[Adopted 10-23-1995 by Ord. No. 95-10]
The purpose of this article is to establish a residency preference for the appointment or hiring of all municipal employees hired subsequent to the date of this enactment, other than those exempted by statute.
Before any person shall be appointed as an employee of the Borough of Clementon, the appointing authority shall classify, in accordance with the certification of eligibles list hereafter described, all the duly qualified applicants for the position or positions to be filled in the following classes:
Class I: persons who have resided within the Borough of Clementon from the announced closing date of the Department of Personnel examination up to and including the date of appointment.
Class II: other persons who have resided in the County of Camden from the announced closing date of the Department of Personnel examination up to and including the date of appointment.
Class III: other persons who have resided in counties contiguous to Camden County from the announced closing date of the Department of Personnel examination up to and including the date of appointment.
Class IV: other persons who are residents of the State of New Jersey from the announced closing date of the Department of Personnel examination up to and including the date of appointment.
Class V: all other persons who are qualified applicants.
In making such appointments, the governing body shall first appoint all of those in Class I and then those in each succeeding class in the order above listed and shall appoint a person or persons in any such class only to a vacancy or vacancies remaining after all qualified applicants in the preceding class or classes have been appointed or have declined an offer of appointment.
The classes of qualified applicants defined herein shall be considered as separate and successive lists of eligibles, and the New Jersey Department of Personnel shall, when requested to certify eligibles for position, make such certifications from said classes separately and successively and shall certify no persons from any such class until all persons in the preceding class or classes have been appointed or have declined offers of appointment.
In making temporary appointments, the Borough Clerk shall utilize the classifications set forth herein and shall classify accordingly all duly qualified applicants for the position or positions to be temporarily filled.