[Adopted 11-17-1969 by Ord. No. 539]
The following words when used in this article shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
A partnership, limited partnership, or any other form of unincorporated enterprise owned or conducted by two or more persons.
A corporation or a joint-stock association organized under the laws of the United States, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or any other state, territory or foreign country or dependency, including but not limited to banking institutions.
Any deed, instrument or writing whereby any lands, tenements or hereditaments, situate within the Borough of Dravosburg, or any interest therein, shall be granted, bargained, sold or otherwise conveyed to a grantee, purchaser or any other person. The term does not include wills, mortgages or leases.
Every natural person, association or corporation. Whenever used in any section prescribing and imposing a penalty, the term "person," as applied to associations, shall mean the partners or members thereof, and as applied to corporations, the officers thereof.
The Borough Secretary of the Borough of Dravosburg.
In the case of any document granting, bargaining, selling, or otherwise conveying any land, tenement or hereditament, or interest therein, the amount of the actual consideration therefor, including liens or other encumbrances and ground rents, or a commensurate part of the liens or other encumbrances and ground rents where such liens or other encumbrances and ground rents also encumber or are a charge against other lands, tenements or hereditaments; provided that, where such document shall set forth a small or nominal consideration, the "value" thereof shall be determined from the price set forth in or actual consideration for the contract of sale, or, in the case of a gift, from the actual monetary worth of the property granted, bargained, sold, or otherwise conveyed, which in either event, shall not be less than the assessment of such property made by the Allegheny County Board of Property Assessment, Appeals and Review.
A tax is imposed on the transfer of real property, or any interest therein, situate within the Borough of Dravosburg, regardless of where the instruments making the transfers are made, executed or delivered or where the actual settlements on such transfers take place. On and after the effective date of this article, every person who makes, executes, issues and delivers any document, or in whose behalf any document is made, executed, issued and delivered, shall be subject to pay a tax of 1% equivalent to $1 on every $100 or fraction thereof of the value of the property represented by such document, which tax shall be payable at the time of the making, execution, issuance or delivery of such document; provided, however, that if any other political subdivision, having the power to do so, should impose the same tax for the same year or part of the same year under the authority of "The Local Tax Enabling Act," Act No. 511, approved December 31, 1965,[2] then the tax levied herein shall, during the time such duplication of the tax exists, be 1/2 of the rate, as above limited, and such 1/2 rate shall become effective by virtue of the requirements of said Act from the day such duplication becomes effective without any action on the part of the political subdivision imposing the tax under the authority of said Act. Where any lands, tenements, or hereditaments are situate partly within and partly without the boundaries of the Borough of Dravosburg, the tax shall be paid on the value of the portion of the lands, tenements or hereditaments situated within the Borough of Dravosburg.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 6901 et seq.
The payment of the tax shall be evidenced by the affixing of a documentary stamp or stamps by adhesion to every document by the person making, executing, issuing or delivering such document. The person so affixing such stamps shall write or stamp or cause to be written or stamped thereon the initials of his name and the date upon which such stamps are affixed, so that such stamps may not again be used; provided, however, that the Secretary may prescribe other methods of cancellation.
Where the document does not set forth the true, full and complete value thereof, the value shall be as set forth in the affidavit accompanying the document prepared for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of December 27, 1951, P.L. 1742,[1] or any amendments or reenactments thereof.
Editor's Note: See 72 P.S. § 8101-C et seq.
The Secretary shall prescribe, prepare and furnish stamps of such denominations and quantities as may be necessary for the payment of the tax imposed by this article. The Secretary shall make provisions for the sale of such stamps in such places as he may determine necessary and proper. The Secretary may appoint a person within or without the Borough of Dravosburg as agent for the sale of such stamps.
The Secretary is hereby charged with enforcement of this article and is authorized and empowered to adopt rules and regulations relating to any matter pertaining to the administration and enforcement of this article, including but not limited to the method to be used in evidencing payment of the tax.
The Secretary may sue for the recovery of taxes due and unpaid under this article.
If for any reason the tax is not paid when due, interest at the rate of 6% per annum on the amount of said tax, and an additional penalty of 1/2 of 1% of the amount of the unpaid tax for each month or fraction thereof during which the tax remains unpaid, shall be added and collected. Where suit is brought for the recovery of the tax, the person liable shall, in addition, be liable for the costs of collection and the interest and penalties herein imposed.
Documents effecting transfers between husband and wife, transfer between parent and child or the spouse of such child and documents effecting transfers by political subdivisions or public authorities shall not be subject to the tax.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Make, execute, issue and deliver, or cause to be made, executed, issued and delivered, any document without the full amount of the tax thereon being duly paid; or
Fraudulently cut, tear or remove from a document any documentary stamp; or
Fraudulently affix to any document upon which a tax is imposed by this article any documentary stamp, which has been cut, torn or removed from any other document upon which a tax is imposed by this article, or any documentary stamp of insufficient value, or any forged or counterfeit stamp, or any impression of any forged or counterfeit stamp, die, plate or other article; or
Willfully remove or alter the cancellation marks of any documentary stamp, or restore any such documentary stamp with intent to use or cause the same to be used after it has already been used, or knowingly buy, sell, offer for sale, or give away any such altered or restored documentary stamp to any person for use, or knowingly use the same; or
Knowingly have in his possession any altered or restored documentary stamp which has been removed from any document upon which a tax is imposed by this article, provided that the possession of such stamp shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to violate the provisions of this clause; or
Knowingly or willfully prepare, keep, sell, offer for sale, or have in his possession any forged or counterfeit documentary stamps.
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor or District Justice, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $600, plus costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days. The penalties imposed under this section shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed by any other section of this article.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Added 12-19-2006 by Ord. No. 06-04[1]]
Imposition of tax. The Council of the Borough of Dravosburg hereby adopts the provisions of Article XI-D of the Tax Reform Code of 1971 and imposes a realty transfer tax as authorized under that article subject to the rate limitations therein. The tax imposed under this section shall be at the rate of 1%.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided that it shall become effective 10-5-2005.
[Added 12-19-2006 by Ord. No. 06-04]
The tax imposed under § 270-28.1 and all applicable interest and penalties shall be administered, collected and enforced under the Act of December 31, 1965 (P.L. 1257, No. 511, as amended, known as "The Local Tax Enabling Act") provided, that if the correct amount of the tax is not paid by the last date prescribed for timely payment, the Borough of Dravosburg, pursuant to Section 1102-D of the Tax Reform Code of 1971 (72 P.S. § 8102-D), authorizes and directs the Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to determine, collect and enforce the tax, interest and penalties.
[Added 12-19-2006 by Ord. No. 06-04]
Any tax imposed under § 270-28.1 that is not paid by the date the tax is due shall bear interest as prescribed for interest on delinquent municipal claims under the Act of May 16, 1923 (P.L. 207, No. 153) (53 P.S. § 7101 et seq.), as amended, known as "The Municipal Claims and Tax Liens Act." The interest rate shall be 10% per annum.