Subdivision and land development control. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any land in the Township or any other person, firm or corporation to subdivide any lot, tract or parcel of land or to open or dedicate for public use or travel any street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, drainage facilities or other facilities in connection therewith or for the common use of occupants of buildings within the subdivision or land development unless and until final plans of such subdivision or development shall have been prepared by an engineer, landscape architect (limited to the practice of landscape architecture) or surveyor, submitted to and approved in writing thereon by the Township Board of Supervisors and recorded in the Bucks County Recorder of Deeds office in Doylestown, Pennsylvania.
Sale of lots; issuance of building permits; erection of buildings.
No lot in a subdivision may be sold, and no permit to erect, alter or repair any building upon land in a subdivision or land development may be issued, unless and until the municipal improvements required by the Board of Supervisors in connection therewith have either been constructed or guaranteed as hereinafter provided.
No building in a subdivision or land development depending for ingress and egress upon the improvement of any street or streets herein provided for shall be permitted to be occupied before improvements are fully completed from an existing paved street to and across the front of the lot on which the building is located, and/or to a sufficient depth along the side of the lot to service any driveway, driveways or parking spaces.
No building without adequate water and sewer facilities shall be issued a permanent occupancy permit before such facilities are fully provided and operational and have the approval of the County Health Department and/or Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Approval not required. Fractional portions of lots shown on a subdivision plan which has received final approval in accordance with the requirements of this chapter may be conveyed without the approval of a minor subdivision plan, provided:
The portions of such lots are added to the contiguous lot or lots for the purpose of such conveyances.
No lot will thereby be reduced or changed in size or shape in such a way as not to conform to any of the provisions of the Township's Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 209, Zoning.
Prior to such conveyance the owner of the subject property files with the Township Manager's office at least three prints of a survey plan prepared by a surveyor, showing all lots affected and the new subdivision lines in such a way as to indicate conformance to Subsection C(1) and (2) hereof. No conveyance shall occur within 30 days of the date filed with the Township Manager, and if within this period, the Supervisors notify the owner by registered mail that subdivision approval shall be required.
Aforesaid conveyance shall contain a provision that said portion of the lot may not thereafter be conveyed except as part of a conveyance of the contiguous lot and the contiguous lot may not be conveyed without conveying the portion.
Exemption of accessory buildings or minor building addition. Accessory buildings or minor building additions that meet the following criteria are exempt from the land development process:
An accessory building or minor building addition that is less than or equal to 20% of the principal structure ground floor area and will not exceed 500 square feet in size; or
If the accessory building is placed over an existing impervious surface area, is completely open on all sides, such as a service station canopy, and the accessory building size shall not exceed 5,000 square feet; and
All applicable zoning requirements, including building setbacks and building and impervious surface coverages, shall be met. (See Chapter 209.)
If the Zoning Officer determines that the accessory building, a minor building addition, or its installation will significantly affect parking, lot lighting, stormwater management, noise, odor, vibrations, dust or other Township regulations, the Zoning Officer shall deny the applicant the exemption and shall require the applicant to make an application for the land development process.