Public fire hydrants will be installed, relocated and maintained with respect to proper operating condition of the hydrant, but not with respect to its accessibility, by the Township upon receipt by the Township of a written order from the properly authorized officers of the Township. Such written order shall state the exact location in the public streets at which the hydrant is to be placed, whether a new installation or relocation. The Township shall charge the customer its actual costs for relocation or new installation. All maintenance of public hydrants shall be performed by the Township or its designated control authority, which maintenance shall be paid for by the annual fire hydrant fees.
Private hydrants and unmetered outside hose openings shall be installed and maintained by the property owner at the owner's expense. Each private hydrant or unmetered hose opening shall be charged a yearly demand fee as provided for in the rates for fire protection systems. The Township reserves the right to inspect, test and flush private hydrants as deemed reasonably necessary by the Township or its designated control authority. Fire hydrants which provide service only to one customer will be subject to annual fire hydrant fees.
Unauthorized withdrawal of water from any fire hydrant connected to the public water system shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Authorized use of hydrants is limited to fighting fires, testing fire apparatus by the Township or private owner under supervision by the Township, pressure and flow tests for insurance or other approved purposes under supervision by the Township or its designated control authority and as provided under their rules and regulations.
For automated sprinklers or other automatic fire service devices located inside a building or buildings, a branch line will be required to be used exclusively for fire service. All sprinkler systems shall be equipped with a fire rate Township-approved backflow prevention device and shall be installed in accordance with all applicable codes.