[Adopted effective 2-28-1975]
Pursuant to § 7-148 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended, the Cultural Arts Commission of the Town of Ellington is hereby established.
The Commission shall consist of nine members, who shall serve without compensation, six of whom shall be electors of the Town of Ellington.
The Board of Selectmen shall appoint all members of the Commission, whose terms shall commence on the effective date of this article as follows:
Two members for a one-year term.
Two members for a two-year term.
Two members for a three-year term.
Three members for a four-year term.
Annually thereafter members shall be appointed to said Commission in like manner to succeed those whose terms expire, to serve for terms of four years each and until their successors are appointed. Vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Selectmen for the unexpired portion of the term.
Said Commission shall encourage within the Town participation in and promotion, development, acceptance and appreciation of artistic and cultural activities, which may include but are not limited to music, theater, dance, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, films and allied arts and crafts. All activities undertaken in carrying out the aforesaid purposes shall be directed toward encouraging and assisting, rather than in any way limiting, the freedom of artistic expression which is essential for the well-being of the arts.