[Adopted effective 3-23-1968]
Any property tax exemption authorized to any organization by Subdivisions (7) to (16) inclusive of § 12-81 of the Connecticut General Statutes, Revision of 1958, as amended, shall be effective as of the date of acquisition of the property to which the exemption applies.
Any tax-exempt organization, upon written application to the Board of Selectmen, together with supporting proof of claim satisfactory to said Board, shall be entitled to reimbursement for any property tax properly paid to the Town of Ellington by said organization for a period subsequent to date of acquisition and to reimbursement for any such tax properly paid by the prior owner for a period subsequent to said date of acquisition for which said organization reimbursed the prior owner on transfer of title to such property.
Date of acquisition, as used in §§ 160-1 and 160-2 herein, shall mean the date of recording the instrument transferring title to the eligible tax-exempt organization on the Land Records of the Town of Ellington.