Council shall appoint a clerk, qualified by education and experience in office management or business administration, to serve for three years from January 1 of the year in which appointed, and to receive an annual salary as provided in the Salary Ordinance.
The Clerk shall be Clerk of Council, shall provide such stenographic and other staff services as the members shall require, shall select subordinate personnel, with advice and consent of Council, to such positions as Council may authorize, and shall:
Attend all Council meetings, including work sessions.
Provide for the taking of and preparation of appropriate minutes of all Council meetings.
Compile, index and preserve all ordinances, resolutions, contracts, minutes and other documents and papers to which the Township is a party and which require retention as public records.
Prepare the agenda for all Council meetings and send copies of all pertinent materials in advance of work sessions to Council members and members-elect, the Mayor and Business Administrator and other affected Township officials.
Prepare and publish notices, ordinances and other matters as required by Charter or general law.
Have custody of the Township Seal and affix it to appropriate documents without charge.
Have responsibility for incoming and outgoing mail services.
Perform such other duties as Council may assign and as are prescribed by general law and the Charter.
Conduct searches.
Serve as the Registrar of Vital Statistics.
[Added 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003]
Approve the granting of raffle and bingo licenses as is provided by law. For purposes of this chapter, the Municipal Clerk is now the issuing authority for bingo and raffle licenses in the Township of Washington, County of Gloucester.
[Added 9-20-2007 by Ord. No. 35-2007]
The Clerk shall compile and index all ordinances and resolutions adopted during the year, and shall obtain sufficient copies of each to satisfy normal public demand. At the close of each year, the Clerk shall index and bind the originals of all ordinances and resolutions and preserve them as permanent public records. The Clerk may also provide for codification of ordinances, with assistance of the Township Attorney and within available budgeted resources.
The Clerk shall charge and receive for use of the Township such fees for transcripts and copies of official records as Council shall authorize, by resolution, as set forth in Chapter 80, Fees.
The office of the Township Clerk shall be subject to such general administrative procedures and requirements as are other departments of the Township government, including, but not limited to, the preparation and submission of an annual budget and of such periodic budget reports as are generally required of departments, and such accounting controls, central purchasing practices, personnel procedures and regulations and central data processing services as are generally required of departments.
[Amended 1-13-2000 by Ord. No. 33-1999]
There is hereby created the position of Deputy Municipal Clerk as provided for by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-135. The Deputy Municipal Clerk, at the direction of the Municipal Clerk, shall assist the Municipal Clerk in the performance of his or her duties.
The term of the Deputy Municipal Clerk shall be three years from the date of the appointment.
The compensation paid to the Deputy Municipal Clerk shall be set by ordinance.