Equipment. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain defective or improperly installed equipment at a premise or within a structure, or equipment that is damaged or dilapidated, or is in disrepair due to prolonged lack of maintenance or otherwise, or is in such condition due to age, owner failure or for other reason that it creates, in the judgment of the fire code official, a fire hazard, or is unsafe, dangerous, or a threat to the health, safety and welfare of the occupants of the premise or the general public, or is hazardous to property.
Accumulations of dust and grease. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain an accumulation of dust or waste material in an air-conditioning or ventilation system, or an accumulation of grease in a kitchen vapor removal system, or in the associated ductwork and fans which, in the judgment of the fire code official, creates a fire hazard, or is unsafe, unsanitary or hazardous, or jeopardizes the safety and welfare of the occupants of the premise or general public, or is hazardous to property.
Obstructions. It shall be unlawful to obstruct or maintain an obstruction to or on fire escapes, stairs, passageways, doors or windows, or to provide inadequate exit facilities which, in the judgment of the fire code official, may interfere with the operations of fire department or other emergency personnel, or with the egress of occupants within a building or structure.
Vacant buildings. It shall be unlawful for any owner, person-in-possession or in-charge of property to fail, refuse or neglect to board up and secure a vacant building or structure so as to prevent unauthorized entry thereof. A vacant building or structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe and a public nuisance. Any person who fails, neglects, or refuses to secure vacant buildings to prevent unauthorized entry shall be in violation of this chapter.
Unsafe structures. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to maintain any building or structure which, due to prolonged lack of maintenance, or by reason of its age and decayed or dilapidated condition, or for other reasons in the judgment of the fire code official jeopardizes the health, welfare or safety of the occupants of the structure, surrounding properties or the general public, or is hazardous to property. Any person who fails, neglects, or refuses to maintain a structure in a safe and/or habitable condition shall be in violation of this chapter.
[Amended 5-9-2017 by L.L. No. 14-2017]
It shall be unlawful for an owner, occupant or person-in-charge of a fuel dispensing facility to allow for one other than an employee of the facility to dispense Class I flammable liquids into the fuel tank of a vehicle or into a container.
[Added 5-9-2017 by L.L. No. 14-2017]
Any person or business entity who resists, obstructs or impedes the agents, servants, officers or employees of the Town in the placement of placard(s) or the execution of an order to vacate or while they are barricading the entrances shall be deemed to be in violation of this chapter and shall be subject to the fines and penalties provided herein.
Any person who resists, obstructs or impedes the agents, servants, officers or employees of the Town in the remediation, abatement, disposal or removal process shall be deemed to be in violation of this chapter and shall be subject to the fines and penalties provided herein.
[Added 5-9-2017 by L.L. No. 14-2017]
It shall be unlawful to occupy or allow any person to occupy any land, building, structure, or dwelling that has been placarded, or to operate or use, or allow another to operate or use placarded equipment except by written authorization of the code officer or fire code official, or by the owner, person-in-charge or other authorized person to repair, remedy or abate the condition.
[Added 5-9-2017 by L.L. No. 14-2017]
It shall be unlawful to deface or remove any placard posted. Placards may be removed whenever the defect or condition has been eliminated to the satisfaction of the code officer.
[Added 5-9-2017 by L.L. No. 14-2017[1]]
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for any person to deviate in any way from the activity permitted by the code officer or fire code official pending resolution of the hazardous or unsafe condition, or to disobey a lawful order of the fire code official. In addition to any other penalty provided for herein, the Director of Engineering Services may revoke any construction or operational permit that has been issued.
Editor's Note: The inclusion of L.L. No. 14-2017, adopted 5-9-2017, required the renumbering of former § 111-107, which immediately followed, as § 111-112.