Common Council, authorizes applicants for retail licenses to open for business while completing the responsible beverage server training course requirement. Such license expires 60 days after its issuance or when the retail license applied for is issued, whichever is sooner. A provisional retail license may not be issued if the quota prohibits issuing an annual license for the same. No person may hold more than one provisional retail license for each type of license applied for by the holder per year.
Wholesaler's license, when issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer under the authority of the Common Council, authorizes the sale of beer only in original packages or containers to dealers, not to be consumed in or about the premises of said wholesaler.
All license fees are set forth in the fee schedule adopted as part of the annual budget document.
Fees for Class "A" beer, "Class A" liquor, "Class B" liquor, Class "B" beer and "Class C" wine shall be prorated when a new license is issued based on the number of months or fractions thereof remaining in the licensing period. [See W.S.A. ss. 125.26(4) and 125.51(9)(a)].
Contents. Application for a license to sell or deal in alcohol beverages shall be made, in writing, on the form prescribed by the State Department of Revenue and shall be signed and sworn (notarized) to by the applicant as provided by W.S.A. ss. 887.01 to 887.03 and shall be filed with the City Clerk-Treasurer not less than 15 days prior to the granting of such license. The premises shall be physically described to include every room and storage space to be covered by the license and cannot include rooms separated by a solid wall or joined by connecting entrances. By July 15 annually, the Clerk-Treasurer will forward a list of all approved applicants to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
[Amended 1-25-2000 by Ord. No. 00-3]
Corporations. Such application shall be filed and sworn to by the applicant if an individual or by the president and secretary if a corporation.
Publication. The application shall be published at least once in the official city newspaper, and the costs of publication shall be paid by the applicant.
Amending application. Whenever anything occurs to change any fact set out in the application of any licensee, such licensee shall file with the issuing authority a notice, in writing, of such change within 10 days after the occurrence thereof.
Licenses related to alcohol beverages may be issued to individuals, all partners (including limited partners) of partnerships and the officers, directors and agents of corporations and nonprofit organizations, provided that they meet the qualifications as stated in W.S.A. s. 125.04(5) and (6).
Violators of liquor or beer laws or ordinances. No license related to alcohol beverages shall be issued to any person who has been convicted of a violation of any federal or state liquor or beer law or the provisions of this article during one year prior to such application. A conviction of a member of a partnership or the partnership itself shall make the partnership or any member thereof ineligible for such license for one year.
Separate licenses required. A license shall be required for each stand, place, room or enclosure or for each suite of rooms or enclosures which are in direct connection or communication with each other where alcohol beverages are kept, sold or offered for sale.
License quotas.
The "Class B" liquor license quota for the city shall be as provided in W.S.A. s. 125.51(4).
The City Council may issue any number of Class "B" beer licenses to be in force at the same time.
The City Council may issue any number of "Class A" liquor licenses to be in force at the same time.
The City Council may issue any number of Class "A" beer licenses to be in force at the same time.
The City Council may issue any number of wholesaler's licenses to be in force at the same time.
License quota for Class "B" beer and "Class C" wine only licenses for restaurants.
The Common Council may issue any number of Class "B" beer and "Class C" wine licenses for restaurants in addition to any other Class "B" beer or "Class C" wine licenses granted pursuant to this chapter.
[Amended 11-19-2015 by Ord. No. 15-08]
All other provisions of this Part 1 shall apply to the licenses created by this Subsection E, unless in direct conflict therewith, in which case the express provisions of this Subsection E shall prevail.
Additional requirements for the Class "B" beer and "Class C" wine only license for restaurants shall be as follows:
Such license shall be issued only to establishments which are bona fide restaurants. The following criteria shall be used in determining whether or not an establishment is a bona fide restaurant:
The principal business of the establishment must be to cater to and serve full course meals to the general public.
The business shall be advertised and held out to the public as a place where meals are prepared and served, space being provided with adequate kitchen and dining room equipment and persons being employed to prepare, cook and serve meals for guests.
Tables shall be of adequate size to accommodate the service of full course meals in accordance with the number of chairs at each table.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection E(3)(a)[4], regarding advertising a business by any word or name synonymous with an independent establishment for the purpose of consuming alcohol, was repealed 11-10-2020 by Ord. No. 20-13.
The licensee of the Class "B" liquor license shall be allowed to sell fermented malt beverages for on-premises consumption only.
The licensee of the "Class C" license shall be allowed to sell wine for on-premises consumption only.
The licensed establishment must derive at least 50% of its gross revenue from the sale of food and nonalcohol beverages. The 50% shall be determined by taking the average monthly gross revenue of the sale of food and nonalcohol beverages over the period of a calendar year.
[Amended 8-22-2017 by Ord. No. 17-10]
The licensee shall take the following steps:
After the first 90 days of operation following initial issuance of the license, the licensee shall file with the City Clerk-Treasurer an affidavit prepared by a certified public accountant. Such affidavit shall state the percent of gross revenue from the sale of food and nonalcohol beverages and the percent of gross revenue from the sale of beer and/or wine for such initial ninety-day period.
After the second 90 days of operation following initial issuance of the license, the licensee shall file with the City Clerk-Treasurer his/her notarized statement showing the percent of gross revenue from the sale of food and nonalcohol beverages and the percent of gross revenue from the sale of beer and/or wine for such second ninety-day period.
Thereafter, such notarized statement of the licensee shall be filed with the renewal application and shall include sales for the entire previous calendar year.
The Common Council may, at any time it is deemed necessary, request the licensee to file an affidavit of a certified public accountant to verify the percent of gross revenue as shown on the licensee's notarized statement.
[Amended 1-25-2000 by Ord. No. 00-3]
The licensee, by application for and receipt of this license, agrees to an examination of his business records, for the purpose of verification of the percent of food sales, by the Mayor or his delegated representative at all reasonable times.
Failure to file the required affidavit, failure to maintain the required percent of food sales and nonalcoholic beverages or failure to comply with any of the requirements for the Class "B" beer or "Class C" wine only license for restaurants shall be grounds for nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of the Class "B" beer and "Class C" wine only license for restaurants.
Effect of revocation of license. Whenever any license has been revoked, at least six months from the time of such revocation shall elapse before another license shall be granted for the same premises, and 12 months shall elapse before another license shall be granted to the person whose license was revoked.
Editor's Note: See also § 145-14, Conditions of license.
[Amended 6-24-1997 by Ord. No. 844]
The City Clerk-Treasurer shall notify the Chief of Police and Inspection Department of each new application, and these officials shall inspect or cause to be inspected each application and the premises, together with such other investigation as shall be necessary to determine whether the applicant and the premises sought to be licensed comply with the regulations, ordinances and laws applicable thereto, including those governing sanitation in restaurants, and whether the applicant is a proper recipient of a license. These officials shall furnish to the Common Council, in writing, the information derived from such investigation, accompanied by a recommendation as to whether a license should be granted or refused. No license shall be renewed without a reinspection of the premises and report as originally required.
In determining the suitability of an applicant, consideration shall be given to the moral character and financial responsibility of the applicant, the appropriateness of the location and premises proposed and generally the applicant's fitness for the trust to be reposed.
No license shall be granted for operation on any premises or with any equipment which has taxes or assessments or other financial claims of the city that are delinquent and unpaid.
No license shall be issued unless the premises conform to the sanitary, safety and health requirements of the State Building Code and the regulations of the State Board of Health and City Board of Health applicable to restaurants. The premises must be properly lighted and ventilated, must be equipped with separate sanitary toilet and lavatory facilities equipped with running water for each sex and must conform to all ordinances of the city.
Opportunity shall be given by the governing body to any person to be heard for or against the granting of any license. Upon the approval of the applicant by the Common Council, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall issue to the applicant a license, upon payment by the applicant of the license fee to the city. The fee shall be paid to the City Clerk-Treasurer, who shall deposit the same in the general fund.
As to place. In accordance with the provisions of W.S.A. s. 125.04(12), a license shall be transferable from one premises to another if such transfer is first approved by the Common Council. The application for transfer shall be made on a form furnished by the City Clerk-Treasurer. Proceedings for such transfer shall be had in the same form and manner as the original application. The fee for such transfer shall be as set forth in the fee schedule adopted as part of the annual budget document. Whenever a license is transferred, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall forthwith notify the State Department of Revenue of such transfer.
Corporate license holders. Whenever the agent of a corporate holder of a license for any reason is replaced, the licensee shall give the City Clerk-Treasurer written notice of said replacement, the reasons therefor and the new appointment. Until the next regular meeting or special meeting of the Common Council, the successor agent shall have the authority to perform the functions and be charged with the duties of the original agent. However, said license shall cease to be in effect upon receipt by the Clerk-Treasurer of notice of disapproval of the successor agent by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue or other peace officer of the municipality in which the license was issued. The corporation's license shall not be in force after receipt of such notice or after a regular or special meeting of the Common Council until the successor agent or another qualified agent is appointed and approved by the city and the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
As to person. No license shall be transferable as to the licensee except as provided by W.S.A. s. 125.04(12).
Reimbursement of unused annual fee. Whenever a licensee transfers his/her license pursuant to this section, the city shall reimburse the annual license fee prorated on a quarterly basis. The licensee shall be entitled to reimbursement of 1/4 of the fee for each calendar quarter the license is unused. If the license is utilized for even one day of the calendar quarter, that quarter reimbursement is forfeited.
Lapse of license. Whenever any licensee under this article shall not conduct his licensed business at the authorized location for a period of six consecutive months, the license issued to him shall lapse and become void, unless such six-month period shall be extended by the Common Council.
[Amended 1-25-2000 by Ord. No. 00-3]
All licenses shall be numbered in the order in which they are issued and shall state clearly the specific premises for which granted, the date of issuance, the fee paid and the name of the licensee and, unless sooner revoked, shall expire on June 30 thereafter except as otherwise provided.
Every person licensed in accordance with the provisions of this article shall immediately post such license and keep the same posted while in force in a conspicuous place in the room or place where said beverages are drawn or removed for service or sale.
It shall be unlawful for any person to post such license or to be permitted to post it upon premises other than those mentioned in the application or knowingly to deface or destroy such license.
All licenses related to alcohol beverages granted hereunder shall be granted subject to the following conditions and all other conditions of this article and subject to all other ordinances and regulations of the city applicable thereto:
Consent to entry. Every applicant procuring a license thereby consents to the entry of police or other duly authorized representatives of the city at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspection and search and consents to the removal from said premises of all things and articles there had in violation of city ordinances or state laws and consents to the introduction of such things and articles in evidence in any prosecution that may be brought for such offenses.
Employment of minors. Minors 14 years of age and older may be employed where alcohol beverages are stored, sold or served if they are not serving, selling, dispensing or giving away alcohol beverages, except as restricted in W.S.A. s. 103.78. This applies to all places licensed to sell alcohol beverages. Minors so employed must always be under the immediate supervision of the licensee, an adult member of the licensee's immediate family or a person with an operator's license.
Disorderly conduct prohibited. Each licensed premises shall at all times be conducted in an orderly manner, and no disorderly, riotous or indecent conduct or gambling shall be allowed at any time on any licensed premises.
Licensed operator on premises. There shall be upon premises operated under a "Class B" liquor, Class "B" beer or "Class C" wine license, at all times, the licensee or some person who shall have an operator's license and who shall be responsible for the acts of all persons serving as waiters or in any other manner serving alcohol beverages to customers.
Health and sanitation requirements. No alcohol beverage license shall be issued for any premises which does not conform to the sanitary, safety and health requirements of the State Department of Industry, Labor and Job Development pertaining to buildings and plumbing, to the rules and regulations of the State Department of Health and Family Services applicable to restaurants and to all such ordinances and regulations adopted by the city.
Restrictions near schools and churches. No liquor license shall be issued for premises the main entrance of which is less than 300 feet from the main entrance of any established public school, parochial school, hospital or church. Such distance shall be measured by the shortest route along the highway from the closest point of the main entrance of such school, church or hospital to the main entrance to such premises. This subsection shall not apply to premises licensed as such on June 30, 1974, nor shall it apply to any premises licensed as such prior to the occupation of real property within 300 feet thereof by any school building, hospital building or church building.
Delinquent taxes, assessments and claims. No alcohol beverage license shall be granted for any premises for which taxes, assessments or other claims of the city are delinquent and unpaid or to any person delinquent in payment of such claims to the city.
Issuance for sales in dwellings prohibited. No alcohol beverage license shall be issued to any person for the purpose of possessing, selling or offering for sale any alcohol beverages in any dwelling house, flat or residential apartment.
Violations by agents and employees. A violation of this article by an authorized agent or employee of a licensee shall constitute a violation by the licensee.
Premises requirements. Class "A" beer and Class "A" liquor licenses shall only be issued for premises that consist of separate solid walls, without connecting or shared entrances or access to other building areas conducting nonrelated retail sales.
No premises for which an alcohol beverage license has been issued shall remain open for the sale of alcohol beverages:
If a retail Class "A" beer license: from 9:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
If a retail Class "B" beer license:
On-premises consumption:
Monday through Friday, from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Saturday and Sunday, from 2:30 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
New Year's Eve, no closing required.
Off-premises consumption: from 12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m.
If a "Class A" liquor license: from 9:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
If a "Class B" liquor license:
On-premises consumption:
Monday through Friday, from 2:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Saturday and Sunday, from 2:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
New Year's Eve, no closing required.
Off-premises consumption: from 12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m.
Hotels and restaurants whose principal business is the furnishing of food or lodging to patrons, and bowling alleys and golf courses, may remain open for the conduct of their regular business, but no alcohol beverages shall be sold during prohibited hours.
[Amended 9-9-2014 by Ord. No. 14-08]
The Common Council authorizes the granting of temporary Class "B" (i.e. beer) and Temporary "Class B" (i.e., wine) licenses by the City Clerk-Treasurer or his or her designee, under the authority granted by Wisconsin Statutes ss. 125.26(1) and 125.51(1)(a).
The City Clerk-Treasurer, prior to granting of the license, shall make such necessary inquiries and conduct such investigation as deemed necessary by the City Clerk-Treasurer to satisfy himself or herself that the applicant is eligible for and worthy of the temporary Class "B" (beer) license or temporary "Class B" (wine) license.
Upon denial of a license under this section, the applicant for the license shall have the absolute right to apply to the Common Council for the license.
Upon granting of the license, whether by the City Clerk-Treasurer or his or her designee, or the Common Council, the City Clerk-Treasurer will issue the temporary Class "B" (beer) or "Class B" (wine) license.
Nothing herein shall be deemed as a requirement that the City Clerk-Treasurer or the Common Council grant either of said licenses, if the granting authority, at its sole discretion, believes granting the license would not be in the best interests of the City.
Groups that have been granted a Class "B" or "Class B" license shall comply with the following conditions of license:
There shall be at least one person properly licensed as an operator under the provisions of Article II of this chapter on the premises at all times to supervise the service of beverages.
Holders of a temporary Class "B" or temporary "Class B" license shall fully comply with all provisions of this Code and the state statutes.
For indoor events, the structure used must have suitable exits and open spaces to accommodate anticipated attendance. It should contain adequate sanitary facilities to accommodate the size of the group.
The temporary Class "B" or temporary "Class B" license shall be posted in a conspicuous place and shall specify the date(s) and hours for which said license is issued.
Such license shall be granted for no more than five consecutive days.
The applicant(s) shall be required to sign an indemnification agreement prior to issuance of the license.
Procedure. Whenever the holder of any license under this article violates any portion of this article, proceedings for the revocation of such license may be instituted in the manner and under the procedure established by W.S.A. s. 125.12, and the provisions therein relating to granting a new license shall likewise be applicable.
Automatic revocation. Any license issued under the provisions of this article shall stand revoked without further proceedings upon the conviction of a licensee or employee, agent or representative thereof for a second offense under this article or for a violation of W.S.A. ch. 125 or 139 or any other state or federal liquor, beer or wine laws or of any felony.
Nonrenewal of licenses. Before renewal of any license issued under this article is refused, the licensee shall be given written notice of any charges or violations against him or the reasons proposed for nonrenewal and a copy of any proposed motion for nonrenewal and shall have an opportunity to be heard before the Common Council.
Abandonment of premises. Any licensee holding a license to sell alcohol beverages who abandons such business shall forfeit any right or preference he may have to the holding of or renewal of such license. Abandonment shall be sufficient grounds for revocation of an alcohol beverage license. The closing of the licensed premises for at least 90 days shall be prima facie evidence of an abandonment.