As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings
Piercing the skin for the express intention of insertion of any object,
including but not limited to jewelry; provided, however, that the piercing
of the lobes of the ears shall be specifically excluded from the purview of
this chapter.
Written approval from the County Health Officer or his authorized
representative that said tattooing and/or body piercing establishment has
been inspected and meets all of the terms of this chapter.
The certificate held by an operator upon registration with the Camden
County Health Department by meeting the required provisions of this chapter.
The Camden County Public Health Coordinator or his authorized representative
of Camden County Department of Health and Human Services.
The premises wherein tattooing or body piercing is performed.
Any individual, firm, company, corporation or association that owns
or operates an establishment where tattooing or body piercing is performed
and any individual who performs or practices the above on the person of another.
Refers to any method of placing designs, letters, scrolls, figures,
symbols or any marks under the skin with ink dye or any other substance resulting
in the coloration of the skin by the aid of needles or any other instruments
designed to puncture the skin.
No person, partnership, firm nor corporation engaged in the tattooing
or body piercing business shall be issued a municipal mercantile license to
engage in such activity unless the premises at which such activity is to be
conducted and the equipment to be utilized in conjunction therewith meet the
following standards and inspected/approved by the Camden County Health Department:
A. Each tattooing and/or body piercing facility shall have
a bathroom accessible to the client and staff. Each bathroom shall be equipped
with a commode and a sink with the sink being connected to hot and cold running
water. Soap and sanitary towels, or other approved hand-drying devices, shall
be available at the sink at all times. Common towels are prohibited. In addition
to the above, each tattooing or body piercing cubicle or work station must
be provided with a sink connected to hot and cold running water. This area
shall also be provided with soap and appropriate hand-drying devices.
B. The chair, seat or exam table reserved for the person
receiving the tattooing or body piercing shall be of a material that is smooth
and easily cleanable and constructed of material that is nonabsorbent. Any
surfaces on the chair, seat or exam table that become exposed to blood or
body fluids must be cleaned and sanitized prior to use by the next customer.
C. The work table or counter used by the operator shall
be smooth and easily cleanable and constructed of material that is nonabsorbent.
There shall be a covered junction between the table/counter and the wall if
the table/counter is to be placed against the wall. This table/counter must
be cleaned and sanitized and use single-use disposable sheets/or papercloth,
as approved by the Camden County Health Department, for each customer.
D. The walls in the tattooing or body piercing area shall
be smooth and easily cleanable and constructed of nonabsorbent materials.
Floors shall be kept clean.
E. Lighting within the tattooing or body piercing area shall
be adequate so as to provide a minimum of 100 footcandles in all areas.
F. The work area reserved for the tattooing or body piercing
shall be not less than 100 square feet and shall be separated from other areas
of the establishment by walls or durable partitions extending at least 6 feet
in height.
G. Any surfaces in the establishment that become exposed
to blood or body fluids must be cleaned and sanitized using a method approved
by the Camden County Health Department.
H. Products used in the cleaning, sanitizing and sterilizing
procedures must be clearly marked and stored in an acceptable manner. Smaller
working containers filled on-site from larger containers must be clearly marked
with the name of the product.
I. Proper waste receptacles shall be provided and water
disposed of at appropriate intervals.
When it appears to the County Health Officer that the operation of the
tattooing or body piercing establishment poses an immediate and imminent threat
to the public health and safety such that irreparable harm will occur if the
tattooing or body piercing establishment is not immediately closed, the County
Health Officer shall have the power to order the immediate closure of the
tattooing or body piercing establishment until such time that the violations
compliance of have been corrected. Notice of same shall also be provided to
the Township of Waterford.