[Amended 9-16-1968 by Ord. No. 68-13]
The provisions of this chapter shall be administered and enforced by the Zoning Inspector of the Borough of Clementon. In no case shall a permit be granted for the construction or alteration of any building, with the proposed construction or alteration or use thereof to be in violation of any provision in this chapter. It shall be the duty of the Zoning Inspector or his duly authorized assistants to cause any building, premises or plans to be inspected and examined and to order remedying of any conditions found to exist in violation of any provisions of this chapter.
[Amended 9-16-1968 by Ord. No. 68-13]
Zoning permits. Zoning permits shall hereafter be secured from the Zoning Inspector's office prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction, erection or alteration of any structure or sign or part of a structure or upon a change in the use of a structure or land.
Special use permits.
Application for any special use permit as permitted by this chapter shall be made to the Board of Adjustment through the Zoning Inspector. The Board of Adjustment shall refer the matter to the Planning Board for report thereon as to its effect on the comprehensive planning of the Borough. After receipt of such report, the Board of Adjustment shall hear the application in the same manner and under the same procedure as it is empowered by law and ordinance to hear cases and make exceptions to the provisions of this chapter.
The Board of Adjustment may thereafter direct the Zoning Inspector to issue such permit if, in its judgment, any one of such cases will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the Borough and is deemed necessary for its convenience.
In approving any such application, the Board of Adjustment may impose any conditions that it deems necessary to accomplish the reasonable application of applicable standards, and may deny any such application, but only in accordance with said standards.
[Amended 1-22-2002 by Ord. No. 2001-17]
In the event that the decision of the Board of Adjustment does not correspond with the recommendation of the Planning Board, the questions shall be resolved by the governing body in accordance with the procedure outlined in N.J.S.A. 40:55-1.13 of the Laws of the State of New Jersey.
Temporary use permits. It is recognized that it may be in accordance with the purpose of this chapter to permit temporary activities for a limited period of time, which activities may be prohibited by other provisions of this chapter. If such uses are of such a nature and are so located that at the time of petition they will in no way exert a detrimental effect upon the uses of land and activities normally permitted in the zone; or contribute materially to the general welfare of the Borough, particularly in a state of emergency, under conditions peculiar to the time and place involved; then the Board of Adjustment may, subject to all regulations for the issuance of special use permits elsewhere specified, direct the Zoning Inspector to issue a permit for a period not to exceed six months. Such period may be extended not more than for an additional period of six months.
Certificates of occupancy. Certificates of occupancy shall be issued by the Zoning Inspector in the manner prescribed in the Borough Building Code. On the serving of notice by the Zoning Inspector to the owner of any violation of any of the provisions or requirements with respect to any building or use thereof or of land, as specified in this chapter, the certificate of occupancy for such use shall be deemed to be in violation of this chapter and subject to the penalties hereinafter prescribed. A new certificate of occupancy shall be required for any further use of such building or land.
[Amended 9-16-1968 by Ord. No. 68-13]
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Inspector to keep a record of all applications for zoning permits, a record of all permits issued and a record of all certificates of occupancy which he countersigns, together with a notation of all special conditions involved. He shall file and safely keep copies of all plans submitted, and the same shall form a part of the records of his office and shall be available for the use of the officials of the Borough of Clementon.
The Zoning Inspector shall prepare a monthly report for the governing body summarizing for the period since his last previous report all zoning permits issued and certificates countersigned by him and all complaints of violations and the action taken by him consequent thereon. A copy of each such report shall be filed with the Borough Tax Assessor at the same time it is filed with the governing body.