[Amended 12-18-1986 by Ord. No. 1986-2]
The Board hereby adopts all provisions of the New Jersey State Recreational Bathing Waters Code (1986), N.J.A.C. 8:22-1 et seq., regulating the maintenance and operation of a swimming pool. As used herein, the term "public swimming pool" shall include any swimming pool except one constructed on private residential property and not operated as a business for profit.
No person shall maintain or operate a public swimming pool without having first obtained a license therefor from the Board of Health.
All swimming pools, as well as all bathhouses, dressing rooms, locker rooms, shower rooms and toilets used in connection with public swimming pools, shall be operated and maintained in a clean and sanitary manner.
The pool and the water therein shall be disinfected at such intervals and in such manner as, in the opinion of the Health Officer, shall be necessary to protect the health of the users of the pool.
[Amended 12-18-1986 by Ord. No. 1986-2]
All chemical, bacteriological and microbiological analyses of swimming pool waters shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in the current edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewaters, American Public Health Association, 16th Edition.
Swimming pool operators shall have pool water samples analyzed at least once weekly by a laboratory approved by the Board. Copies of reports of all analyses shall be forwarded to the Board within 48 hours after completion.