[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Cato 11-1-1988. Section A121-1 amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 94.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 98.
A sixty-foot right-of-way, twenty-foot road surface, five-foot shoulders and proper ditches for drainage shall be required.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Plans showing original and finished grades and plans showing proposed drainage facilities shall be submitted to the Town Planning Board and the Town Superintendent of Highways before final subdivision plot approval can be given. No construction shall be commenced until such approval has been given.
The contractor shall remove all rock, earth and other material required by the plans for the full width of the road property. He shall dispose of this material as required.
Earth embankments shall be constructed to established lines and grades for the full width of the road property at the locations shown on the plans. Embankment material shall be natural soil free from excessive moisture, frost, stumps, trees, roots, sod, muck, marl, vegetable matter or other unsuitable materials. Embankment material shall be obtained from approved borrow pits and shall be well graded from fine to coarse with a minimum content of silt.
Where embankments are to be placed under water, only acceptable granular material shall be used. All materials shall be suitable for compaction in layers not exceeding eight inches in thickness and shall remain stable when wet.
Prior to the commencement of excavation or fill, stripping shall be conducted to remove topsoil, roots, organic matter, rubbish or other debris for the full width of the road property.
Usable topsoil from stripping shall be stockpiled for future use in piles at approved locations outside the limits of the road property.
Materials to be used. If there is not sufficient excavated material of a suitable quality at the site to complete the embankment, subgrades and backfilling to the required lines and grade, the contractor shall borrow the necessary additional materials. The source and acceptable ability of the borrow material shall be subject to the approval of the Highway Superintendent at all times. The contractor shall request the Highway Superintendent's approval of proposed borrow areas at least five days before taking any material from such areas. All test pits, explorations and laboratory tests required by the Highway Superintendent to evaluate the acceptability of borrow shall be done by the contractor at his own expense.
In general, embankment materials shall be placed in horizontal layers not exceeding eight inches in thickness, measured after compaction, and shall be thoroughly compacted. Stones, in any layer, shall not exceed six inches in greatest dimension and shall be well distributed through the mass.
Each layer of embankment material shall be thoroughly tamped or rolled to the required degree of compaction by sheepsfoot or pneumatic rollers, mechanical tampers or vibrations. Successive layers shall not be placed until the layer under construction has been thoroughly compacted.
Trucks or other heavy equipment shall not be operated over pipelines until a minimum of 36 inches of backfill above the crown of the pipe has been placed and properly compacted.
Compaction control.
Embankments shall have a minimum dry density of 95% of the maximum dry weight density in pounds per cubic foot as determined by the American Association of State Highway Officials standard density test for the Proctor compaction test.
All laboratory tests required by the Highway Superintendent shall be done by an approved testing laboratory at the contractor's expense.
When the test results indicate that insufficient compaction has been obtained in any layer, the contractor shall take such action as the Highway Superintendent may direct to modify or alter the moisture content of the soil, to provide additional compaction or otherwise to increase the in-place soil density.
The contractor shall prepare the subgrade to receive pavement in conformity with the lines and grades as shown on the plans. Before the base material is placed upon the subgrade, it shall be shaped to line and grade and compacted with an approved self-propelled roller weighing not less than 10 tons. All hollows and depressions which develop under rolling shall be filled with acceptable granular material and shall again be rolled. Granular materials used to fill depressions shall consist of approved hard, durable particles. This process of shaping and rolling and filling shall be repeated until no depressions develop. The subgrade shall not be muddy or otherwise unsatisfactory when the base material is placed upon it. If soft spots develop during the rolling, the material shall be removed and replaced with acceptable granular material as above.
Base course requirements shall be 12 inches of gravel and four inches of crusher run.
Other requirements shall be one coat of penetrating oil and stone and one coat of oil and stone.
There shall be proper size culvert pipes for drainage.
Rough grading must be completed before construction of any utilities is commenced.
The subgrade must be inspected and approved by the Town Highway Superintendent before the base course is placed.
No part of the surface course shall be constructed until written permission is given by the Town Highway Superintendent.
The base course must be inspected and approved by the Town Highway Superintendent before the binder course is placed.
Written permission to apply the oil-and-chip top coat will be given by the Town Highway Superintendent no sooner than one year after approval of the binder course. At this time, the contractor shall make repairs as directed by the Town Highway Superintendent and shall clean the pavements and gutters before placing the oil-and-chip coat.
A performance bond will be posted by the contractor to cover the entire cost of the construction project.