Whenever the following words or terms are used
in this chapter, they shall be construed to have the following meanings:
The professional trained men and women who make a career
of caring for the urban forest. Some are self-employed, some work
for tree care companies and others work for municipalities.
The land between the street curbing and sidewalk. Where there
is no sidewalk, the area between the property line and the paved or
traveled portion of the street shall be deemed to be a boulevard.
[Amended 7-22-2008 by Ord. No. 08-14]
The City of Rice Lake, Wisconsin.
A triangle formed by the two intersecting rights-of-way and
a third line connecting a full-view zone 20 feet from intersecting
corners of streets and parking lot entrances. On both sides of a private
driveway or alley the clear sight triangle is reduced to 10 feet of
the property lines.
"Boulevard area" also refers to the center or median boulevard
on center boulevard streets.
A person, firm, association or corporation.
Includes all public parks and other lands owned, controlled
or leased (unless otherwise noted as a part of the agreement) by the
Any tree or shrub or part thereof which, by reason of its
condition, interferes with the use of any public area; is infected
with a plant disease; is infested with injurious insects or pests;
is injurious to public improvements; or endangers the life, health,
safety or welfare of persons or property.
Any woody vegetation or a woody plant having multiple stems
and bearing foliage from the ground up.
The practice of cutting back large-diameter branches of a
mature tree to stubs.
Any woody plant normally having one stem or trunk bearing
its foliage or crown well above ground level to heights of 16 feet
or more.
Trimming (pruning) by an arborist shall be accomplished according
to current technical specifications of the National Arborist Association.
Trees planted in the urban areas subjected to the alterations
in the soil and other stresses resulting from the activities of urban
The City Forester or any trained representative
may enter upon private premises at all reasonable times after 10 days'
written notification to the owner at the last known address for the
purpose of examining any tree or shrub located upon or over such premises
to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
No person shall interfere with the City Forester
or any trained representative while he is engaged in carrying out
work and activities authorized by this chapter.
To avoid accepting liability for any personal
injury or property damage caused by trees on private or public property,
nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to impose any liability for
damages or duty of care and maintenance upon the city or upon any
of its officers or employees. The person in possession of public property
or the owner of any private property shall have a duty to keep the
trees upon the property in a safe, healthy condition. Any person who
feels that a tree located, possessed, controlled or owned by him is
a danger to the safety of himself, others or structural improvements
on site or off site shall have obligations to secure around the tree
or support the tree, as appropriate, to safeguard both persons and
improvements from harm.
[Amended 1-25-2000 by Ord. No. 00-3]
Any person who receives a determination or order
under this chapter from the City Forester and objects to all or any
part thereof shall have the right to appeal such determination or
order, within five days of the order, to the City Council, and the
appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk-Treasurer within the allotted
time. The City Council shall hear such appeal within 30 days of receipt
of written notice of the appeal. After such hearing the City Council
may reverse, affirm or modify the order or determination appealed,
and the grounds for its decision shall be stated in writing. The City
Council shall, by letter, notify the party appealing the order or
determination of its decision within 10 days after the hearing conclusion
and file its written decision with the City Clerk-Treasurer.