An application for modification and variances of the provisions of these regulations shall be submitted, in writing, by the subdivider at the time the preliminary layout is filed with the Planning Commission. The letter of application shall state fully the grounds and all the facts relayed by the applicant.
The Planning Commission may grant a variance of the provisions contained herein where, by reason of the exceptional shape of a specific piece of property, or where, by reason of exceptional topographic conditions, the strict application of these regulations would result in extreme practical difficulties and undue hardship upon the owner, provided that such relief may only be granted without detriment to the public good and without substantially impairing the intent and purposes of these regulations.
In granting such variance or modifications, the Planning Commission may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the subdivision requirements.
Any subdivider aggrieved by a finding, decision or recommendation of the Planning Commission may request and receive an opportunity to appear before the Commission, to present additional relevant information and to request reconsideration of the original findings.
In granting approval of a modification or variance, the Planning Commission shall record its actions and the grounds for granting the modification or variance in its minutes. A statement showing the date when such modification or variance was granted shall be affixed to the approved or disapproved subdivision plats.
All letters of correspondence for any matter in which the Planning Commission may be directly or indirectly involved shall be sent in triplicate.