The Borough Council of the Borough of Clementon
may, from time to time, on its own motion, or on petition, or on recommendation
of the Planning Board or like body, amend, supplement and repeal any
of the regulations and provisions of this chapter.
Every such proposed amendment, whether initiated
by the Borough Council or by petition or recommendation, shall be
referred to the Planning Board for a report thereon before the public
hearing hereinafter provided for.
The Borough Council, by resolution adopted at
a meeting, shall fix the time and place of a public hearing on the
proposed amendment and shall cause notice to be given as follows:
A. By publishing a notice at least one time not less
than seven, nor more than 30, days prior to the date fixed for said
public hearing in one newspaper of general circulation in the Borough
of Clementon.
B. By mailing a notice thereof to every association of
residents of the Borough of Clementon who shall have registered its
name and address for this purpose with the Borough Clerk.
C. The notice shall state the general nature of the proposed
amendments, as well as the text.
The amendment or rezoning may be initiated by
a petition of interested property owners or authorized agents of such
owners for rezoning of any land to a less restricted district, provided
that said land is adjacent to, or directly across a street or alley
from, property which is already zoned in the same or a less restricted
zone as that to which said property is proposed to be rezoned.