[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Dagsboro 8-27-2007.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 238.
Zoning — See Ch. 275.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided as follows: "The regulations contained in this Ordinance are intended generally to ensure land use compatibility, promote the greening of development, improve aesthetics, ensure adequate provision of open space and protection of trees. The provisions of this chapter shall be held to be minimum requirements. Where this chapter imposes a greater restriction than is imposed or required by other provisions of law or by other rules or regulations or resolutions, the provisions of this chapter shall control. Where other laws, rules, regulations, or resolutions require greater restrictions than are imposed or required by this chapter, the provisions of such other laws, rules, regulations or resolutions shall control. Reference is made to the following existing provisions of the Code that additionally regulate natural features, buffer and screening areas: §§ 238-5A(6)(dd); 238-6A(7); 238-7A(8); 238-7E(3); 275-8, definition of "buffer"; 275-17D(5) and (7); 275-20C(4) and (5); 275-35A; 275-36A; and 275-37D." This ordinance was amended 1-28-2008 to change the designated chapter number from Chapter 285 to Chapter 276.