The Official Zoning Map is hereby adopted as
a document to guide the municipality in the promotion of health, safety,
morals or general welfare of the community, subject to further amendments
or modifications in the future. Such Official Zoning Map shall be
placed on file in the respective administrative offices having jurisdiction
thereof for the expressed convenience of the general public. Such
Official Zoning Map shall depict the true and correct portrayal of
the City of Rice Lake's current zoning districts. Upon changes to
the Zoning Map by ordinance passed by the Rice Lake Common Council,
the Official Zoning Map(s) shall be revised as soon as practical thereafter.
The following districts are designated:
Single-Family Residential (RS)
One- and Two-Family Residential (R)
Multifamily Residential (RM)
Estate Residential (RE)
Neighborhood Commercial (CN)
General Commercial (C)
Highway Commercial (CH)
Central Business (CBD)
Office (O)
Light Industrial (IL)
Industrial (I)
Technology Park Zoning (TP)
Agricultural (A)
Agricultural Transition (AT)
Conservancy (W)
Park Zoning (P)
Airport Zoning (AR)
Height Limitation Zoning (HLZ)
Planned Unit Development (PUD)
No building shall be erected or altered, nor
shall any building or premises be used, for any purpose other than
that permitted in the district in which such building or premises
is located, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
No building shall be erected or altered to exceed
in height the limit herein established for the district in which such
building is located, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
No building shall be erected, altered, enlarged
or rebuilt, nor shall any open space surrounding any building be encroached
upon or reduced, in any manner except in conformity with the area
regulations hereby established for the district in which such building
is located or except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
No building or premises shall be used and no
structure shall be erected, altered, enlarged or rebuilt in any manner
except in conformity with the use regulations hereby established for
the district in which such building or premises are located or except
as otherwise provided in this chapter.
A. Purpose and intent. This district is intended
to provide for individual or small groups of retail and customer service
establishments serving primarily the convenience of a local neighborhood,
and the character, appearance and operation of these establishments
are compatible with the surrounding or adjacent area which in most
cases will be residential.
A. Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses within
the Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District (CN):
(1) Business, professional or public service offices not
exceeding 3,600 square feet of primary floor area.
(2) Retail stores and shops offering convenience goods
and individually not exceeding 4,800 square feet of primary floor
(3) Customer or personal service establishments such as
financial services, shoe repair, barber and beauty shops, studios
and similar uses, each not exceeding 3,200 square feet of primary
floor area, and not offering drive-through facilities.
(4) Uses clearly similar in character and function to
those listed above.
B. Accessory uses. The following accessory uses shall
be permitted within the Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District (CN):
(1) Buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of
the above structures or uses when located on the same premises.
(2) Off-street parking and loading areas.
(3) Garages for storage of vehicles used in conjunction
with the operation of the business.
C. Conditional uses. The Neighborhood Commercial Zoning
District (CN) may also include conditional uses such as the following:
(2) Rental apartments as a secondary use of a commercial
building, and on other than the ground floor level unless located
to the rear of the storefront or commercially used space.
(3) Restaurants, taverns, bars, etc., not offering live
(4) Small animal veterinary clinics and accessory indoor
boarding kennels.
(5) Care centers such as day-care centers or adult day
care, nursing or convalescent centers including hospices, but not
(6) Residential quarters for the owner, proprietor, commercial
tenant, employee, or caretaker located in the same building as the
business, and on other than the ground floor unless located to the
rear of the storefront or commercially used space.
D. Special regulations. These special regulations apply
to the Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District (CN):
(1) This district should normally be applied to parcels
or groups of parcels whose primary floor area would total as a group
less than 20,000 square feet.
(2) Outside storage uses such as travel-moving vehicle
or trailer rental, sale of motor vehicles, outside display of merchandise
or goods storage, are not permitted.
(3) Outdoor sound systems, cooking odors from food preparation,
high-intensity site lighting, drive-through facilities, and late hours
of operation, each pose special stress to nearby residential uses
and should not ordinarily be approved in this district as part of
permitted uses, unless the Plan Commission is satisfied in the specific
circumstances that the degree of such aspects would be reduced below
stress levels, or that mitigation measures would adequately protect
nearby residential areas.
E. Height and area regulations. The height of buildings,
the minimum dimensions of yards and other open spaces surrounding
buildings and the maximum building area of the lot shall be as follows:
(1) Height. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
(2) Front yard. There shall be a front yard of not less
than 25 feet on every lot, except where two or more buildings are
located approximately the same distance from the street line on the
same side of the street and between two intersecting streets so as
to establish a setback line, provided that in no case will the front
yard be less than 15 feet.
(3) Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard of not less
than six feet.
(4) Side yard. A side yard shall be not less than six
feet wide.
(5) Building area. A building with its accessory buildings
shall be unlimited in area, provided that all off-street parking and
setback regulations are complied with.
[Amended 4-8-2008 by Ord. No. 08-09]
A. Purpose and intent. The Airport Zoning Districts are
created to establish permitted, accessory and conditional land uses,
height requirements, two defined zones and other applicable standards
that are appropriate to both 1) a unique site approximately 1,000
acres that the City of Rice Lake owns or has title interest in for
use as an airport located in the Town of Stanley, Barron County, Wisconsin
(the Rice Lake Regional Airport and associated navigation/clear-zone
easements). hereinafter referred to as "District (AR)"; and 2) a larger
area (for the purpose of limiting object heights) that is defined
as the area that is within three statute miles of the airport boundary
as shown on the map entitled "Height Limitation Zoning Map, Rice Lake
Regional — Carl's Field, Rice Lake, Wisconsin," hereinafter referred to as District (HLZ). It is the further
intent of this section to allow for the smooth and timely implementation
and administration of the various sections of this document. This
section is also intended to protect the health, safety and welfare
of those individuals residing in the nearby geographic vicinity of
such facility.
B. Definitions. As used in this section, the following
terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Rice Lake Regional Airport facility, located in sections
18, 19, 20 and 30, Town 34 N, Range 11 W, Barron County, Wisconsin.
Any structure, tree or use of land which obstructs the airspace
provided for, or is otherwise hazardous to, the flight of aircraft
in landing or taking off at the airport.
In determining the height of the top of an object or the
height limits in all zones set forth in this section and shown on
the HLZ Map, the elevation above mean sea level unless otherwise specified.
The area of the airport used for the landing, taking off
or taxiing of aircraft.
Any preexisting structure, tree, natural growth or use of
land which is inconsistent with the provisions of this section or
an amendment thereto.
Any structure, growth or other object, including a mobile
object, which exceeds a limiting height on the HLZ Map in District
An individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association,
joint-stock association or body politic, and includes a trustee, receiver,
assignee, administrator, executor, guardian or other representative.
The paved surface of an airport landing strip.
An object constructed or installed by man, including a mobile
Any object of natural growth.
C. Airport Zoning District (AR).
(1) Permitted uses. The following are permitted aviation-related
uses allowed within District (AR):
Airport terminal building(s).
Air passenger/cargo facilities.
Aircraft maintenance/manufacturing services.
Medical transport services.
Agriculture, excluding dwellings customarily
provided in conjunction with a farm use.
Buildings and uses of a public works, public
service or public utility nature.
Any other use(s) clearly similar to those listed
in this section not in conflict with the primary function of the airport.
(2) Accessory uses. The following are accessory uses allowed
within District (AR):
Stationary fuel tanks or fueling trucks.
Navigational aids and weather observation instruments.
Storage buildings for airport purposes only.
Truck terminal and freight forwarding facilities,
which are regularly interrelated with air shipping.
Any other use(s) clearly similar to those listed
in this section not in conflict with the primary function of the airport.
(3) Conditional uses. The following conditional uses may be permitted within District (AR). An applicant for a conditional use shall first obtain project approval from the Airport Commission regarding compliance with WisDOT, FAA, FCC or other regulatory rules governing the Airport District or HLZ prior to any application submitted for public hearing before the Plan Commission pursuant to Article
VI, Conditional Uses.
Underground utility lines that do not serve
the airport.
Miniwarehousing that is incidental to airport
uses only.
Commercial and industrial uses incidental to
airport operations or requiring airport operations/services.
(4) Prohibited uses. The following land uses are prohibited
from the District (AR):
Single-, duplex and multifamily dwelling units.
Planned unit developments (PUDs).
Bulk flammable or bulk compressed gas storage [excluding Subsection
Uses that may attract massing birds, including
Above-grade major utility transmission lines
and/or mains.
Commercial and industrial uses not incidental
to airport operations.
(5) Height, setback, parking and other standards. All
structures and uses shall observe requirements of FAA Advisory Circular
150/5300-13, current edition; referenced advisory circulars; and applicable
airport/aviation regulations, unless waivers/variances for such are
granted by the FAA and/or WisDOT BOA, and the following requirements:
No glare-producing materials shall be used on
the exterior of any structure, including any metal building, which
are hazardous to aviation.
There shall be no display of signs which produce
a flashing or blinking effect, nor shall any lighting project upward
in a manner that would interfere with aircraft.
No structures or uses shall provide for space
or allow areas to be used as a place of public assembly not associated
with or accessory to the primary purpose of the structure or use.
D. Height Limitation Zoning District (HLZ). The HLZ District
and its subzones established by this section are as shown on the map
dated October 12, 2007, or any subsequent version as revised by Wisconsin
Bureau of Aeronautics, entitled "Height Limitation Zoning Map, Rice
Lake Regional - Carl's Field, Rice Lake, Wisconsin," on file with
the City, and adopted as a part of this section.
(1) Height limitations. No structure shall be constructed,
altered or located to a height in excess of the elevation indicated
on the map referred to in Section D of this section. Any structure
constructed, altered or located in violation of this section shall
be removed at the owner's expense. The City may apply for a raze order,
and all costs associated therewith shall be the responsibility of
the owner.
E. Nonconforming uses.
(1) Regulations not retroactive. The regulations prescribed
by this section shall not require the removal, lowering or other change
or alteration of any structure or tree not conforming to the regulations
as of the effective date of this section or otherwise interfere with
the continuance of any nonconforming use. Nothing herein contained
shall require any change in the construction, alteration or intended
use of any structure the construction or alteration of which was begun
prior to the effective date of this section and is diligently prosecuted.
(2) Marking and lighting. Notwithstanding the preceding
provisions of this section, the owner of any nonconforming structure
or tree shall permit the installation, operation and maintenance thereon
of such markers and lights as shall be deemed necessary by the airport,
WisDOT or FAA to indicate to the operators of aircraft in the vicinity
of the airport the presence of such airport hazards. Such markers
and lights shall be installed, operated and maintained at the expense
of the City.
(3) Removal by purchase. This section shall not interfere
with the removal of nonconforming uses by purchase or the use of eminent
F. Permits and variances.
(1) Future uses. No conditional or prohibited land uses
(District AR) nor any structure or tree be erected, altered, planted
or otherwise established in District (HLZ) unless a permit therefor
shall have been applied for and granted. Each application for a permit
shall indicate the purpose for which the permit is desired, with sufficient
particularity to permit it to be determined whether the resulting
use, structure or tree would conform to the regulations herein prescribed.
Such permit application shall be to either the City of Rice Lake or
Barron County, as applicable.
(2) Existing uses. Before any nonconforming structure may be replaced, altered, or rebuilt, a permit shall be applied for and secured in the manner prescribed in Subsection
F(1) authorizing such change, replacement or repair.
(3) Exemptions. Height permits are not required for authorized
structures which are less than 35 feet in height above ground level
at the structure site.
(4) Posting. Said permit shall be posted in a prominent
place on the premises prior to and during the period of construction,
erection, installation or establishment.
(5) Nonconforming uses abandoned or destroyed. Whenever
the Community Development Department determines that a nonconforming
structure or tree has been abandoned or more than 50% torn down, physically
deteriorated or decayed, no permit shall be granted that would allow
such structure or tree to exceed the applicable height limit or otherwise
deviate from these zoning regulations.
(6) Variances. Any person desiring a variance in a permitted use shall be required to obtain a variance from such regulations from both the Airport Commission and the Rice Lake Zoning Board of Appeals. See §
260-121, Variances.
(7) Hazard marking and lighting. Any permit or variance
granted may, if such action is deemed advisable to effectuate the
purpose of this section and is reasonable in the circumstances, be
so conditioned as to require the owner of the structure or tree in
question to permit the City, at its own expense, to install, operate
and maintain thereon such markers and lights as may be necessary to
indicate to flyers the presence of an airport hazard.
G. Penalties: per §
1-20 of the Code of Ordinances. In addition, the City shall have the right to injunctive relief to remedy any violations, and any person in violation hereof shall be responsible for all costs of enforcement, including attorneys' fees and costs.
H. Severability. If any of the provisions of this section
or the application thereof to any persons or circumstances is held
invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications
of the section, which can be given effect without the invalid provision
or application, and to this end the provisions of this section are
declared to be severable.
I. Conflicting regulations. Where there exists a conflict
between any of the regulations or limitations prescribed in this section
and any other regulations applicable to the same area, where the conflict
be with respect to the height of the structure or any other matter,
the more stringent limitations or requirements shall govern and prevail.