[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Monroe 9-25-2001 by Ord. No. O-25-2001. (This ordinance was originally adopted as Ch. 30, but was redesignated as Ch. 46 to maintain the alphabetical organization of the Code.) Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of the Historical Society is to:
Encourage the continued use of historic resources and facilitate their appropriate use.
Safeguard the heritage of the Township of Monroe by preserving the historic resources within the Township which reflect elements of its cultural, social, economic and architectural history.
Maintain and develop an appropriate and harmonious setting for the architecturally historically significant buildings, structures and sites within Monroe Township.
Prevent the unnecessary demolition of historic and architectural resources within the Township of Monroe.
Foster civic beauty.
Promote appreciation of the historic and architectural resources for the education, pleasure and welfare of the citizens of the Township and its visitors.
Insure the proper maintenance and preservation of historic and architectural settings and landscapes.
Encourage appropriate alterations of historic and architectural resources.
Enhance the visual, aesthetic and historic character, diversity, continuity and interest of the Township.
Promote the conservation of historic and architectural resources and invite voluntary compliance.
The Monroe Township Historical Society was formed as a volunteer organization on October 16, 1974, by Mayor John W. Sharp, to be comprised of volunteer citizens concerned with preserving items that reflect the past history of Monroe Township.
Membership in the Monroe Township Historical Society is open to all persons who have knowledge of local history or are interested in the preservation of local history.
The Historical Society is administered by a Board of Trustees whose duties and responsibilities are outlined in the constitution and bylaws instituted in 1974 and amended on June 3, 1999, as follows:
The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary shall be elected by the membership for a term of one year. The election takes place each year at the January reorganization meeting. Trustees shall be initially elected for a term of one year, two years, and three years. Thereafter, they will be elected for three years with one Trustee standing for election each year. Vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the constitution and bylaws.
Specifications concerning a quorum for the transaction of all business is set forth in the constitution and bylaws.
All Historical Society minutes and records are public records, and all Historical Society meetings shall comply with the Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.)
Historical Society meetings shall be scheduled at least once every month or as often as required to fulfill its obligations.
No Historical Society member shall be permitted to act on any matter in which he or she has, either directly or indirectly, any personal or financial interest.
A Council liaison to the Board of Trustees shall be appointed by the Council President.
Certain situations may arise from time to time when the Historical Society will need to seek technical assistance, i.e., the acquisition of a new historic property or the historic preservation of one of the existing historical buildings. Upon the advice and consent of Mayor and Council, persons knowledgeable in historic preservation, building design, architecture or construction may be appointed on an ad hoc basis to work with the Historical Society in an advisory capacity until the completion of the designated project.
In accordance with the Monroe Township Historical Society's constitution and bylaws, the duties and responsibilities of the Monroe Township Historical Society are as follows:
The Monroe Township Historical Society is organized for the purpose of accepting items donated and/or the procuring by lawful means of items in relation to primarily the history of Monroe Township.
To foster and perpetuate the historical landmarks and points of interest within the Township for posterity, specifically the Ireland Hofer House, the Reading Room and the Hall Street "Little School" as well as any historic properties that may be acquired by the Township in the future.
To display, make available and preserve for public use, all records, items of historical value and memorabilia entrusted in the care of the Historical Society.
To manage and administer all acquisitions and property in the best and exclusive interest of the Township of Monroe.
To protect the rights of donors and their estates insofar as the care, display, and ultimate disposition of artifacts, heirlooms and the like entrusted to the care of the Historical Society.
To insure that no private benefits are derived to benefit any donor, officer, Trustee or member of the Historical Society.
The purpose of this chapter is to:
Memorialize the Township's policy to preserve and protect historic buildings which have been designated as having an impact on the history of Monroe Township.
Protect and preserve the following historic buildings: the Ireland Hofer House, the Hall Street "Little School," and the Reading Room.
Make provisions for future acquisition of historic buildings based on:
The development, heritage or culture of the Township of Monroe.
Its embodiment of distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style, craftsmanship, or method of construction of a period.
Its unique location or singular physical characteristics that make it an established or familiar visual feature.
Its suitability for preservation or restoration.
Any site that meets one or more of the above criteria:shall also have sufficient integrity of location, design, materials and workmanship to make it worthy of preservation or restoration.
The Historical Society shall recommend, in writing, to the Planning Board that the site does or does not meet the criteria in Subsection C above. The report to the Planning Board shall include an explanation of how the site does or does not meet this criteria.
The Planning Board shall, following receipt of the Historical Society's decision, recommend to the Township Council that the nominated site should or should not be made part of the buildings protected as historic in Monroe Township.
The Mayor and Council shall then proceed in accordance with laws governing Township acquisitions.