The purpose of the Affordable Housing (AH) District
is to provide within the Borough of Closter affordable living opportunities
for people with disabilities and for senior citizens.
No building or premises shall be used and no
building or part of a building shall be erected, constructed or altered
which shall he arranged, intended, or designed to be used for any
purpose other than the following uses:
A. Group homes with no more than 16 bedrooms, pursuant
to the agreement dated May 23, 2001, between the Borough of Closter
and Spectrum for Living Development, Inc. (Spectrum), provided that
Spectrum prepares an acceptable plan for administering controls on
B. Senior citizen housing limited to townhouse developments
designed and operated for mature adults aged 55 and over, at a maximum
density of six units/acre with a 20% set-aside. Any affordable Senior
citizen units shall comply with the Borough's Affordable Housing Ordinance.