The purpose of this Article is to specify the procedures that shall be followed to subdivide land.
[Amended 7-2-1991 by L.L. 1-1991; 3-2-1993 by L.L. 1-1993]
Subdivisions shall be approved in three stages: the informal discussion stage, the preliminary plan stage and final plan stage.
The informal discussion stage requires the subdivider to discuss the proposed subdivision with the Planning Board so that he can become familiar with subdivision requirements, existing conditions and future plans. This step does not require application fee or formal application.
The preliminary plan stage requires the subdivider to present all information needed to enable the Planning Board to determine that the proposed plan is satisfactory and will serve the public interest.
The final plan stage requires the subdivider to present all data needed to enable the Planning Board to determine that the subdivision fully complies with these regulations and conforms to the plan given preliminary approval. After final approval has been given, the plan can be recorded.
The subdivider shall consult with the Cayuga County Health Department and the Town Engineer and avail himself of the advice and assistance of these offices. He shall submit a preliminary discussion map, including all items required by § 98-14.
At the sketch plan or informal discussion stage (§ 98-9, Article III, of the subdivision regulations), all subdivision proposals shall be classified by the Planning Board as a major or minor subdivision based upon the definition of these terms as set forth in the subdivision regulations.
[Amended 3-2-1993 by L.L. 1-1993]
Once classified as a minor subdivision, the proposal shall be reviewed by the Planning Board upon submission of a survey drawn by a licensed surveyor, showing the boundaries of the total subdivision and each individual lot, a statement of the proposed use of the lots, and a completed environmental assessment form. At the option of the developer, this material may be submitted at the sketch plan review stage described in Article III, § 98-9, of this chapter.
[Added 3-2-1993 by L.L. 1-1993]
The Planning Board may refer this material to such agencies or individuals it deem appropriate to advise it. The Planning Board shall render a decision regarding a minor subdivision proposal within 45 days of submission of all required documents in a form acceptable to the Planning Board.
[Added 3-2-1993 by L.L. 1-1993]
Upon completing its review, the Planning Board shall take one of the following actions:
[Added 3-2-1993 by L.L. 1-1993]
Determine compliance with the Town Zoning Law, the objectives of the Subdivision Regulations and the Town Plan and that the proposal would result in no significant environmental impacts, then all further requirements and regulations may be waived, save the public hearing requirement.
Determine that the proposal fails to meet the requirements of the Town Zoning Law, the objectives of the regulations or the town Plan or that the environmental assessment form reveals significant environmental impacts which cannot be mitigated to the Board's satisfaction and, therefore, reclassify the proposal as a major subdivision and require compliance with all requirements of the subdivision regulations.
Submission of preliminary plan. The subdivider shall make an application to the Planning Board for approval of a preliminary plan, including the following:
A letter of application.
Eight copies of the preliminary plan drawing.
Eight copies of the vicinity map.
Any other data the Planning Board deems necessary.
Preliminary plan fees. (See § 98-37.)
Transmission of preliminary plan. The Planning Board shall transmit a copy of the preliminary plan and vicinity map to the following officials and agencies for their review and recommendations:
Cayuga County Health Department.
Town Board of the Town of Cato.
Town Land Use Inspector.
Department of Environmental Conservation.
[Amended 7-2-1991 by L.L. 1-1991]
Utility companies.
Planning Board action. The Planning Board shall, after a public hearing in accordance with § 276 of the Town Law and within 45 days after the preliminary plan has been properly submitted, approve or approve conditionally, stating the conditions of such approval, or disapprove the preliminary plan. The action shall be noted on the preliminary plan and a copy returned to the subdivider. The action shall also be entered on the official records of the Planning Board and a copy of the preliminary plan with the action noted kept on file.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Effect of approval.
Approval of a preliminary plan by the Planning Board shall not constitute approval of the final plan or an acceptance of the subdivision for record. It is an approval of a general plan as a guide for the preparation of a subdivision plan for final approval and recording upon fulfillment of all the requirements of these regulations. Approval of a preliminary plan shall be effective for a period of six months following the date of approval by the Planning Board unless an extension of time is granted in writing.
Upon expiration of a preliminary plan approval, no approval of a final plan shall be given until the preliminary plan has been resubmitted and approved.
Submission of final plan. The subdivider shall make an application to the Planning Board for approval of a final plan. The final plan submitted shall conform to the approved preliminary plan. The final plan may include the entire subdivision or sections thereof submitted for approval, provided that preliminary approval has been given for the entire subdivision. Such sections shall be numbered consecutively as they are submitted. The final plan shall contain the following:
A letter of application.
One copy of the approved preliminary plan.
One copy of any protective covenants, if proposed.
One copy of financial guaranties approved by legal counsel in an amount stated by the Planning Board.
An original tracing and eight copies of approved improvement plans.
A certificate of Land Use Ordinance compliance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 76, Land Use.
Final plan fees. (See § 98-37.)
A certificate of approval from the Cayuga County Health Department that the water and sewerage system of the proposed subdivision comply with the standards of the Cayuga County Sanitary Code.
Official submission date. The final plan shall be considered officially submitted only at a regular meeting of the Planning Board following the completion of the procedures outlined below:
The final plan shall be submitted to the Planning Board through its Secretary at least two weeks prior to the regular meeting of the Planning Board.
The Planning Board shall determine if all the required items have been submitted. If all the required items have not been submitted, the Planning Board shall notify the subdivider of such omissions either prior to its regular meeting or at the regular meeting.
Upon determination by the Planning Board at its regular meeting that the final plan has been properly submitted, the Planning Board shall accept it as being officially submitted and shall schedule a public hearing within 30 days of this submission date.
Public hearing. The Planning Board may waive a public hearing on any final plan if it is determined that the final plan is in substantial agreement with the preliminary plat and any modifications prescribed by the Planning Board.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Planning Board action. The Planning Board may act within 45 days from the date of official submission and shall act 45 days after the public hearing. One of the following actions shall be taken by the Planning Board:
Approve or modify and approve. The Planning Board may give final approval before all required improvements are installed, provided that a bond in an amount estimated by the Planning Board is filed with the Town Board to secure to the town the satisfactory construction and installation of the incompleted portion of the required improvements. A period of one year, or such other period as the Planning Board may determine appropriate, within which required improvements must be completed shall be specified by the Planning Board and expressed in the bond. Such performance bond shall comply with the requirements of § 277 of the Town Law and shall be satisfactory to the Town Board as to form, sufficiency and manner of execution. The bond shall provide that an amount determined adequate by the Planning Board shall be retained for a period of one year after the date of completion of the required improvements to assure their satisfactory condition. All required improvements shall be made by the subdivider at his expense without reimbursement by the town.
Disapprove. If the Planning Board disapproves the final plan, written notice of such action, including reference to the regulation violated by the plan, shall be mailed to the subdivider. The action shall also be entered on the official records of the Planning Board.
Approval without Planning Board action. In the event that the Planning Board shall fail to act upon the final plan within 45 days from the date of its official submission, the final plan shall be deemed to have been approved. The subdivider may obtain a certificate from the Clerk of the Town of Cato stating the official submission date of the final plan and the failure of the Planning Board to take action within the legally required time. This certificate shall be issued on demand and shall be sufficient in lieu of the written endorsement or other evidence of approval required herein. The certificate will permit the County Clerk to file the final plan without it being signed by the Planning Board. The County Clerk must send the Town Board a notice of all plans that he has filed for the town.
Effect of approval. The approval by the Planning Board of a final plan shall not be deemed to constitute or imply the acceptance by the town of any road, park, playground or other open space shown on said plan.
Recording of final plan.
After the Planning Board has given its approval of the final plan, the plan shall be properly signed by the appropriate officers of the Planning Board. The plan or section thereof shall be filed by the applicant in the office of the County Clerk within 60 days of final approval or such approval shall become null and void. If the applicant shall file only a section of an approved plan within such ninety-day period, such section shall encompass at least 10% of the total number of lots contained in the approved plan, and the approval of the remaining sections of the approved plan shall expire unless said sections are filed before the expiration of the exemption period to which such plan is entitled under the provisions of Subdivision 2 of § 265-a of the Town Law. In the event that the owner shall file only a section of such approved plan in the office of the County Clerk, the entire approved plan shall be filed within 30 days of the filing of such section with the Town Clerk in each town in which any portion of the land described in the plan is situated.
Extension for recording plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subsection, the Planning Board may extend, in writing, the time for filing and recording such plan, if, in its opinion, such extention is warranted by the particular circumstances thereof, for not to exceed two additional periods of 60 days each.[3]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.