[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Economy 7-13-2010 by Ord. No. 428.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Hunting and sporting associations — See Ch. 102.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also superseded former Ch. 85, Firearms, adopted 2-11-1971 by Ord. No. 132.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any gun which uses air under pressure from any pump or other means to discharge missiles or projectiles at a muzzle velocity in excess of 200 feet per second.
Any type of weapon or device which in the manner in which it is used or intended to be used impels a projectile through the use or force that is calculated or can reasonably be expected to cause bodily harm. This includes, but is not limited to, traditional, compound, crossbow and arrow.
Any type of firearm or device which impels a pellet or projectile through the use of a force that is calculated or can reasonably be expected to cause bodily harm, including but not limited to, pistol, revolver, shotgun, or rifle, whether automatic, semiautomatic or single-shot or muzzle-loading.
No person shall discharge a firearm or air gun within 150 yards of any school or playground.
No person shall discharge a firearm or air gun within 75 yards of any dwelling, farm building or occupied structure.
No person shall discharge a firearm or air gun or deadly weapon within 25 yards of any public roadway or pathway.
No person shall discharge a firearm before 9:00 a.m. or 1/2 after sunset, Sunday through Saturday. Sunset shall be determined by the National Weather Service.
No person shall discharge a deadly weapon within 25 yards of any dwelling, farm building, or occupied structure.
No person shall discharge a deadly weapon within 50 yards of any school or playground.
Exceptions are as follows:
Any person licensed to hunt in this Commonwealth and lawfully engaged in hunting as defined and regulated by the Pennsylvania Game and Wildlife Code. (34 Pa. C.S.A. § 101 et seq., as amended);
Any person over the age of 18 years using a firearm to control wildlife in the protection of cultivated crops, fruit trees, vegetables, livestock, poultry or other property; provided, however, that such use of the firearms shall comply with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Game and Wildlife Code;
Individuals engaging in target shooting, skeet, trap and the like, provided that said activities in no way endanger life or public property and provide a suitable backstop that any projectile does not traverse the boundary lines of the property on which the use, firing or discharge occurs, and permission was granted by property owners, that fall in the definitions of § 85-2A(1) and D.
Any person who discharges a firearm, air gun, deadly weapon, in defense of his person or property.
An officer of the Borough of Economy police force, any peace officer of the United States or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any member of the armed services, when such individuals are engaged in the performance of official duties.
Sportsman clubs.
Posting of signs. Legible signs giving public notice of this chapter shall be posted at or near the public highways at the boundaries of the Borough of Economy.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this chapter, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a district judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $500 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this chapter continues, or each section of this chapter which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.