[Adopted as Sec. 2:6 of the 1975 General Ordinances; amended 5-9-1995; 2-11-1997; 5-27-1997; 11-25-1997; 12-23-1997; 6-9-1998; 4-27-1999; 6-8-1999; 11-9-1999; 11-28-1999; 5-9-2000; 5-14-2002; 8-13-2002; 4-8-2003]
Under the Township's Charter, all of the administrative functions, powers and duties of the municipality, other than those vested in the office of the Municipal Clerk, are allocated and assigned among and within departments pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-43(a). The Township of Burlington by this chapter is establishing a Department of Administration and seven other departments. Under the Charter, the Mayor and Council may by ordinance provide for up to nine departments within its structure. The departments will provide the administrative apparatus to carry out the executive and legislative functions of other branches of the Township government. Departments and the personnel within them are directly responsible to the Mayor although the Municipal Administrator has certain supervisory duties over their day-to-day operations. Departments will be primarily responsible through their actions to bring to inhabitants of the Township proper governmental services. The Council in reviewing the needs of community will investigate the operation of Township departments and cause legislative programs to be established to meet these needs. The departments will generally bring these programs into existence.
[Amended 9-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-025]
All positions within the departmental structure of the Township and § 20-36 et seq. shall be subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Laws, except for the following:
Township Engineer, Township Attorney, Township Prosecutor and Township Land Surveyor.
Department heads.
Volunteer personnel and personnel appointed to serve without compensation.
Consultants and counsel rendering temporary professional services.
All positions set forth within the department section of this chapter (§ 20-36 et seq.) which are accompanied by a verbal statement concerning the appointment, qualifications and duties of the position; where only a position is listed without further verbal statement the position is a civil service appointment and is more particularly described on a job title description prepared by the Department of Civil Service, said description being on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk and available for inspection.
All other offices or positions that are so classified by state statute or by the Department of Personnel pursuant to N.J.A.C. 4:1-6.7.
General residency provisions. The Burlington Township Council hereby declares it to be a governmental purpose of the Township to hire only residents as employees for municipal positions. The legislative body has determined that residence will enhance the quality of employees' performance by greater personal knowledge of the Township's conditions and by a feeling of greater personal stake in the Township's progress; reduce absenteeism and tardiness among municipal employees; advance the Township's depressed economy by reducing high unemployment by encouraging local expenditure of employees' salaries, and by generally advancing the economy of the Township, which through its tax revenues pays for municipal employees' salaries.
All employees in the classified service of Burlington Township hereafter to be employed by the Township of Burlington are hereby required as a condition of their continued employment to have their place of abode in the Township of Burlington and to be bona fide residents therein, except as otherwise provided by the Charter or the general law. A bona fide resident shall be one whose residence in the Township of Burlington is also his or her domicile. A domicile may be established by showing that one votes in Burlington Township or that one has a present intention of residing in his or her abode in Burlington Township and who, when away, intends to return to said abode.
Subject to the provisions set forth above, before any person, except a person being appointed as a member of the paid Fire District or paid member of a part-time fire district, or a member of the Police Department and forces which are governed by the provisions of § 20-36G, the appointing authority shall classify all duly qualified applicants for the position or positions to be filled in the following classes:
[Amended 10-27-2009 by Ord. No. 09-OR-025]
Class A: residents of Burlington Township.
Class B: other residents of Burlington County.
Class C: other residents of New Jersey.
Class D: all other qualified applicants.
The appointing authority shall first appoint all those in Class A and then those in each succeeding class in the order above listed, and shall appoint a person or persons in any such class only to a vacancy or vacancies remaining after all qualified applicants of the preceding class or classes have been appointed or have declined an offer of appointment.
The appointing authority hereby requires that any candidates seeking employment as a member of the Police Department of the Township of Burlington shall be required, at a minimum, to be a resident of the Township of Burlington from the announced closing date of examinations for this position through and including the date of appointment. Residency requirements beyond the date of appointment shall be governed by other provisions of this chapter.
Administrator's function.
It shall be the Administrator's responsibility to enforce the residency requirements of Burlington Township. Upon becoming notified, either formally or informally, of an employee's nonresidence in Burlington Township, the Administrator shall:
Notify the employee by registered mail, return receipt requested, that:
There exists a question as to his residence; and
A hearing date shall be set at a convenient time for the employee and the Administrator, not less than 10 calendar days from the date of the notice and not more than 21 calendar days from the date of said notice.
Require proof of bona fide residence to be presented at said hearing.
Have a transcript made of said hearing and, within 10 calendar days of said hearing, issue a written determination, accompanied by findings of fact, as to the existence of a bona fide residence.
Upon the Administrator's determination that a bona fide residence has not been established, the employee's employment with Burlington Township shall be immediately terminated.
Employment conditioned on further residency. The Township's appointing authority shall have the power to hire a qualified nonresident as a Burlington Township employee if the nonresident signs an affidavit stating that as a condition of said proposed employment he or she will be a bona fide resident as of the date his or her employment shall be scheduled to commence. Failure to be a bona fide resident on said commencement date shall result in nonemployment. It shall be the responsibility of the Administrator to enforce this section by requiring that proof of residence be supplied to the Administrator's office on the date said employment is scheduled to commence.
Firemen and policemen.
Recognizing that a person who shall be appointed as a member of the paid Fire District, or paid member of a part-time fire district, or a member of the Police Department and force are exempt from the residency requirement established under § 20-36D above pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-122.2 but are subject to a residency preference under N.J.S.A. 40A:14-123.1a, the following rules shall be applicable for employment within the Township of Burlington of those individuals.
[Amended 9-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-025; 10-27-2009 by Ord. No. 09-OR-025]
In Burlington Township, before any person shall be appointed as a member of the paid Fire District or paid member of a part-time fire district or member of the Police Department and force, the appointing authority shall classify all the duly qualified applicants for the position or positions to be filled in the following classes:
[Amended 10-27-2009 by Ord. No. 09-OR-025]
Class 1: residents of Burlington Township.
Class 2: other residents of Burlington County.
Class 3: other residents of New Jersey.
Class 4: all other qualified applicants.
The appointing authority shall first appoint all those in Class 1 and then those in each succeeding class in the order above listed and shall appoint a person or persons in any such class only to a vacancy or vacancies remaining after all qualified applicants in the preceding class or classes have been appointed or have declined an offer of appointment.
File with civil service. A copy of this chapter and the job classifications falling within it shall at all times be filed with the Department of Personnel.
[Amended 9-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-025]
The Department of Administration by N.J.S.A. 40:69A-43(a) must be headed by the Municipal Administrator. In addition to the Municipal Administrator, the Department of Administration contains various officers whose primary function is clerical or administrative in nature. Thus, the Office of Tax Collector, Office of Tax Assessor and Office of Payroll and Personnel have been placed in this Department. Generally, the offices contained within the Department of Administration are those most public in nature. In addition to the offices listed, the Office of Municipal Emergency Management Coordination has been placed within the Department of Administration.
Since most of the offices within the Department are located within the Municipal Building and since the Administrator is a full-time Township employee whose office will also be located in the Municipal Building, direct supervision can be best achieved by placing these offices within the Department of Administration. In addition, to effectuate maximum coordination in civil defense matters between the executive branch of government and the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator, this particular governmental agency has also been placed within the Department of Administration. The administrative structure for the Department of Administration is more particularly described in Schedule I which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. In addition to the chart, each office and the personnel within the office have been verbally set forth in the following material.
Office of Director of Administration.
[Amended 10-10-2017 by Ord. No. 17-OR-028]
Municipal Administrator.
The position of Municipal Administrator is more particularly set forth within Article IV of this chapter, which is incorporated within this provision as if set forth at length.
Administrative Secretary.
Secretarial Assistant.
Personnel Officer/Deputy Municipal Administrator.
[Amended 2-25-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-OR-002; 4-25-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-OR-012]
Senior Payroll Clerk.
Director of Data Processing.
Principal Account Clerk.
Senior Account Clerk.
Account Clerk.
Confidential Secretary to the Mayor.
Keyboarding Clerk.
Recycling Coordinator.
Receptionist/Telephone Operator.
Affordable Housing Trust Fund Officer.
[Added 4-25-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-OR-012[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Subsection B(15), Student Assistant.
Municipal Housing Liaison.
[Added 4-11-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-OR-010]
Office of Tax Collection.
Tax Collector.
Appointment. The Tax Collector shall be appointed by the Mayor.
[Amended 9-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-025]
Term. Any person appointed to the position of Tax Collector shall be appointed for a four-year term commencing on the first day of January next following the date of appointment.
Qualifications. A person appointed to the position of Tax Collector shall demonstrate by previous training, background or education a thorough knowledge of the laws of the State of New Jersey pertinent to the office for which appointment is sought and ability to properly administer the Office of Tax Collection. A person appointed to the position of Tax Collector must hold the certified tax collector license issued by the Department of Community Affairs. In addition, the party so appointed shall demonstrate to the Municipal Administrator such other qualifications deemed necessary for the position involved.
[Amended 9-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-025]
Residency. The Tax Collector shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington during his term of office.
Compensation. The Tax Collector shall be paid in accordance with the Salary Schedule adopted by the Township.[2]
Editor's Note: See Art. IX, Salaries and Benefits.
Absence, disqualification or vacancy. If during the term of office the Tax Collector shall be absent, disqualified or if in any other way the office may be deemed vacant, then the Municipal Administrator shall fill the position for the unexpired term remaining or until such time as a successor is appointed and qualified.
Tenure. A Tax Collector may obtain tenure in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-144 and, subsequent to obtaining tenure as set forth within the statute cited, the Tax Collector shall continue to hold office during good behavior and efficiency and shall not be removed therefrom except with just cause as previously defined under § 20-19G(5) of this chapter by the Municipal Administrator with the approval of the Mayor or the Council and then only after a public hearing upon a written complaint setting forth the charge or charges against him.
Duties. A person appointed to the position of Tax Collector shall:
Act as head of the office of Tax Collector and supervise all employees contained within the office.
Receive or see to the receipt and collection of all moneys assessed or raised by taxation or assessment for any purpose.
Enter or see to the entrance into suitable books of account all receipts received in any given day.
Deposit or see to the deposit of such public moneys received in an authorized public depository of the municipality to the credit of the appropriate account within 48 hours (or the first banking day) after the receipt of said funds.
Prepare or see to the preparation of monthly reports to the Mayor and Council on all receipts, deposits and cash on hand belonging to the municipality.
Prepare or see to the preparation and furnishing of a detailed and true list of all delinquent taxpayers for the next preceding year within 60 days after the end of the fiscal year or for such period as the local governing unit may require.
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 54:4-72, maintain an office within the municipal building and be in attendance on such days and during such hours as the Township Administrator by directive may prescribe.
Perform such other duties as are specifically required of tax collectors under any provision of state statute and specifically enforce all provisions pertinent to tax collectors contained within N.J.S.A. 54:1-1 et seq.
Act as collector of sewer and water rentals and, with regard to their receipt, perform or see to the performance of any and all duties specified above with regard to the collection of general taxes.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:5-17.1, the Tax Collector is hereby authorized to process without further action by the Township Council any property tax refunds of less than $10.
[Amended 9-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-025]
Prepare at the direction of the Municipal Administrator, upon receipt of information from the Tax Assessor, an annual statement to each property owner having the benefit of a payment in lieu of taxes ("PILOT") agreement setting for the status of each PILOT and directing that payment be made to the Chief Financial Officer.
[Added 2-12-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-OR-006]
Other personnel.
Assistant Municipal Tax Collector.
Principal Bookkeeping Machine Operator: 674030.
Principal Bookkeeping Machine Operator/Typist.
Bookkeeping Machine Operator (Typist): 674073.
Billing Clerk.
Key Punch Machine Operator: 684060.
Principal Account Clerk/Typing.
Senior Account Clerk (Typing).
Clerk Typist: 654310.
Sr. Bookkeeping Machine Operator/Typing.
Student Assistant.
Office of Tax Assessor.
Tax Assessor.
Appointment. The Tax Assessor shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council.
[Amended 1-22-2013 by Ord. No. 13-OR-001]
Term. The person appointed Tax Assessor shall hold his office for a term of four years from the first day of July next following his appointment.
Qualification. No person shall be eligible to hold the office of Tax Assessor unless that person holds a tax assessor's certification. In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 54:1-35.25 the requirement for obtaining a tax assessor certificate are as follows:
A certificate or diploma issued after at least four years of study in an approved secondary school or an academic education considered and accepted by the Commissioner of Education as fully equivalent; and
Graduation from a four-year course at a college of recognized standing; or
Substitution of full-time experience in real estate appraisal work or experience in property tax assessment on a four-year basis; and
Such other qualifications deemed necessary by the Municipal Administrator for the position filled.
Compensation. The Tax Assessor shall be paid such sums as are more particularly set forth in the Salary Ordinance of the Township of Burlington.
Absence, disqualification or vacancy. In the event that the Tax Assessor is unavailable to perform his duties because of absence or disqualification or for any other reason, the office may be deemed vacant. The Municipal Administrator shall fill the position with a qualified applicant for the unexpired term or until such time as a successor is appointed and qualified. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-149, in the event that there is no qualified person appointed to the position of Tax Assessor in the Township of Burlington on the first day of October to perform the duties of said office, or in the event that the Tax Assessor holding said office shall neglect or fail to assess the taxes as required by law, the Governor shall cause notice to be given to the Mayor that, unless a qualified appointment is made within 10 days after service of said notice, he will appoint an Assessor. At the expiration of the 10 days, if the Governor shall be satisfied that said vacancy still exists or the tax assessments were not made, the Governor shall appoint and commission an assessor to perform all the duties of such office. Such appointee shall receive the compensation provided within the Salary Ordinance for the position of Tax Assessor.
[Amended 9-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-025]
Removal. A Tax Assessor may be removed during his term for just cause:
By the Director of the Division of Taxation upon the request of the County Board of Taxation under N.J.S.A. 54:1-36 or by the courts on the request of the Director under N.J.S.A. 54:1-37.
By revocation of the Assessor's certificate by the Director of the Division of Taxation for specific reasons.
By the Municipal Administrator, with the approval of the Mayor or the Township Council for the reasons set forth within § 20-19G of this chapter and in accordance with other procedural provision herein contained.
Duties. A Tax Assessor shall:
Review or cause to be reviewed, audited and determined the taxable valuations of each taxpayer property tax return with him.
Determine or cause to be determined the taxable value of Township personal property not used in business.
On or before January 10 of each year, complete or cause to be completed the above-mentioned review.
Compile or cause to be compiled a tax list in duplicate, including determined taxable valuations of tangible personal property.
Ascertain or cause to be ascertained the names of the owners of all real property in the taxing district.
After examination or inquiry, determine or cause to be determined the full and fair value of each parcel of real property at such a price as in the Assessor's judgment it would sell for at a fair bona fide sale by private contract on October 1 next preceding the date on which the assessment was complete.
Perform or cause to be performed all duties relating to the office of Tax Assessor by statute and more specifically to execute the requirements of the office as set forth in N.J.S.A. 54:4-12 and 54:4-23.
Put into effect all rules and regulations promulgated by the County Board of Taxation or the Local Property Tax Bureau within the Division of Taxation for the State of New Jersey and in general to perform his office operations consistent with those required by those two regulatory bodies.
Act as head of the Office of Tax Assessor and supervise all employees and personnel assigned to this office.
Perform such other duties as are consistent with the statutory obligations required to be performed by him by the Municipal Administrator, including the annual report to the Tax Collector, on or before December 1, of the status of each payment in lieu of taxes agreement.
[Amended 2-12-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-OR-006]
Senior Account Clerk/Senior Assessing Clerk/Typing.
Assessor's Clerk.
Clerk Typist.
Junior Assistant Assessor.
Senior Account Clerk (Typing).
Sr. Account Clerk/Sr. Assessing Clerk Typist.
Principal Assessing/Account Clerk/Typing.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection E(9), Housing Assistance Technician, was repealed 4-11-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-OR-010.
Assistant Tax Assessor.
Deputy Tax Assessor.
Office of Municipal Emergency Management Coordination.
Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator.
Appointment. The Mayor of the Township of Burlington shall appoint, pursuant to N.J.S.A. App. A:9-40.1, a Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator.
Term. A Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall be appointed for a term of three years by the Mayor.
Qualifications. The Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall meet such qualifications as are deemed necessary by the Mayor to perform the civil defense functions of his office.
Residency. The Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Compensation. The position of Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall be a part-time paid position at rates prescribed within the Salary Ordinance of the Township of Burlington.
Removal. The Governor may remove any Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management at any time for cause. In such event, the Mayor of the municipality shall appoint a new Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management with the approval of the Governor. If the Mayor shall not appoint a Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management within 10 days after such office shall become vacant, the Governor may appoint a temporary Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management, who shall serve and perform all the duties of that office until such time as a new Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Governor.
Duties. The Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall:
Be responsible for the planning, activating, coordinating and conduct of disaster control operations within his municipality.
Proclaim a state of disaster emergency within the Township of Burlington whenever in his opinion a disaster has occurred or is eminent within the community. The Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management in accordance with regulations promulgated by the State Civilian Defense Director shall be empowered to issue forth such orders as may be necessary to implement and carry out disaster control operations and to protect the health, safety and resources of the residents of the municipality.
Act as a member and Chairman of the Local Emergency Management Council.
[Amended 9-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-025]
Enforce and coordinate all civil defense activities within the Township of Burlington with county and state agencies established to perform said services.
Act as head of the Office of Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management and supervise all employees within his office.
Deputy Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management.
Appointment. With the approval of the Mayor, the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall appoint a Deputy Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management.
Term. The Deputy Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall serve at the pleasure of the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management appointing him.
Residency. The Deputy Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Qualifications. The Deputy Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall meet such qualifications as shall be deemed necessary by the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management and the Mayor to carry on the duties of the position; however, whenever possible, in accordance with N.J.S.A. App. A:9-40.3, the Deputy shall be appointed from among the salaried officers or employees of the municipality.
Compensation. The position of Deputy Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall be a part-time paid position at rates prescribed within the Salary Ordinance of the Township of Burlington.
Removal. The Deputy Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management may be removed by the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management without cause.
Duties. The Deputy Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall perform the duties assigned to him by the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management and, in the absence of the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management, shall assume the duties of the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management and have all powers and responsibilities consistent therewith.
Emergency Radio Operations.
Appointment. The Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management shall appoint a person qualified to act as Emergency Radio Operator.
Term. The Emergency Radio Operator shall serve for a term co-equal with that of the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management appointing him.
Qualifications. In addition to such other qualifications deemed necessary by the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management, a person appointed to the position of Emergency Radio Operator shall have such necessary licenses as will qualify him to operate radio apparatus in time of emergency.
Residency. Emergency Radio Operator shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Compensation. Emergency Radio Operator shall not receive compensation for that position.
Removal. A person appointed to the status of Emergency Radio Operator may be removed by the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management at any time without cause.
Duties. It shall be the duty of the Emergency Radio Operator to coordinate, under the authority of the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management, all radio operations to function during a state of local, county, state or national emergency operating within the Township of Burlington, subject to such rules and regulations promulgated by a superior body governing the emergency at hand. The Emergency Radio Operator shall comply with all directions given to him by the Municipal Coordinator of Emergency Management.
Clerk Typist.
Office of Payroll and Personnel.
Head Clerk.
Principal Account Clerk (Typing).
Senior Account Clerk (Typing).
Clerk Typist.
Departmental rules and regulations.
Generally. The Department of Public Works is a major element of the Township's government designed to bring direct services to the inhabitants and the taxpayers of the Township of Burlington. Assigned to the Department of Public Works are the Division of Roads, Division of Sanitation, Division of Sewer, and the Division of Water. Through the exercise of their duties, the Department functions to provide maintenance of roads, collection of trash, and provision of water and elimination of sewerage. Contained within the Department are also administrative personnel who see to the proper keeping of records so that those services which are billed to the inhabitants and taxpayers are properly billed and subsequently collected. Where a problem exists dealing with a subject other than police protection, it in all probability will involve some duty to be performed by the Public Works Department. Through its proper operation, many municipal services are performed. The administrative structure for the Department of Public Works is more particularly described in Schedule II, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. In addition to the chart, each office and the personnel have been verbally set forth in the following material.
Director of the Department of Public Works.
Public Works Superintendent.
Appointment. The Director of the Department of Public Works is appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council.
Term. The Director of the Department of Public Works shall serve during the term of the Mayor appointing him and until the appointment and qualifications of his successor.
Qualifications. The Director of the Department of Public Works shall meet such qualifications deemed appropriate by the Mayor and Council appointing him.
Residency. The Director of the Department of Public Works shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Compensation. The Director of the Department of Public Works shall receive such compensation as is set forth within the Salary Schedule of the Township of Burlington.[1]
Editor's Note: See Art. IX, Salaries and Benefits.
Absence, disqualification or vacancy. In the event that the Director of the Department of Public Works is absent or disqualified from holding the position, or in any other way the position becomes vacant, it shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of § 20-13.
Removal. The Director of the Department of Public Works may be removed from his position in accordance with the provisions of § 20-11I or in accordance with §§ 20-19G and 20-22 of this Code.
The Director's responsibilities include:
Department head. The Director of the Department of Public Works shall act as the head of the Department of Public Works, and in this connection he shall appoint subordinate officers and employees within the Department, subject to any limitations imposed by the Charter or general law. Further, the Administrator may, with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Law and contrary Charter or general law provisions.
Budget preparation. Assist the Mayor and the Township Administrator in proper preparation of the municipal budget, and in this connection he shall submit to the Mayor in the month of November of each year a budget request for his Department and comply with the remaining provisions of § 20-11H of the chapter.
Provision of services. It is the duty of the Director of Public Works to ensure that the Department of Public Works properly functions to provide the services deemed necessary by the Mayor and Council for the inhabitants and taxpayers of the community.
Rule and regulation enforcement. It is the duty of the Director of the Department of Public Works to enforce all administrative rules and regulations dealing with questions of policy determined by the Mayor and Council to be appropriate for the Department of Public Works.
Policy formation. The Director of the Department of the Public Works shall assist the Mayor and the Municipal Administrator in formulating policies and programs designed to efficiently provide departmental services to the community.
Administrative Secretary.
Secretarial Assistant.
Clerk Typist.
Municipal Recycling Coordinator.
Senior Account Clerk/Typing.
Director of Public Works.
[Added 8-8-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-OR-027]
Office of Public Works Superintendent.
Public Works Superintendent.
Principal Public Works Manager.
Laboratory Technician.
Principal Account Clerk.
Principal Account Clerk Steno.
Account Clerk.
Administrative Secretary/Steno/Conf.
Statistical Typist.
Office of General Supervisor, Public Works.
General Supervisor, Public Works.
Senior Mechanic.
Mechanic/Sr. Traffic Maintenance Repairer.
Mechanic Helper.
Heavy Equipment Operator.
Equipment Operator.
Truck Driver, Heavy.
Truck Driver.
Laborer, Heavy.
Garage Attendant.
Supervising Laborer.
Laborer, Light.
Sweeper Operator.
Road Supervisor.
Supervisor of Roads.
Division of Sanitation.
Truck Driver, Heavy.
Truck Driver.
Laborer, Heavy.
Supervising Laborer.
Laborer, Light.
Sanitation Worker.
Division of Sewer.
Chief Sewage Plant Operator.
Assistant to Chief Sewage Plant Operator.
Senior Sewage Plant Operator.
Sewage Plant Operator.
Sewer Plant Attendant.
Pumping Station Repairer.
Truck Driver, Heavy.
Senior Building Maintenance Worker.
Truck Driver.
Supervising Laborer.
Laborer, Light.
Sewage Plant Attendant.
Sewer Superintendent.
[Added 8-8-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-OR-027]
Assistant Water Superintendent.
[Added 8-8-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-OR-027]
Division of Water.
Water Superintendent.
[Amended 3-26-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-OR-011]
Senior Water Repairer.
Senior Water Treatment Plant Operator.
Assistant Chief Water Treatment Plant Operator.
[Added 4-10-2007 by Ord. No. 07-OR-008]
Water Treatment Plant Operator.
Relief Water Treatment Plant Operator.
Water Repairer.
Laborer, Heavy.
Laborer, Heavy.
Supervising Laborer.
Laborer, Light.
Senior Water Plant Operator and Water Repairer.
Senior Water Plant Operator and Water Repairer with T-2 and W-2 licenses.
Assistant Water Superintendent.
[Added 8-8-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-OR-027]
Division of Building Maintenance.
Senior Building Maintenance Worker.
Building Maintenance Worker.
Building Maintenance Worker, Trainee.
Laborer, Light.
Maintenance Repairer/Carpenter.
Senior Maintenance Repairer/Carpenter.
Division of Parks.
Senior Park Maintenance Worker.
Right-to-Know Coordinator.
Department rules and regulations.
[Amended 12-28-2004 by Ord. No. 04-OR-027; 5-9-2006 by Ord. No. 06-OR-012; 9-26-2006 by Ord. No. 06-OR-032; 12-26-2006 by Ord. No. 06-OR-041; 12-26-2007 by Ord. No. 07-OR-034; 4-22-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-006]
Establishment; mission and purpose.
There is hereby established a Police Department in the Township of Burlington, County of Burlington and State of New Jersey, pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118 et seq. This section is intended to ratify the existence and operation of the Police Department, which has historically operated within and served the Township of Burlington, and at the same time satisfy the statutory requirements of the legislation amended in 1981 and 1988, respectively, and requirements imposed by more recent case law pursuant to this statute.
The mission and purpose of said Police Department is generally to bring police services to all inhabitants and taxpayers of the Township, and in this connection it shall enforce all laws which operate within the Township. It is the function of the Police Department to preserve the public peace, prevent crime, detect and arrest offenders against the penal laws and ordinances effective within the Township, disperse unlawful or dangerous assemblage and preserve order at all elections and public meetings and assemblages; a further function is to administer and enforce laws and ordinances to regulate, direct, control and restrict the movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the vehicles and persons and to make such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the Charter, rules, ordinances and general law for such purpose. Further, the Police Department shall remove all nuisances in public streets, parks and other public places; inspect and observe all places of public amusement or assemblage and all places of business requiring any state or municipal licenses or permits. In addition, the Police Department shall perform all such duties as the Township shall by ordinance provide. The Police Department is a prime provider of services for the inhabitants and taxpayers of the community.
Composition. Said Police Department shall consist of:
One Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer;
Three Police Lieutenants;
Eight Police Sergeants;
[Amended 2-26-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-OR-009]
Forty patrol officers; and
[Amended 8-27-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-OR-029]
Such civilian members of the Police Department deemed necessary by the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer, with the approval and consent of the Mayor and Township Council, to provide dispatching services, information technology services, clerical duties and logistics in support of the Police Department.
A chaplain or chaplains as deemed necessary by the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer, to be appointed by the Mayor upon the recommendation of the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer, with the approval and consent of the Township Council.
[Added 12-8-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-OR-031]
Said Police Department shall come under the jurisdiction of the appropriate authority, which position is hereby created pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118.
Said appropriate authority shall be the Township Municipal Administrator.
The appropriate authority shall be responsible directly to the Mayor and Township Council. The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall be directly responsible to the appropriate authority/Township Municipal Administrator for the day-to-day operation of the Police Department pursuant to the policies established by said appropriate authority.
The appropriate authority is hereby vested with the duty of and shall be responsible for the promulgation, adoption, updating and/or ratification of rules and regulations for police personnel, which shall be known as the rules and regulations for the Police Department of the Township of Burlington (N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118). The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall be responsible to assist the appropriate authority/Township Municipal Administrator in formulating policies and programs designed to efficiently provide services to the community.
Hearing authority.
In the event of any disciplinary proceedings in which any period of suspension is sought against any member of the Police Department of the Township of Burlington below the rank of Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer, the said appropriate authority/Township Municipal Administrator or his/her designee shall serve as the hearing officer and person in charge of presiding over all such proceedings.
In the event the appropriate authority/Township Municipal Administrator designates a hearing authority other than himself/herself pursuant to the paragraph, and the designated hearing authority is to be an officer within the Burlington Township Police Department (e.g., Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer), only a person of greater rank than the person charged may be so designated for that purpose.
Charging authority.
In the event a Burlington Township Police Department officer is to be charged in a disciplinary action in which any period of suspension is sought and said employee is subordinate to the rank of the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer, only the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer or his designee may initiate such charges pursuant to powers vested in said office by this chapter. The Township's civil service appointing authority, the Township Municipal Administrator, shall countersign any and all disciplinary complaints in any disciplinary matter in which any period of suspension is sought on the appropriate civil service form(s).
Whenever any person, whether police officer, special counsel, or the appropriate authority, serves in an investigative capacity, he/she may not thereafter be designated as or serve as the hearing authority in that same disciplinary action. A charging authority is not disqualified from also sitting as the hearing authority so long as he/she has no conflict of interest by virtue of direct personal involvement in the underlying investigation.
Any employee seeking to appeal disciplinary charges shall do so in writing submitted to the office of the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer. Said appeal shall be filed within five days, not including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, of the date said charges were served upon said employees.
The appropriate authority shall schedule a hearing in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, state statute and/or collective bargaining agreement. A preliminary notice of disciplinary action served on any employee shall contain the date, time and location for a prospective hearing as required by statute. That hearing date may be postponed at the discretion of the hearing authority within the statutory time lines. Any postponement beyond the statutory thirty-day time line would generally require a waiver of the thirty-day rule by the employee and a formal request for said postponement. However, all employees are put on notice that a failure to submit the required written request for an appeal would constitute an act of insubordination and may affect the employee's rights pertaining to said statutory time lines, the discovery proceedings, as well as other legal rights and remedies appurtenant thereto.
Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer.
Appointment. The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall be appointed by the Mayor upon the advice and consent of the Council. The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall serve during the term of Office of the Mayor appointing him and until the appointment and qualification of a successor. The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall possess such qualifications deemed necessary by the Mayor appointing him. The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington. The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall receive such compensation as is specifically indicated within the Salary Ordinance of the Township of Burlington.
Absence. In the event the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer is absent or disqualified from holding the position, or in any other way the position becomes vacant, it shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of § 20-19G of this chapter of the Township Code.
Removal. The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer may be removed from his position in accordance with the provisions of § 20-11I or in accordance with §§ 20-19G and 20-22 of this chapter of the Township Code.
Assignment of police employees. The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall prescribe the assignments of all police personnel employed by the Township of Burlington to include both sworn and civilian personnel.
Special Law Enforcement Division.
Creation of position. In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.8, there is hereby created the position of special law enforcement officers for the Township of Burlington, County of Burlington and State of New Jersey. Each special officer appointed shall be subject to requirements of this chapter and the additional requirements set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146 et seq.
Classification and powers. The classifications of the special law enforcement officers shall be based upon the duties to be performed by said officers and are established as follows:
Class one. They are authorized to perform routine traffic detail, spectator control and similar duties as may be assigned by the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer or, in the absence of the Director, another law enforcement officer in a supervisory capacity designated by the Director to act in his stead. Class one officers are also authorized to issue summonses for disorderly persons and petty disorderly persons offenses, violations of municipal ordinances and violations of N.J.S.A. 39 et seq. The use of firearms by class one officers is strictly prohibited and no class one officer shall be assigned any duties which may require the carrying or use of a firearm.
Class two. Officers of this class are herewith authorized to exercise full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, regularly appointed full-time police officer. They shall be assigned such powers and duties by the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer or, in the absence of the Director, another law enforcement officer in a supervisory capacity designated by the Director to act in his stead. The use of a firearm by an officer of this class may be authorized only after the officer has been fully certified as successfully completing training as prescribed by the Police Training Commission established within the Department of Law and Public Safety of the State of New Jersey.
Compliance with other ordinances governing operations and discipline within the Police Department. All duly appointed special law enforcement officers shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing the Police Department of the Township as adopted by the appropriate authority, including by description, but not limited to, the Standard Operating Procedure Police Manual of the Township of Burlington.
Term of appointment. Special law enforcement officers shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term not to exceed one year, which appointment shall be made at the annual reorganization meeting or at such other times as the Mayor deems it necessary to make such appointments. In no event shall any appointment carry a term beyond the end of the calendar year of the year in which said appointment is made.
Compensation. Compensation for each class of special law enforcement officers shall be established annually through the Municipal Salary and Wage Ordinance.
Limitations on number of officers. The number of special law enforcement officers employed by the Township of Burlington shall be limited as follows:
Class one. Not more than the number of sworn full-time police officers employed by the Township of Burlington.
Class two. No more than 25% of the number of sworn full-time officers employed by the Township of Burlington.
Residency requirement.
No special law enforcement officer shall be appointed to a position with the Township of Burlington unless that officer shall be a resident of the said Township.
Special law enforcement officers who reside in the State of New Jersey and have previously served with the Burlington Township Police Department as full-time officers and have retired in good standing are exempt from having to reside within Burlington Township.
Term of appointment. Special officers of the first and second class shall be appointed annually for a term of one year, and the appointment may be revoked by the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer for cause after adequate hearing. Special officers so appointed shall not be members of the police force.
Training course: firearms. No special officer shall commence his duties until he has completed the training as required under N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.11, or as amended from time to time.
Hours of employment or assigned to duty. The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer may assign one class two special officer to perform authorized duties not to exceed 30 hours per week. All other special officers of the first and second class will be limited to 20 hours per week.
Graphic table of organization.
A graphic table of organization (T.O.) shall be maintained by the Director of Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer to show the following:
The Burlington Township Police Department divisional structure.
The Burlington Township Police Department personnel structure.
The express function and duties of each position will be as defined within the rules and regulations of the Burlington Township Police Department promulgated by the appropriate authority but are not necessarily limited to the same.
Monthly reports to the appropriate authority. The Director of Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall submit monthly reports to the appropriate authority in such form as shall be prescribed by said authority on the operation of the force during the preceding month and make such other reports as may be requested by said appropriate authority.
Policies established by the Director of Director of Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer to govern day-to-day operations:
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118, the Director of Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall be directly responsible to the appropriate authority for the efficiency and routine day-to-day operations thereof and he shall, "...pursuant to policies established by the appropriate authority," perform his assigned duties.
Therefore, the Director of Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall issue whatever operations orders, general orders or standard operating policies that he/she deems appropriate and necessary for the operation of the Department.
Emergency directives. Nothing herein contained shall infringe upon or limit the power or duty of the Director of Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer to act to provide for the health, safety or welfare of the municipality in an emergency situation through special emergency directives (N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118; 40A:14-146.9).
Power vested in the Office of Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer. The Director of Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer for the Township of Burlington, pursuant to policies promulgated by the appropriate authority, shall:
Administer and enforce the rules and regulations of the Police Department and any special emergency directive for the disposition and discipline of the Department and its members and officers;
Have, exercise and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the Police Department;
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all members and officers;
Delegate such authority as may be deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the Police Department to be exercised under the direction and control of the Director of Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer; and
Report at least monthly to the Mayor, in such form as shall be prescribed, on the operation of the Police Department during the preceding month and make such reports as may be requested by the Mayor (N.J.S.A.40A:14-118).
Extra-duty assignments. The Burlington Township Police Department shall be regulated in accordance with the terms and conditions of the provisions set forth below.
[Amended 12-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-032; 12-22-2009 by Ord. No. 09-OR-029; 12-10-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-OR-044; 12-10-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-OR-045; 2-11-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-OR-001; 4-27-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-OR-008]
The Township wishes to assist persons and entities by, under certain circumstances, allowing them to employ the services of off-duty Township police officers in Burlington Township in compliance with New Jersey Attorney General Guidelines, statutes, and Police Department rules and regulations. Any person or entity wishing to receive police services may arrange to receive services within the Township through the office of the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer. Such person should notify the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer, in writing, of the specific nature of the services desired at least 15 days before such services are required, unless exigent circumstances exist. All requests shall be subject to the availability of personnel, as shall be determined by the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer, and officers shall be assigned at such times as will not interfere with the efficient performance of regularly scheduled or emergency duty.
The Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall administer all activities and maintain financial files pursuant to this section. All requests for additional police services will be finalized in a written agreement provided by the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer's office. The agreement will specify the duration of the police services to be provided, a termination date when the police services will be completed and a modification clause.
All fees for police services will be collected by the Burlington Township Police Department, in full, prior to the delivery of such services. The fees shall be based on hourly rates as established annually. Such rates shall include the hourly rates of the officers working, plus a sum representing a reasonable approximation of the administrative cost, overhead and out-of-pocket expenses to the Township for providing the service. All payments of such services shall be made payable to the Township of Burlington.
Upon completion of each work assignment, the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer shall forward a summary of the assignment to the Director of Finance for payment. Upon receipt of proof of extra-duty services, the Director of Finance shall disburse payments to those officers who worked the extra-duty assignments, the amount earned by those officers based on the established rate, less administrative costs, during the next pay period. Standard rates, and rates for public and charitable organizations, shall be established by resolution and the schedule of rates shall be available in the Township Clerk's office.
All police officers providing extra-duty services pursuant to this section shall function under the control and supervision of the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer in his capacity as Administrator of Burlington Township Police Department. The Burlington Township Police Department and its employees will maintain all employment rights while assigned to work extra-duty details and will operate under the mandates of Department rules and regulations.
Notwithstanding any other provisions set forth above, Public Service Electric and Gas Company shall be exempt from the provision set forth in Subsection L(3) which requires advance payment in full prior to the delivery of extra-duty assignment services.
For commercial persons and entities, the Township may choose to utilize a private vendor to administer and perform the function of contracting for the employment of off-duty police officers and for their payment in accordance with the provisions of the contract between the Township. The private vendor will be compensated by a fee set forth in the contract which fee will be an additional charge to be paid by the person or entity engaging the off-duty police services.
Police Department rules and regulations and police manual.
The appropriate authority/Township Municipal Administrator, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118, is hereby authorized to update, adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the governing of the Police Department and for the discipline of its members with a view to making the Police Department and all members thereof efficient, vigilant and effective in the service of the Township of Burlington. Said rules and regulations will be in manual form and shall be called the "Rules and Regulations of the Police Department for the Township of Burlington" and shall govern the conduct of and be binding upon the entire membership of said Police Department, including the Director and all subordinates as listed in Subsection A of this section.
The rules and regulations shall be distributed in manual form as follows: A serialized copy will be issued to and signed for by each employee of the Police Department for the Township of Burlington. A copy will be maintained by the Township Clerk for the personnel designated as special officers and to provide public access to same.
All members and employees who are assigned a manual shall be responsible for its maintenance and care. Said manuals shall remain the property of the Township of Burlington, County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, and upon separation from police service, each person is bound to return the same. Each person will be responsible for the security of his/her manual, and the loss of the same will constitute neglect of duty and will result in disciplinary action. All manuals shall be kept current, and supplementary pages concerning additions, revisions or amendments shall be promptly and properly inserted. No Police Department new rules and regulations will be inserted as part of this manual unless and until properly assimilated by the appropriate authority.
Each police officer and each civilian employee is duty-bound to thoroughly familiarize himself/herself with the provisions of the Police Manual. Failure to comply shall be considered neglect of duty.
In the event neglect of duty is charged against a member for failure to observe the rules and regulations or Department procedures or orders, ignorance of any provisions of this manual will not be accepted as an excuse.
Police chaplain.
[Added 12-8-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-OR-031]
One or more persons may be appointed as a chaplain. Such person shall be an ordained clergyperson in good standing in the religious body from which he or she shall be selected.
A chaplain shall serve without salary or other compensation under the direction of the Director of Public Safety/Chief Law Enforcement Officer and shall not be required to be a Township resident.
The term of a chaplain shall be one calendar year commencing on January 1, or if appointed subsequent to January 1, for the remainder of the year of appointment. A chaplain may be removed by the Director of Public Safety with or without cause and without a hearing.
The duties of a police chaplain shall include:
Knowledge of the Police Manual and participation in training related to the duties of a chaplain.
Assisting in providing notification of emergencies, serious injuries or death, in accordance with Police Department policy and practice, to family members or other persons entitled to notice.
Visit sick or injured police personnel.
Attend and participate in funerals of present and former members of the Police Department.
Insofar as he or she may have sufficient training, provide counseling to members of the Police Department.
Conduct and/or participate in memorial services.
Attendance at functions such as graduations, promotions and awards to members of the Police Department.
Insofar as he or she may have sufficient training, assist in programs and counseling targeted at youthful offenders.
Assist in furthering community outreach and relations with the public.
Assist in the development of programs to encourage departmental morale.
General provisions.
The Department of Finance is a departmental-level organization designed to provide the control function required within the Township government as set forth within N.J.S.A. 40:69A-48. It shall be the duty of this Department and all personnel contained within it to enforce legal provisions requiring an encumbrance system for budget operation, to enforce the legal provisions which require that expenditures occur only as called for within this chapter, and to provide for the pre-audit of all claims and demands on the municipality prior to their payment. In addition, this Department shall establish procedures to ensure that all payments made out of any public funds be by individual warrants and to generally see that all financial regulations promulgated by the Division of Local Finance, or its successor agency, are enforced. In this connection, where irregularities are discovered, it shall be the duty of this Department and any personnel contained here to report to the Township Auditor their suspicions and findings. Through this exercise of seasoned judgment, it is hoped that the control function required by statute will occur and that efficient and financially sound procedures will be instilled.
The administrative structure for the Department of Finance is more particularly described in Schedule IV which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. In addition to the chart, each office and the personnel within the office have been verbally set forth in the following material.
Office of Director of Department of Finance.
Chief Financial Officer.
Purpose. The purpose of this section (Ord. No. 89-OR-009) is to create the position of Chief Financial Officer in compliance with requirements established by Chapter 110, Public Laws of New Jersey, 1988, also known as the Municipal Finance Officers Certification Bill (Senate Bill No. 397), as signed into Law on August 22, 1988 by the Governor.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq.
Creation of position. There is hereby established by the governing body of the Township of Burlington, State of New Jersey, the position of Chief Financial Officer, who shall be under the general supervision of the governing body and under the specific direction of the Administrative and Executive Council Department Head and shall serve as Municipal Financial Officer.
Designation of position. The Township of Burlington designates the Township Treasurer as the Chief Financial Officer.
Powers and duties. The Chief Financial Officer shall carry out the responsibilities set forth under N.J.S.A. 52:27BB-26 et seq., with respect to fiscal administration in local governments, and will serve as the Director of Department of Finance.
Municipal Finance Officer.
Appointment. The Municipal Finance Officer shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council.
Term. The Municipal Finance Officer shall serve during the term of the office of the Mayor appointing him and until the appointment and qualification of his successor.
Qualifications. A person appointed to the position of Municipal Finance Officer shall, prior to appointment, obtain from the Director of the Division of Local Finance or its successor agency a certification as a municipal finance officer. In this connection, the applicant shall present to the Director of the Division of Local Finance or its successor agency a written application on forms provided by the Division of Local Finance or its successor agency showing that the applicant is not less than 21 years of age, is a citizen of the United States, is of good moral character, and has obtained a certificate or diploma issued after at least four years of study at an approved secondary school or has received an academic education considered and accepted by the Commissioner of Education of the State of New Jersey as fully equivalent and has graduated from a four-year course at a college of recognized standing with a major course of study in business administration, accounting or such related subjects, or is otherwise qualified through the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.2. Every applicant shall also furnish proof that he has received certificates indicating satisfactory completion of or has been the instructor of complete training courses in municipal current fund accounting, municipal capital and trust fund accounting, municipal utility fund accounting, municipal budget preparation and control and principles of financial management, or such other training courses as are certified as their equivalent by Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey, and approved by the Division of Local Finance or its successor agency. Notwithstanding the qualifications established above, a municipal finance officer certificate shall be issued to a person who is licensed as a registered municipal accountant in the State of New Jersey, who shall make application as required by the Director of the Division of Local Finance or its successor agency and who shall in addition provide the proofs as are required under N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.4. The Municipal Finance Officer may not be a member of the governing body of the Township of Burlington.
Residency. The Municipal Finance Officer shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Compensation. The Municipal Finance Officer shall receive such compensation as is provided for within the Salary Schedule of the Township of Burlington.[2]
Editor's Note: See Art. IX, Salaries and Benefits.
Absence, disqualification or vacancy. In the event that there is a vacancy in the position of Municipal Finance Officer or in the event that the Municipal Finance Officer is absent, disabled or disqualified for whatever reason, the Mayor shall have the power to designate an Acting Municipal Finance Officer pursuant to § 20-13 of this chapter to act in the place of the Municipal Finance Officer, and any action taken by that person shall be deemed the official act of the Municipal Finance Officer.
Removal. A Municipal Finance Officer may be removed in accordance with § 20-11I of this chapter or §§ 20-19G(5) and 20-22 of this chapter.
Duties. The Municipal Finance Officer shall:
Act as Director of the Department of Finance, and in this connection he shall appoint subordinate officers and employees within the Department, subject to any limitations imposed by the Charter or general law. Further, the Municipal Finance Officer may, with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees, subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Law and contrary Charter or general law provisions.
Enforce policy determinations made by the Mayor and the provisions of any ordinance or resolution duly adopted by the Mayor and/or Council of the Township.
Enforce the laws of the State of New Jersey as they pertain to operations within his Department and, in addition, ensure that all procedures required by the Division of Local Finance or its successor agency in the management of financial affairs within the community are strictly adhered to.
Perform such other duties as the Mayor shall direct.
Clerk Typist.
Office of the Township Treasurer.
Township Treasurer.
Appointment. The Township Treasurer shall be appointed by the Director of the Department of Finance.
Term. The Township Treasurer shall be appointed for a term of one year commencing on January 1 of the year of initial appointment and running until December 31 of that year.
Qualifications. The Township Treasurer shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of municipal financial matters in a capacity to provide the control functions required by N.J.S.A. 40:69A-48. In addition, the Municipal Treasurer shall possess such other qualifications deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Finance to carry on the duties of the position of Municipal Treasurer.
Residency. The Municipal Treasurer shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Compensation. The Treasurer shall receive such compensation as is specified within the Salary Ordinance of the Township of Burlington for the position of Township Treasurer.
Absence, disqualification, or vacancy. In the event there is a vacancy in the position of Township Treasurer or in the event the Township Treasurer is absent, disabled or disqualified for whatever reason, the Director of the Department of Finance shall have the power to designate an Acting Treasurer to act in the place of the Township Treasurer, and any action taken by this person shall be deemed the official act of the Township Treasurer.
Tenure. The Township Treasurer shall be entitled to receive tenure in accordance with the procedural and legal requirements specified under N.J.S.A. 40A:9-152.
Duties. It shall be the duty of the Township Treasurer to:
Act as the head of the office of the Township Treasurer and supervise all personnel contained within this office.
Sign all warrants drawn on the Treasury.
Superintend all fiscal concerns of the municipality and report to the Mayor and Council upon request.
See to the keeping of all separate accounts of all municipal appropriations to each department.
Suggest plans to the Director of the Department of Finance for the better management of municipal finances.
Audit accounts of officers removed or unable to continue in office.
Have control or see to the control of fiscal matters of all departments and require from all officers an account of all municipal moneys and properties.
Report or see to the reporting of all defaults, delinquencies, or official misconduct to the Township Auditor and the Mayor and Council.
Examine, review and pre-audit all vouchers submitted as a claim against the municipality to determine their propriety and procedural correctness.
Deputy Municipal Department Head/Municipal Treasurer.
Assistant Municipal Treasurer.
Clerk Bookkeeper.
Clerk Typist.
Senior Account Clerk, Typist.
Departmental rules and regulations.
[Amended 2-27-2007 by Ord. No. 07-OR-003]
Generally. The Department of Law shall consist of the Office of Township Solicitor and Prosecutor. The Township Solicitor shall act as the Director of the Department of Law.
Office of Township Solicitor.
Generally. The Office of Township Solicitor shall be the Director of the Department of Law within the government of the Township. The Township Solicitor shall be the legal advisor to the Mayor and Council and to all administrative courts and agencies appointed by the Mayor and/or Council, except as may otherwise be provided by law in the ordinances of the Township of Burlington. The Township Solicitor shall prosecute and defend actions by and against the Township and every department, board or agency thereof appointed by the Mayor and/or Council in accordance with law.
Appointment. The Township Solicitor shall be appointed as the Director of the Department of Law by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council.
Term. The Township Solicitor shall serve during the term of the Office of the Mayor appointing him and until the appointment and qualification of his successor.
Qualifications. The person appointed Township Solicitor shall be a licensed attorney within the State of New Jersey and possess such other qualifications of ability and experience which the Mayor and Council shall deem necessary to perform the duties of his office.
Residency. The Township Solicitor need not be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Compensation. The Township Solicitor shall receive such compensation and reasonable fees and charges for his legal services as are provided for under this chapter and the written agreement between the Township Solicitor and the Township.
Absence, disqualification or vacancy. In the event there is a vacancy in the Office of Township Solicitor, or in the event that the Township Solicitor is absent, disabled or disqualified, or for whatever reason, the Mayor shall have the power to designate an Acting Township Solicitor, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, to act in place of the Township Solicitor.
Removal. The Township Solicitor may be removed from office by the Mayor or by the Township Council in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Duties. The Township Solicitor shall be the legal advisor to the Mayor, Council and to all administrative board and agencies appointed by the Mayor and/or Council, except as may otherwise be provided by law or the ordinances of the Township of Burlington. The Township Solicitor shall prosecute and defend actions by and against the Township and every department, board or agency thereof appointed by the Mayor and/or Council in accordance with law. In furtherance of these powers, and without limitation, he shall:
Act as the Director of the Department of Law and employ such personnel as are deemed necessary to carry on the duties prescribed for the Office of Township Solicitor and as Director of Department of Law, which shall include, but not be limited to, the engagement of Special Counsel as may be required, which appointment of Special Counsel shall be subject to the approval of the Mayor and Township Council.
Advise the Council as to the form and sufficiency of all ordinances and resolutions, and advise the Mayor and Council as to the sufficiency of all Township actions prior to their occurrence.
Prepare, review and/or approve all contracts, deeds, documents and instruments prior to the execution thereof by or on behalf of the Township.
Conduct appeals from orders, decisions or judgments affecting any interest of the Township, as may be directed by the Mayor and/or Council.
Subject to the approval of the Mayor and Council, have the power to enter into any agreement, compromise or settlement in any litigation in which the Township is involved.
Render opinions, in writing, upon any questions of law submitted to him by the Mayor and/or Council with respect to their official powers, duties or the powers and duties of any officer, department, board or agency of the Township.
Maintain a record of all actions, suits and proceedings and matters which relate to the Township's interest, and report thereof from time to time as the Mayor and/or Council may require.
Attend all meetings of the Council and its committees when requested.
Render advice to any department head, professional appointee, board or agency of the Township.
Perform and possess such other different functions, powers and duties as may be provided for in the ordinances and resolutions of the Township, state statute, administrative rule or regulation or any other provision of law.
Records and papers. All papers, documents and memoranda, plans, specifications and reports, and all materials relating to the administration of the Office of Township Solicitor shall be and remain the property of the Township of Burlington. The Township Solicitor, upon termination or expiration of his term in accordance with other sections of this chapter, shall immediately surrender to his successor all such property with a written consent to use all such materials in the best interests of the Township of Burlington. Further, it is hereby provided that, upon termination or expiration of the terms set forth within this chapter, the service required to be performed pursuant to any written contract or under the provisions of this chapter or under any authorization by the Mayor or Council shall be deemed terminated and no further compensation shall be forthcoming except for actual services rendered to the effective date of termination or expiration.
Authorization of work. The Mayor and Council shall have the power to authorize work by the Township Solicitor to the extent that there are funds appropriated for this service.
Special Counsel. Upon the advice of the Township Solicitor, and to the extent that the funds are available, the Mayor with the consent of Council may appoint Special Counsel to assist with the representation of the Township on matters of a complex or specialized matter or where the Township Solicitor may have a conflict of interest. All such arrangements shall be pursuant to a written contract pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Subsection 2:6-6.3, Office of Administrative Counsel, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 2-27-2007 by Ord. No. 07-OR-003.
Township Prosecutor.
Generally. It is the responsibility of the Township Prosecutor to enforce through criminal prosecutions the laws of the State of New Jersey applicable to the Township of Burlington not otherwise enforceable either by the Attorney General or the County Prosecutor. With regard to this activity, the Township Prosecutor as a departmental legal officer shall meet from time to time with the Mayor and advise the Mayor on the condition of law enforcement practices within the Township of Burlington and make such specific recommendations as he deems necessary for the implementation of appropriate law enforcement techniques to ensure proper apprehension and prosecution of criminal offenders.
Appointment. The Township Prosecutor shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council.
Term. The Township Prosecutor shall serve for a term of one year from the date of his or her appointment.
[Amended 5-14-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-OR-014]
Qualifications. The person appointed as Township Prosecutor shall be a licensed attorney within the State of New Jersey and possess such other qualifications of ability and experience which the Mayor and Council shall deem necessary to perform the duties of his office.
Residency. The Township Prosecutor need not be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Compensation. The Township Prosecutor shall be compensated in accordance with the agreed-upon terms set forth in his or her annual professional services contract.
[Amended 5-14-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-OR-014]
Vacancy. A vacancy in the office of the Township Prosecutor shall be filled by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council for the remainder of the term.
[Amended 5-14-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-OR-014]
Removal. The Township Prosecutor may be removed as are other appointees pursuant to the provisions of the ordinances of the Township of Burlington and the statutes of the State of New Jersey.
Duties. It is the duty of the Township Prosecutor to prosecute on behalf of the Township of Burlington all crimes and offenses cognizable before the Municipal Court of the Township of Burlington, including violations of the motor vehicle and traffic laws (N.J.S.A. 39:1-1 et seq.); violations of fish and game laws (N.J.S.A. 23:1-2); violations of the ordinances of the Township of Burlington; violations of the Disorderly Persons Act (N.J.S.A. 2A:169-3 et seq.); violations of Chapters 1 and 4 of Title 44 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated entitled “Poor;” violations of Chapter 6 of Title 9 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated, entitled “Children;” and offenses of the lesser grade or degree than a misdemeanor or to which no indictment by grand jury is required. In addition to the specific references contained herein, the Township Prosecutor shall:
[Amended 9-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-025]
Meet from time to time with local enforcement agents within the Township of Burlington and properly advise them on procedures and practices to bring about proper enforcement of the law operative within the Township of Burlington.
Advise the Mayor and the Township Council as to procedures and practices designed to bring about proper enforcement of the laws within the community.
Perform such other duties as state statute, Township ordinances or administrative rules and regulations may provide.
Generally. The Department of Engineering contains the office of the Township Engineer and the office of the Township Surveyor. It is the function of this Department to provide engineering services required by the municipality and the Planning Board. The departmental-level organization operates directly under the supervision of the Mayor and shall provide assistance to all departments, boards and agencies not otherwise employing engineering services to ensure that proper engineering criteria is supplied before a policy determination is made. In this connection, the Township Engineer shall provide a myriad of services to all elements of the Township government when directed by either the Mayor or the Township Council.
Office of the Director of the Department of Engineering.
Township Engineer.
Appointment. The Township Engineer shall be appointed by the Mayor upon the advice and consent of Council.
Term. The Township Engineer shall serve during the term of the office of the Mayor appointing him and until the appointment and qualification of his successor.
Qualifications. The Township Engineer shall be a licensed professional civil engineer within the State of New Jersey and possess such other qualifications of ability and experience which the Mayor and Council shall deem necessary to perform the duties of his office.
Compensation. The Township Engineer shall receive such compensation for engineering services as is provided for under Article IX of this chapter.
Residency. The Township Engineer need not be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Removal. The Township Engineer may be removed by the Mayor in accordance with the provisions of § 20-11I of this chapter or by the Council in accordance with §§ 20-19G(5) and 20-22 of this chapter.
Duties. The Township Engineer shall be the engineering advisor to the Mayor and Council of the Township of Burlington and to all its departments except as may be otherwise provided by law or this chapter. He shall, in execution of his duties, perform all engineering services required on behalf of the Township and every department therein. In furtherance of their powers, but without limitation thereto, he shall:
Act as Director of the Department of Engineering, and in this connection he shall appoint subordinate officers and employees within this Department, subject to any limitation imposed by the Charter or general law. Further, the Director of the Department of Engineering may, with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees, subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Law and contrary Charter or general law provisions.
Perform administrative and engineering work in the investigation, design, construction and maintenance of all public works projects.
Supervise the preparation of such surveys of either a topographical property line or construction nature as may be required by the Township of Burlington.
Prepare and supervise the preparation of such plans, sketches and blueprints as may be required by the Mayor and/or the Township Council of the Township of Burlington.
Supervise the maintenance of a water and sewer map in accordance with the standard as are prescribed by law.
Supervise the maintenance of a road map in accordance with standards as are established by law.
Perform all duties as may be required of a municipal engineer by state statute.
Attend all regular, special and adjourned meetings of the Township Council and Planning Board as he may be required to attend by the Township Council, Mayor and Planning Board.
Supervise and provide the engineering calculations, specifications and expertise required for the purchase of materials and equipment as directed by the Mayor and Township Council.
Perform such professional services as may be required in connection with any capital improvement program, as designated by the Mayor and the Township Council.
Be responsible for all work in connection with the construction, reconstruction and repair of all Township roads.
Be responsible for general administration of contracts with third parties performing work for the Township in such instances as he may be directed by the Mayor and Township Council.
Perform such consulting and professional services as may be required by the Burlington Township Planning Board and as are designated as the responsibility of the Municipal Engineer in both the Burlington Township Subdivision Ordinance and Burlington Township Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 330, Land Development, in a separate volume of the Code.
In the performance of his duties or while acting as a Township Official, the Township Engineer shall in all ways coordinate his activities with and through the Mayor. The Mayor shall at all times be responsible for the coordination of the Engineer's activities described above with any other department, office, bureau, board or agency so that proper information and action may be taken to ensure proper compliance with the ordinances of the Township of Burlington.
Records and papers.
All papers, documents, memorandum, plans, specifications and reports and all materials relating to the administration of the Office of the Township Engineer shall be and remain the property of the Township of Burlington. The Township Engineer shall, upon termination or expiration of his term as Township Engineer, forthwith surrender to his successor all such materials to the best interest of the Township of Burlington.
Assistant Township Engineer.
Appointment. The Assistant Township Engineer shall be appointed by the Township Engineer upon the advice and consent of the Mayor.
Qualifications. There shall be an Assistant Township Engineer of the Township who shall be a graduate engineer holding a baccalaureate engineering degree from an accredited engineering college and/or university and be eligible to be licensed in the State of New Jersey. He shall:
Possess such other qualifications of ability and experience which the Township Engineer, the Mayor and the Township Council shall deem necessary to perform the duties of his office.
The Assistant Township Engineer shall work under and be directly responsible to the Township Engineer and shall perform such duties as are required of an Assistant Engineer and any and all duties of the Township Engineer as outlined in § 20-42B(1)(g) and shall also perform other duties required of him in any of the ordinances of the Township of Burlington in the County of Burlington and State of New Jersey now effective or to become effective hereafter.
In the absence of the Township Engineer, the Assistant Township Engineer shall be designated as acting Township Engineer and shall perform all the duties of the Township Engineer as permitted by law.
Absence, disqualification or vacancy.
In the event that there is a vacancy in the position of Township Engineer and Assistant Engineer, or in the event that the Township Engineer and Assistant Township Engineer are absent, disabled or disqualified for whatever reason, the Mayor shall have the power to designate an Acting Township Engineer and Assistant Township Engineer pursuant to § 20-13 of this chapter to act in the place of said Township Engineer and Assistant Township Engineer, and any action taken by these persons shall be deemed the official action of the Township Engineer and Assistant Township Engineer.
Compensation. The Assistant Township Engineer shall receive such compensation as provided for under Article IX of this chapter.
Removal. The Assistant Township Engineer may be removed by the Township Engineer with the approval of the Mayor in accordance with the provisions of § 20-11I of this chapter or by the Township Engineer with the approval of the Council in accordance with §§ 20-19G(5) and 20-22 of this chapter.
Public Works Inspector.
There shall be a Public Works Inspector in the Department of Engineering, who shall have the following qualifications:
Formal and other education and training showing the attainment of the level represented by graduation from high school.
Three years' experience in responsible supervision of construction, repair and maintenance work.
Wide knowledge of the accepted practices and proper procedures used in the construction, maintenance and repair of streets, sewers, water installations, sanitation and other public works facilities; of the proper methods of making inspections and investigations; of handling complaints tactfully and promptly; and of keeping records and files.
Ability to apply local ordinances, resolutions and codes relating to public works to specific cases; to note and correctly appraise significant facts and conditions in making inspections; to observe prescribed inspection procedures; to take and maintain a firm and correct stand when controversies arise; to prepare reports; and to give suitable instructions.
Be in good health and free from disabling physical and mental defects which would prevent proper performance of his duties.
Possess a valid New Jersey driver's license.
Ability to read engineering plans, to interpret same and have the ability to convey the information on the plans to others.
Under the direction and supervision of the Township Engineer, give suitable instructions; make periodic inspections of new street, sewer, water, and other new public works construction; see that proper procedures are being followed, that reasonable standards of workmanship and output are maintained and that desired objectives are achieved; receive complaints and recommend proper remedial action; prepare reports containing findings, conclusions and recommendations; keep needed records and files.
Do related works as required.
Compensation. The Public Works Inspector shall receive such compensation as provided for under Article IX of this chapter.
Special consultant.
Whenever the Township Engineer deems the interest of the Township so to require, the Township Engineer may, with the approval of the Mayor and Council of the Township of Burlington, appoint special consultants to assist him in carrying on the prescribed duties of the Office of Township Engineer.
Upon termination of the special consultant's services or upon the expiration of his term of office, the special consultant shall be deemed no longer entitled to receive compensation for any work previously assigned to him. The special consultant shall only at that point be entitled to compensation for actual services rendered to the point of termination or expiration.
The Mayor and/or Township Council shall have the power to authorize work by the special consultant to the extent that there are funds appropriated for this service. The Mayor shall request, prior to authorizing, the cost estimate from the special consultant and, where the cost estimate exceeds $2,500, said estimate shall be reduced to a written form and presented to the Township Council prior to authorization of the work by the Mayor.
Administrative Secretary.
Secretarial Assistant.
Engineering Aide.
Drafting Technician.
Draftsperson/Public Works Inspector.
Drafting Technician/Public Works Inspector, Grade III.
Drafting Technician/Public Works Inspector, Grade II.
Drafting Technician/Public Works Inspector, Grade I.
Principal Engineering Aide.
Assistant Engineer (Civil).
Secretary Board/Commission.
[Added 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-OR-005[2]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance shall be effective 3-1-2022.
Office of Township Land Surveyor.
Township Land Surveyor.
Appointment. The Township Land Surveyor shall be appointed by the Township Engineer with the advice and consent of the Mayor and the Township Council.
Office of Planning.
[Added 8-28-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-OR-021]
Administrative Officer.
Deputy Administrative Officer.
Generally. The Department of Licensing and Inspection is created to place within a department-level organization the inspection personnel of the Township of Burlington. Contained within the Department of Licensing and Inspection are those officers who have responsibilities to enforce the Uniform Construction Code applicable to the community. In addition, the Department has been assigned those personnel who have administrative and enforcement duties under the Municipal Land Use Law of the State of New Jersey. It is hoped that by creating a department-level organization to contain these two important Township functions, the Township, its citizens and applicants seeking to build within the Township can look to one level of organization within the community to achieve both the right to build and proper enforcement of the regulations controlling building.
Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection.
Appointment. The Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection is appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council.
Term. The Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection shall serve during the term of the Mayor appointing him until the appointment and qualification of his successor.
Qualifications. The Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection shall meet such qualifications deemed appropriate by the Mayor and Council appointing him.
Residency. The Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Compensation. The Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection shall receive such compensation as is set forth within the Salary Schedule of the Township of Burlington.[1]
Editor's Note: See Art. IX, Salaries and Benefits.
Absence, disqualification or vacancy. In the event that the Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection is absent or disqualified from holding the position, or in any other way the position becomes vacant, it shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of § 20-13 of this chapter.
Removal. The Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection may be removed in accordance with the provisions of § 20-11I or in accordance with § 20-19G.
Duties. The Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection shall:
Department head. The Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection, and in this connection he shall appoint subordinate officers and employees within the Department, subject to any limitations imposed by the Charter or general law. Further, the Director may, with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees, subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Law and contrary Charter or general law provisions.
Budget preparation. Assist the Mayor and the Township Administrator in the proper preparation of the municipal budget, and in this connection he shall submit to the Mayor in the month of November of each year a budget request for his Department in compliance with the remaining provisions of § 20-11H of this chapter.
Provision of services. It is the duty of the Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection to ensure that the Department properly functions to provide the services deemed necessary by the Mayor and Council for the inhabitants and taxpayers of the community.
Rule and regulation enforcement. It is the duty of the Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection to enforce all administrative rules and regulations dealing with questions of policy determined by the Mayor and Council to be appropriate for the Department of Licensing and Inspection.
Policy formation. The Director of the Department of Licensing and Inspection shall assist the Mayor and Township Administrator in formulating policies and programs designed to efficiently provide departmental services in the community.
Administrative Secretary.
Secretarial Assistant.
Senior Clerk Stenographer.
Senior Account Clerk (Typing).
Account Clerk (Typing).
Clerk Typist.
Office of Licensing and Inspection.
Construction Code Official.
Acting Construction Code Official.
Building Subcode Official.
Building Subcode Official/Building Inspector.
[Added 6-26-2007 by Ord. No. 07-OR-021]
Assistant to the Building Inspector.
Health Inspector. (Note: Health Inspector services performed by the Township of Burlington are governed by a contract between the County Department of Health and the local municipality wherein the County Department of Health is specified as the Health Officer in the Township of Burlington.)
Plumbing Subcode Official.
Housing Inspector Trainee.
[Added 10-24-2017 by Ord. No. 17-OR-029[2]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also repealed former Subsection C(8), Property Maintenance Inspector.
Housing Inspector.
Fire Protection Subcode Official.
Fire Protection Inspector.
Electrical Subcode Official. (Note: The Electrical Subcode Enforcement and Inspection services are to be performed in the Township of Burlington pursuant to an off-site contract issued by the Township Council of the Township of Burlington whereby the contractee is specified as the Electrical Subcode Official in the Township of Burlington.)
Elevator Subcode Official.
Elevator Inspector/Part Time.
Plumbing Inspector/Building Inspector.
Technical Assistant to the Construction Code Official.
Permit Clerk/Typing.
Student Assistant.
Code Enforcement Officer Trainee (part-time position).
[Added 2-25-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-OR-002]
Office of Zoning Enforcement.
[Amended 8-28-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-OR-021]
Zoning Officer.
Deputy Zoning Officer.
Clerk Typist.
Generally. The Department of Purchasing and Property is created to place within a department-level organization the purchasing and property personnel of the Township of Burlington.
Office of the Director of Department of Purchasing and Property.
Director of the Department of Purchasing and Property.
Appointment. The Director of Purchasing and Property shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council.
Term. The Director of the Department of Purchasing and Property shall serve during the term of the office of the Mayor appointing him and until the appointment and qualification of his successor.
Qualifications. The Director of Purchasing and Property shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of municipal purchasing matters in a capacity to administer the Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq. In addition, the Director of Purchasing and Property shall possess such other qualifications as are deemed necessary by the Mayor and Council appointing him.
Residency. The Director of the Department of Purchasing and Property shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
Compensation. The Director of the Department of Purchasing and Property shall be paid in accordance with the Salary Schedule adopted by the Township of Burlington.[1]
Editor's Note: See Art. IX, Salaries and Benefits.
Absence, disqualification or vacancy. In the event that the Director of the Department of Purchasing and Property is unavailable to perform his duties because of absence or disqualification or for any other reason the office shall be deemed vacant and it should be filled in accordance with the provisions of § 20-13.
Removal. The Director of Purchasing and Property may be removed from office by the Mayor in accordance with the provisions of § 20-11I of this chapter or by the Township Council in accordance with §§ 20-19G(5) and 20-22 of this chapter.
Procedure. Except as herein provided, it shall be unlawful for any Township officer, officers or employees to make any contract within the purview of this chapter other than through the Purchasing Department, and any purchase ordered or contract made contrary to the provisions hereof shall not be approved by the Township Purchasing Agent and the Township shall not be bound thereby. Emergency purchases and contracts may be made pursuant to the procedures of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-6. Under N.J.S.A. 40A:11-6, the Director of Purchasing and Property shall be considered as the "contracting agent" and the Township Administrator shall be considered as "deputy in charge."
Powers and duties. The Director of Purchasing and Property shall have the power and it shall be his duty to:
Act as contracting agent for the Township.
Where required by law or ordinance, or where such procedure will benefit the Township, prepare public advertising for the purchase of work, materials, equipment and supplies on behalf of the Township.
With the approval of the Council pursuant to § 20-24 of this chapter, make awards or contracts at the most favorable price for the Township.
See to it that the work, materials, equipment and supplies delivered comply with the standards and specifications prescribed by Council at the time of purchase.
Where possible:
Establish sets of standards and specifications to control all purchases by the Township.
Prepare and recommend to the Council such standards as to quality, size and variety of work for departments of the Township as will make possible uniform the purchasing for all Township offices and departments when consistent with efficiency.
Advise the Council as to the anticipated needs for purchases and ask authority to make purchases in advance of needs or in bulk amounts where such practices would result in economy or improved efficiency.
Keep in custody any materials, equipment or supplies purchased in advance of actual need for delivery to the office or department needing it at the time its use is required.
Keep records of all purchases made by him and of the destination or ultimate use of such material, equipment or supplies.
Keep an inventory of all Township property in his custody and request of any Township employee or officer an inventory of Township property in his custody.
Act as head of the Department of Purchasing and Property, and in this connection he shall appoint subordinate officers and employees within the Department, subject to any limitations imposed by the Charter and general law. Further, the Director may, with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees, subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Law and contrary Charter or general law provisions.
Assist the Mayor and the Township Administrator in proper preparation of the municipal budget, and in this connection he shall submit to the Mayor in the month of November of each year a budget request for his Department and comply with the remaining provisions of § 20-11H of the chapter.
Ensure that the Department properly function to provide the services deemed necessary by the Mayor and Council for the inhabitants and taxpayers of the community.
Enforce all administrative rules and regulations dealing with questions of policy determined by the Mayor and Council to be appropriate for the Department of Purchasing and Property.
Assist the Mayor and the Township Administrator in formulating policies and programs designed to efficiently provide Department services to the community.[2]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 2:6-9.2.A.10, regarding authorization of work by the Legislative Counsel, and original Sec. 2:6-9.2.A.11, regarding the appointment of Special Counsel, which previously followed this subsection, were deleted 9-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-OR-025. See now § 20-41, Department of Law.
Office of Purchasing and Property Agent.
Purchasing and Property Agent.
Generally. The Department of Recreation is a department-level position within the government of the Township. The person appointed Director of Recreation shall perform all duties required in connection with providing recreation services in Burlington Township as directed by the Mayor and Council.
Office of the Director of the Department of Recreation.
Director of Recreation.
Appointment. The Director of Recreation shall be appointed by the Mayor upon the advice and consent of Council.
Term. The Director of Recreation shall serve during the term of office of the Mayor appointing him and until the appointment and qualification of his successor.
Qualifications. The Director of Recreation shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the provisions of recreation services in the Township. In addition, the Director of Recreation shall possess such other qualifications as deemed necessary by the Mayor and Council appointing said person.
Residency. The Director of the Department of Recreation shall be a resident of the Township of Burlington.
[Amended 6-10-2014 by Ord. No. 14-OR-011]
Compensation. The Director of the Department of Recreation shall receive such compensation as is provided for in the Salary Schedule of the Township of Burlington.[1]
Editor's Note: See Art. IX, Salaries and Benefits.
Removal. The Director of the Department of Recreation may be removed from the office by the Mayor in accordance with the provisions of § 20-11I of this chapter or by the Township Council in accordance with §§ 20-19G(5) and 20-22 of this chapter.
Duties. The Director of the Department of Recreation shall provide all duties that are necessary in connection with the provisions of recreation services within the Township of Burlington. These duties shall also include any other as may be required by the Mayor and Council.
Acting Director of Recreation. Within the Department of Recreation, an Acting Director shall be appointed to serve on a temporary basis during a vacancy in the position of Director of Recreation, or for such period when the Director of Recreation is unable to perform the duties of the office due to an extended leave for health or other good cause. Unless the Salary Ordinance is amended, the Acting Director of Recreation shall receive the same compensation as the Director of Recreation.
[Added 4-23-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-OR-011]
Superintendent of Recreation.
Assistant Superintendent of Recreation.
Maintenance Supervisor Grounds.
[Added 8-13-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-OR-028]