The following provisions in this article shall apply to land divisions within the city.
The following improvements shall be designed, engineered and installed by or at the insistence of the city in such manner as the city shall deem necessary and proper and assessed under Chapter 66, Subchapter VII, Wisconsin Statutes:
Sanitary sewers.
Water distribution.
Stormwater management facilities.
Pumping stations and force mains.
Bridges and culverts.
Curb and gutter.
Sand (subbase) gravel incident to new street construction.
Hard pavement streets.
None of the aforementioned improvements shall be installed by or at the insistence of the city unless the territory in which the improvements are to be located in is a part of the corporate limits or is to become a part of the corporate limits through annexation. Exceptions to this requirement may be approved by the Common Council if the most feasible method of connecting one part of the corporation limits to another is through unincorporated territory.
Costs of the improvements shall be assessed to the benefiting properties in accordance with Chapter 78, Rice Lake Code of Ordinances, as amended from time to time.
Streets and rights-of-way. All streets and rights-of-way and other public areas required to serve the land division shall be provided and dedicated by the subdivider. The proposed street grade shall be submitted in plan form to the City Engineer prior to the commencement of the work of improvement on the street.
Monuments. Monuments of a permanent character (pipes, steel rods, concrete or equivalent) shall be placed in each corner or angle on the boundary of the land division and at each corner of each lot. All United States, state, county or other official bench marks, monuments or triangulation stations shall be preserved at precise locations. The subdivider shall maintain the monuments in good order during the construction and development. See § 59.74, Wisconsin Statutes.
Concrete sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks shall be required on both sides of roads in new subdivisions, except that sidewalks shall not be required on culs-de-sac. On any subdivision in which a road is being reconstructed, sidewalks shall be placed on only one side of the roadway, with the side to be determined by the Common Council. A project consisting only of pavement replacement shall not be considered reconstruction of the road.
Trees. Refer to Chapter 234, Trees and Shrubs.
Utilities. The subdivider shall cause electric power and telecommunications facilities to be installed underground.
Pedestrianways. Pedestrianways shall be constructed where the city deems it necessary and proper, and the expense and cost relating thereto shall be assessed as an improvement.
The approval of the final plat or certified survey map by the Common Council shall constitute acceptance of the dedication of the following, which shall be dedicated in such plat or certified survey map: any public street, road, park and highway and any water main, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and electrical lines, together with an easement for access for the repair and maintenance of such utilities.
Where unusual or exceptional factors or conditions exist, upon recommendation of the Plan Commission, the Common Council may grant a variance to the provisions of this article. A written statement expressing the terms of the variance and the reasons for such variance shall be attached to all copies of the construction plans.
Construction plans. Whenever any improvements are required by the city, construction plans for the improvements to be installed shall be furnished in accordance with the specifications of the officials having jurisdiction and shall receive approval of these officials before improvements are installed. The following plans shall be required where applicable:
Street plans and profiles showing existing and proposed grades, including extension for a reasonable distance beyond the land division elevations and cross sections of required improvements.
Sanitary sewer plans and profiles showing the locations, grades, sizes, elevations and materials.
Stormwater management facilities and profiles showing the locations, grades, sizes, cross sections, elevations and materials or method of stormwater disposal in lieu of sewers.
Water main plans and profiles showing locations, sizes, elevations and materials.
Grading plans for the entire land division if it appears that erosion and sediment control will be a problem.
Additional special plans or information as required by the officials having jurisdiction.
Inspections. The City Engineer may conduct or order conducted such inspections as he or she may deem necessary and proper to carry out the purpose of this chapter. Prior to starting any of the work covered by the plans approved as above, arrangements for a preliminary inspection shall be made for the City Engineer to inspect the work to ensure compliance with the plans and specifications as approved. Prior to starting work, written notice shall be mailed to the City Engineer. All costs of inspection shall be borne by the subdivider.
Stop-work order. The City Engineer is hereby empowered to issue a stop-work order to cease further work on the improvements when the City Engineer determines that the work or improvement does not conform to the requirements of the plans and specifications.
The stop-work order shall be in writing, signed by the City Engineer, and shall identify the items of the plans and specifications which are not in conformity and the manner of nonconformity. Personal service of the stop-work order shall be made upon the subdivider and/or contractor or other person performing the work in question. It shall be released in a writing signed by the City Engineer at such time as the City Engineer determines the work in question has been corrected to conform to the plans and specifications.
Upon written request by the subdivider or other person aggrieved, the Mayor shall schedule and a hearing shall be held within five business days after the receipt of such request. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be sent by mail to each person upon whom the stop-work order was served and to the person requesting the hearing. The hearing panel shall be composed of the Mayor, the Superintendent of the Water Utility and the Street Superintendent. The panel shall hear the evidence submitted and affirm or set aside the stop-work order.
No building permits shall be issued for the erection of a structure on any lot until all the requirements of this chapter have been satisfied and completed unless otherwise agreed to by the City Council and the subdivider.
Permits for improvements of lots shall not be issued until the street or permanent easement is improved, including but not limited to utilities, drainage and hard surface, in accordance with applicable city standards or an agreement has been reached with the city regarding said improvements. If the permit is issued based on an agreement with the city, improvements shall occur within one year of the issuance of the permit. Setback requirements for the improvements will be the same for streets or permanent easements. This prohibition against the issuance of permits shall not apply to permits requested for accessory structures or uses when they are built or occur on parcels already occupied by principal structures. The Common Council may waive the requirements of this Subsection B. after due deliberation and discussion.