Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required to replace all pavement removed over trenches or otherwise disturbed by the contractor operations.
Streets, driveways, parking areas or sidewalk pavement damaged or disturbed by the contractor's operations shall be repaired, replaced, or restored by the contractor in accordance with the requirements specified herein and as directed by the Engineer at no additional expense to the owner.
Except as otherwise specified herein, the material and construction shall be in accordance with the "Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction," New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT), latest edition, including all addenda.
Bank-run gravel shall meet the requirements of Article VI herein.
Crushed gravel shall meet the requirements of Article VI herein.
Base course pavement; wearing course; temporary pavement.
Base course pavement shall be three-fourths-inch Type B as specified in the New Hampshire Department of Public Works and Highways "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction."
Wearing course shall be three-eighths-inch Type F as specified in the Standard Specifications referenced above.
Temporary pavement shall be one-half-inch Type C as specified in the Standard Specifications referenced above.
All trenches shall be paved immediately following construction unless otherwise noted on the plans or directed by the Engineer.
The contractor shall provide a mechanical sweeper and shall sweep clean all roads used or in the construction areas as requested by the Engineer. This shall be done as construction progresses to further control the dust nuisance caused by unpaved trenches in roadways and other areas. Upon completion of all road work, the contractor shall sweep clean the final work.
Backfill; temporary patches.
Trenches shall be backfilled to within 22 inches of final grade as specified herein.
The contractor shall place 12 inches of bank-run gravel, eight-inch crushed gravel, and two inches of temporary pavement. Gravel materials shall be thoroughly compacted by hand or mechanical means in layers not to exceed six inches. Each backfill layer shall be 95% of its optimum density.
Temporary patches shall remain in place for a minimum of 60 days but not more than 120 days. The contractor shall have the responsibility to periodically inspect temporary pavement areas and repair as necessary, especially during the winter months when the temporary pavement remains in place for an extended period.
Use of cold patch materials is specifically prohibited for temporary patch.
All digging up, protecting, and replanting of hedges, shrubs, trees, and plants, along with stripping and stockpiling of all topsoil where it exists, and replacement of the original earth cover, including regrading and cleanup, shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor.
At the end of the stabilization period, the temporary patch will be cut out and the trench trimmed with neat straight cuts and square corners a minimum distance of 12 inches beyond the limits of the temporary patch or areas of observed settlement, whichever is greater. The contractor will insure this requirement is adhered too.
The contractor shall remove the temporary asphalt and crushed gravel as needed to obtain four inches of permanent pavement required. A tack coat shall be applied along all joints.
Supply and place 2 1/2 inches of three-fourths-inch Type B base course asphalt and 1 1/2 inches of three-eighths-inch Type F finish course asphalt. Paving shall be allowed if the air temperature is at least 45º F. and rising and the area is exposed to the sun.
Rolling shall be done with a self-propelled roller weighing not less than eight tons and shall continue until a firm, even surface true to the lines and grades is obtained.
Newly paved trenches shall be either bonded to the existing pavement by an approved means of infrared heat sealing or overlaying by one inch of Type F pavement over the entire area.
All trenches shall be overlayed the entire width of roadway and 30 feet beyond the edges of the trenches along the length of the roadway. The new pavement shall be keyed into the existing pavements as directed by the Engineer. Finish course paving shall be placed by machine method in accordance with New Hampshire Department of Public Works and Highways "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction."
All sidewalks, whether bituminous concrete or cement concrete, interfered with during the construction of sanitary sewer main and/or sewer service connections shall be rebuilt by the contractor in accordance with the following specification:
Cement concrete. The foundation shall be at least six inches of well-compacted bank-run gravel. The concrete shall be 3,000 pounds in strength, four inches in thickness, reinforced with No. 4 four-inch by six-inch mesh and wood flat finished. Expansion joints (3/4 inch open) shall be provided at least every 20 feet; dividing joints shall be of an approved type. It shall be compacted to 95% of its optimum density.
Bituminous concrete. The foundation shall be 12 inches of bank-run gravel as specified above (material and compaction). The wearing surface shall be laid in two courses, a one-and-one-half-inch bottom course and a one-inch top course, thickness measured after compaction. The material and application shall conform to the specifications outlined for roadway surfacing. All edges of the walks shall be formed with wood screeds which are securely anchored and left in placed. The sidewalk shall meet existing sidewalk widths and have a slope of 1/4 inch per foot from the back edge of the sidewalk towards the roadway.