Permitted uses shall be retail shopping centers consisting of an integrated development of such uses as retail stores and shops, personal service establishments, professional and business offices, banks, post offices, restaurants and theaters or auditoriums, housed in an enclosed building or buildings and utilizing such common facilities as customer parking areas, pedestrian walks, truck-loading and -unloading space and utilities and sanitary facilities.
[Amended 8-25-1986 by Ord. No. 86-8]
Permitted accessory uses shall be all uses permitted in the B-1 Commercial Zone (Central), except as modified by this section. Only one freestanding sign is permitted within the shopping center complex, and this sign may set forth the name of the shopping center and the businesses contained therein. The sign may not exceed 400 square feet. Each store facility within the shopping center may have a sign, not to exceed 15% of the front area of the store. This sign must be attached to the facade as set forth in the definition section of this chapter. This section pertains only to those businesses located within the shopping center complex. With regard to the remainder of the B-3 Zone, the permitted accessory uses are as set forth in the B-1 Commercial Zone (Central).
Special uses shall be as specified in Article XI, § 298-32.
Area and bulk requirements, if any, as specified in the schedule of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: The schedules are included at the end of this chapter.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with section § 298-55.
[Amended 11-23-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-08]
Parking areas established in accordance with Subsection B above may be located in any required yard space, except that such parking area shall not be closer than 10 feet to any street line. In addition, wherever a property line of a lot in the B-3 Business Zone abuts the property line of a lot in a residence zone, such parking areas shall not be closer than 10 feet from said property line, and the appropriate measures shall be taken to shield such adjacent residential areas from the glare of headlights or other illumination on the lot as set forth in Subsection F of this section.
Not more than two driveways of not less than 20 feet or more than 30 feet in width for means of ingress and egress for such parking areas shall be permitted for each 100 feet of frontage upon a public street, nor shall any driveway be located closer than 100 feet to the intersection of two public streets. Whenever possible, acceleration and deceleration lanes shall be provided.
Off-street loading shall be in accordance with section § 298-55.
[Amended 11-23-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-08]
Within appropriate buffer zones, a solid and continuous landscaped screen shall be planted and maintained. Said landscaping shall consist of massed evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs of such species and size as will produce, within two growing seasons, a screen at least four feet in height.
The landscaped screen described above shall be located so as to be not closer than five feet from a street line or a property line.
The required height of the landscape screen as required above shall be measured in relation to the elevation of the edge of the adjacent parking area. In such cases as the ground elevation of the location at which the screen is to be planted is less than the elevation of the edge of adjacent parking area, the required height of the screen shall be increased in an amount equal to said difference in elevation. In the event that the ground elevation of the location at which the screen is to be planted is greater than that at the edge of the adjacent parking area, the required height of the screen shall be reduced in an amount equal to said difference in elevation, provided that in no case shall the required height be reduced to less than two feet.
The entire buffer strip shall be graded and planted with grass and seed or sod and such other shrubbery or trees as may be desired by the owner. The entire area shall be attractively maintained and kept clean of all debris and rubbish.
In the event that any of the plantings in accordance with the above requirements do not live, they shall be replaced within one year.
The certificate of occupancy for the use on the premises shall not be issued until such time as the landscaping requirements as set forth in this section are installed in accordance with the plan reviewed by the Planning Board pursuant to Article XVII, § 298-53, until a performance guaranty is posted with the Borough Council of Clementon in the amount equal to the estimated cost of said landscaping installation. The performance guaranty shall insure that the installed landscaping complies with the requirements set forth above at the completion of the second growing season.
Other provisions shall be as specified in the B-1 Commercial Zone (Central), except as specifically modified within this article.
[Added 8-25-1986 by Ord. No. 86-8]