The Township Council is the legislative branch
of the Township's government. By the Charter, it is the responsibility
of the Township Council to enact legislative programs, policies and
improvements which the executive branch must enforce or carry out.
It is also the responsibility of the Township Council to establish
and regulate sound financial policies and controls. The Township Council
must review and approve the Township's budget; it must review and
approve all expenditures made. To properly acquaint its members with
conditions present in the Township, the Council is given broad investigatory
powers. It may summon government officials before it to give reports
and provide information. In appropriate situations, the Council may
remove public officers. Council's function is to provide a legislative
branch to the Township's government co-equal to the executive branch
headed by the Mayor.
The Township government for the Township of
Burlington shall organize during the first week of January of each
year. Until a President of Council is selected by the new Township
Council, the Township Clerk shall act as presiding officer for the
meeting. Subsequent to the qualification of newly elected members
of the governing body, the Township Council shall from among its members
select a Chairman, who shall be referred to as the President of Council
and shall proceed to act as presiding officer of the meeting. The
agenda for the organization meeting shall then provide for the consideration
of the appointments made by the Council followed by appointments of
the Mayor for which the advice and consent of Council is required.
The Mayor shall next make appointments for which the advice and consent
of Council is not required. The President of Council shall then appoint
all members of Council's standing committees. After the above-referred-to
appointments have been made, the Township Council shall next consider
such general resolutions or ordinances determining items of general
concern as are normally resolved at an organization meeting.
During the organization meeting, Council shall
in addition to a President elect a President Pro Tem, who during the
absence of the President shall act as the President of Council. The
President Pro Tem further shall perform such additional duties as
the President of Council by resolution shall provide.