[Adopted 9-18-2007 by Ord. No. 1380]
This article contains the policies and procedures for recreational facilities and park use within the Borough of Franklin Lakes. The purpose of this policy is to assure that usage, access, and distribution of all recreational sites are in accordance with Borough regulations. The primary use of Borough recreation facilities and parks is for resident recreation activities. Borough facilities may be made available for additional activities if available and if not in conflict with proper maintenance of the facility or other community use. Factors to be considered in determining usage include: resident priority, efficient scheduling, coordination of uses, regular maintenance, rehabilitation of facility after a specific use, availability, weather, and availability of services at the site. All facility users shall comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws. Users shall be responsible for payment of all costs, expenses, fines, penalties, and damages which may be imposed upon Franklin Lakes by reason of, or arising out of, the user's failure to comply with legal requirements or failure to comply with provisions of this policy.
[Amended 10-16-2018 by Ord. No. 1756; 10-15-2019 by Ord. No. 1805]
The recreational facilities and parks within the Borough of Franklin Lakes are listed as follows:
Municipal Field
Muni 1, Muni 2, and Field 1
Tommy John Field
Pulis Field
Diamond 60 feet, Diamond 90 feet, Field 1, Field 2, and basketball courts
McBride Field
Firemen's Field
Diamond and Field 1
Old Mill Woodlands
Tennis Courts
Parsons Pond Park
Ballfield and park facilities
Franklin Lakes Nature Preserve
Park facilities
[Amended 7-15-2008 by Ord. No. 1418; 8-16-2011 by Ord. No. 1526; 11-12-2014 by Ord. No. 1608; 10-16-2018 by Ord. No. 1756]
Permits for field/facility use are issued by the category in which the organization or event is placed. Group I use shall have priority over Group II, and II over III. Generally, games shall have priority over practice. Priority shall be given within a particular sport's New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association ("NJSIAA") designated season for that sport. In-season sports have priority over out-of-season sports. In reviewing a permit application, the Recreation and Parks Director may also consider whether a demonstrated need for providing the activity is evidenced, or whether a program duplicates a similar activity offered within the community.
All permits for field/facility use by Group I users shall be approved and issued by the Recreation and Parks Director. All permits for field/facility use by Group II or III users shall be submitted to the Recreation and Parks Director, approved by resolution of the Mayor and Council and issued by the Recreation and Parks Director. The Mayor and Council, in reviewing an application, shall take into consideration certain factors, including, but not limited to, wear and tear on the field; scheduling conflicts with other events; provision of sufficient parking for the event; whether a demonstrated need for providing the activity is evidenced; whether a program duplicates a similar activity offered within the community; and whether the event benefits the Franklin Lakes community. The Recreation and Parks Director shall provide a recommendation to the Mayor and Council which includes an assessment of these factors.
Applications for all field usage shall be on a form approved by the Recreation and Parks Committee. Applications shall be submitted to the Recreation and Parks Director at least 30 days prior to field use, except that applications for tournaments and camps and similar uses shall be submitted at least 90 days prior to field use. No permits shall be issued unless these requirements are met.
Groups are categorized as follows:
Group I: Recreation and Parks directly sponsored activities, Franklin Lakes elementary school events or teams, and Indian Hills or Ramapo High School events or teams. These activities include programs run by the Recreation and Parks Department, such as day camps, after-school programs, day programs, special events and seasonal sporting activities.
Group II: private groups. These groups are made up of residents of Franklin Lakes or businesses located in Franklin Lakes who request the use of facilities on an occasional basis when space is available.
Group III: other privately operated programs or groups. Borough facilities can be made available for organizations, camps, leagues, or groups located outside of Franklin Lakes for the purpose of providing recreational services to youth or adults. This group includes instructional activities that extend beyond one day and for which a separate fee or tuition is charged.
[Amended 10-16-2018 by Ord. No. 1756]
Recreation and Parks Committee field liaisons. The Recreation and Parks Committee shall assign members or Program Directors to report on current field maintenance issues and future needs for the budget process. Complaints about the use or misuse of any Borough field or athletic facility shall be made to the Recreation and Parks Director. The Recreation and Parks Director may restrict or deny access to groups who abuse any facility. The Recreation and Parks Director, with recommendations from the Recreation and Parks Committee, will develop a seasonal field and facility schedule. The Recreation and Parks Director, with recommendations from the Recreation and Parks Committee and the Superintendent of the Department of Public Works, shall establish the opening and closing dates for field use. The Recreation and Parks Director shall provide the Recreation and Parks Committee, the Police Department, and the Department of Public Works with the field schedule.
Make-up schedule. Make-up schedules shall be made in the sole discretion of the Recreation and Parks Director. The Recreation and Parks Director shall have authority to move scheduled events as necessary.
Field closing due to weather. All use of athletic fields is subject to the determination of field playing conditions on a daily basis. Determination is made on weekdays by the Recreation and Parks Director or his or her designee. Generally, all users are subject to the same standard for closure. Nevertheless, determination will be made on a field-by-field basis, as well as a user-by-user basis where conditions are such that some fields may be playable while others are not, and some users may do less damage by use than others. At later times and weekends, each organization is required to close its fields if injury may result to participants or if damage may result to the playing surface, affecting not only its continued use by this user but also use by others in this season and in the following season. If in doubt, the field or facility shall be closed. Users must notify the Recreation and Parks Director or his or her designee if they have closed the fields so other users questioning whether to close their fields can be so advised.
Special events. The Borough sponsors numerous special events such as sports tournaments, fireworks, baseball parades, Town Fair, etc. Every effort shall be made to accommodate such events. Exceptions to the stated policy may be granted for such special events. These exceptions may be granted by the Recreation and Parks Director or the Mayor and Council.
[Amended 12-21-2021 by Ord. No. 1862; 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 1939]
Use of any active recreation area by a group of more than six participants is authorized by permit only. Applicants must submit a facilities use request.
Alcoholic beverages or controlled substances of any kind are prohibited.
Smoking is prohibited on any recreational field owned by the Borough. For purposes of this article, the smoking prohibition shall not apply to parking areas surrounding the recreational field.
Profane, loud, threatening, insulting, indecent and abusive language is prohibited.
Amplifiers for music, announcements or otherwise shall not be unreasonably loud.
Athletic fields/facilities may not be used before 8:00 a.m. or after dusk, except where lights are utilized. Lights shall be turned off as soon as the pickup of players allows. Lights must be requested and applicants shall pay an additional fee as set forth in § 356-28.
All trash shall be placed in proper receptacles. Users shall leave the facility in the same condition in which it was found, or better.
Concession sales are by separate permit only in compliance with all Borough ordinances.
Warm-ups for the next scheduled event must be performed so as not to interfere with an existing event and so as not to endanger the welfare of all participants, spectators and facilities.
All managers, coaches, or persons in charge of a group using the fields will be responsible for the conduct of all participants, spectators and others connected with the activity, including visiting teams and opponents.
Any group that desires a "port-o-john" at a site must gain approval from the Recreation and Parks Director. The Department of Public Works shall be responsible for the site location. Complaints about the portable facility shall be made to the Recreation and Parks Director. Applicants shall pay an additional fee for cleaning port-o-johns as set forth in § 356-28.
Clothes shall be changed in restrooms only.
All participants, including instructors, coaches, officials and players, shall provide evidence of insurance in such form and amounts as may be required by the Borough's Risk Manager.
All team sport members shall adhere to the Borough's Code of Conduct.
All coaches shall be in good standing in Franklin Lakes or any other municipality. Participants not in good standing shall be banned.
Any substantial proposed changes to the fields or parks should be submitted to the Recreation and Parks Director to consider their impact upon facility use. This requirement shall include advertising and signs. The placement of all movable items (port-o-johns, portable stands, goals, batting cages, blocking sleds and dummies, temporary fencing, etc.) shall be the responsibility of the Recreation and Parks Director. The Recreation and Parks Director shall coordinate with the Department of Public Works. Signage and all banner placements with the purpose of advertisement shall be reviewed by the Recreation and Parks Committee, and presented to the Mayor and Council for approval.
Private training, group lessons, organized sports programs, or any for-profit activity on all Borough facilities, including, but not limited to, fields, tennis courts and basketball courts, is not permitted, unless permitted in accordance with a field/facility use permit.
Field and facility schedules will be posted in the Recreation and Parks Department. Event or team rosters and insurance information will be maintained in the Recreation and Parks Department. All such information shall be available upon request.
[Amended 7-15-2008 by Ord. No. 1418; 10-16-2008 by Ord. No. 1756; 10-18-2022 by Ord. No. 1893; 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 1939]
The following fees shall be charged for use of the Borough fields/facilities:
Group I: No fee.
Group II:
For-profit organizations: per field, $100 per hour and $500 per day; and
Nonprofit organizations: per field, $50 per hour and $250 per day.
Filming. In addition to the fees required by Chapter 250, the fee for filming in Borough parks, fields or facilities shall be $3,000 per day.
Group III:
For-profit organizations: per field, $150 per hour and $750 per day; and
Nonprofit organizations: per field, $100 per hour and $500 per day.
Tournaments and camps: The Recreation Director shall obtain estimates of costs to be incurred by the Borough as a result of the use of the Borough fields, including, but not limited to, costs to be incurred by the Police and Public Works Departments. The fee may be adjusted for services or equipment to be provided to the Borough, including, but not limited to, recreation equipment or instructional services. Such an adjustment shall be in the sole discretion of the Recreation and Parks Director.
Security deposit: For Group II or III use, the applicant shall post a security deposit or bond in an amount not to exceed $5,000, as determined by the Recreation and Parks Director in his or her sole discretion, based on intensity of use and likelihood of damage to Borough facilities. Said security deposit may be utilized by the Borough to repair any damage to Borough facilities resulting from applicant's use of the fields. Release of the security deposit shall be approved by the Recreation and Parks Director.
Lights: $25 per hour.
Port-a-john cleaning fee: $25.
Portable restroom trailer rental, includes one cleaning (facility rental only): $500 per week and an additional $200 per cleaning.
[Added 8-17-2021 by Ord. No. 1844]
The following rules and regulations shall apply at the Old Mill Woodlands tennis and pickleball courts:
Only cardholders and authorized guests are permitted.
No private or group lessons permitted except that personal training sessions for tennis shall be permitted in accordance with policies adopted by the Recreation and Parks Committee and approved by resolution of the Mayor and Council. The fee for personal training sessions for tennis shall be $25 per hour for residents and $35 per hour for nonresidents.
[Amended 11-22-2022 by Ord. No. 1896]
No food or alcoholic beverages.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Court hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Play is limited to one hour when others are waiting. The one hour is calculated from the time the players started playing, not from the time others started waiting.
The fine for violating the provisions of this section is $200 per violation.
Editor's Note: Former § 356-29, Community Center room rental fee, added 7-20-2010 by Ord. No. 1489, was repealed 7-19-2016 by Ord. No. 1684.