Conformance required. Any sign hereafter erected or maintained shall conform with the provisions of this article and any other ordinance or regulation of the Township not consistent herewith.
The purpose of this article is to establish a legal framework for a comprehensive system regulating all exterior signs and interior signs placed for exterior observance so as to protect the aesthetic character of the Township, to protect the health, safety and welfare of residents and to ensure the availability to citizens of on-premises signs of an adequate quality.
Any sign placed on land, water or a building for the purpose of identification or for advertising a use conducted therein or thereon shall be deemed to be accessory and incidental to such land, building or use. It is intended that the display of signs will be appropriate to the land, building or use to which they are appurtenant and will be adequate, but not excessive, for the intended purpose of identification or advertisement.
It is further intended that in proposed commercial and industrial areas all signs within one complex be coordinated with the architecture in such a manner that the overall appearance is harmonious in color, form and proportion.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated.
Wood or materials not more combustible than wood, and approved combustible plastics.
Only those plastics which, when tested in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials standard method for test for flammability of plastics over 0.050 inch in thickness (C635-44), burn no faster than 2.5 inches per minute in sheets of 0.060 inch thickness.
A sign generally made of flexible material that is usually fixed to a permanent structure or strung between fixed objects with string, rope, wires, hooks or the like. Materials which do not contain letters, but whose purpose is to focus attention, are also banners.
Any sign attached to and deriving its major support from a building, and including but not limited to the following: arcade signs, awning signs, canopy signs, projecting signs, wall signs, window signs and signs painted on the surface of walls.
A material attached to the structure as an architectural feature, which may also contain sign data. Also known as an "awning."
A sign specifically designed so that the letters and graphic material may be changed an unlimited number of times by the easy removal and replacement of the letters and graphic material.
A sign or portion thereof with characters, letters, or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign. A sign on which the only copy that changes is an electronic or mechanical indication of time or temperature shall be considered a time-and-temperature portion of a sign and not a changeable message sign for purposes of this article.
[Added 6-12-2008 by Ord. No. 25-2008]
Any sign which combines the characteristics of two or more types of signs, including roof, projecting and ground signs.
The total area made available, by the sign structure or otherwise, upon, against or through which the message of the sign is exhibited.
A sign which indicates the name of an individual enterprise or business, or any of its affiliates, and which may or may not indicate the products, services or entertainment offered by that business.
To build, construct, attach, place, suspend or affix, and shall also include the painting of wall signs and the painting of signs or displays on the exterior surface of a building, structure or natural surface.
Any illuminated sign whose illumination is derived from an external artificial source outside the display portion of the sign.
[Added 6-12-2008 by Ord. No. 25-2008]
See "building-mounted sign."
A cloth or flexible material, usually but not limited to rectangular, that is fixed on one side to a vertical pole or placed on the surface of a structure. Flags typically depict emblems of a country, state, municipality or service organization and logos of all types.
Any sign supported by structural members or by braces in the ground and not attached to a building, including, but not limited to, the following: bulletin board signs, outdoor advertising signs, pole or pylon signs or ground signs.
Directional, information or public service signs, such as signs advertising locations of rest rooms, telephone or similar facilities of public convenience, and signs located on mechanical dispensing equipment that identifies its products.
A sign that gives the name, or name and address, of a building, business, development or establishment. Such a sign may be wholly or partly devoted to a readily recognized symbol or trademark.
A sign which is lighted by self-contained interior light or by lights projected or directed on to it.
[Added 6-12-2008 by Ord. No. 25-2008]
Any sign whose sole source or artificial illumination is contained within the display portion of the sign, including neon-type signs and internally and backlit signs.
[Added 6-12-2008 by Ord. No. 25-2008]
Any digital, illuminated sign with changeable message and changeable copy which shall not scroll.
[Added 6-12-2008 by Ord. No. 25-2008]
Any sign, symbol or device erected and maintained by any federal, state, county or local governmental agency for the purpose of informing or guiding the public or for the protection of health, safety, convenience and/or general welfare.
Any sign on which is portrayed information which directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment not related to uses existing or permitted on the lot upon which the sign is located. This definition includes billboards.
Any sign painted or affixed to the pavement surface.
Any sign not affixed to the ground nor to a building, including any sign attached to or displayed on a vehicle that is used solely for the purpose of advertising a business establishment, product, service or entertainment, when that vehicle is so parked as to attract the attention of the motoring or pedestrian traffic.
Any sign advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises, or part of the premises, on which the sign is displayed.
Any sign erected, constructed or maintained wholly upon or over the roof of any building with the principal support on the roof structure.
A freestanding sign which identifies only the name of the shopping center and does not identify the individual enterprises or their products, services or amusements.
A structure, building, wall or any writing, letter work or numeral, pictorial or graphic presentation, illustration or decoration, emblem, device, symbol or trademark, flag, banner or pennant, or any other structure device, figure or similar character which is:
Used for visual communication to announce, direct attention to, identify, advertise or otherwise make anything known.
Visible from the public right-of-way or from adjacent property.
A sign which advertises or presents information to the public of a location, event or occurrence which will take place at a certain time or date or within a certain period. Inflatable signs, balloons or any inflatable advertising device shall be considered temporary signs.
Any sign painted or attached to the glass area of a window or placed behind the glass of a window so that it can be read from out-of-doors.
In keeping with the purpose and intent of this article, all signs shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions that follow and in accordance with the provisions of the zoning district in which the sign is to be located.
No sign, except for those signs listed in § 285-225 below, shall be painted, constructed, erected, remodeled, relocated or expanded until a sign permit for such sign has been obtained.
No permit for any sign shall be issued unless the sign complies with all regulations of the article and those set forth in the Uniform Construction Code,[1] and the payment of fees shall be required in accordance with fees adopted by the Township Council.
[Amended 6-12-2008 by Ord. No. 25-2008]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 55, Uniform Construction Codes.
The Planning Board shall review and act on all new sign proposals, except where the Zoning Board of Adjustment has original jurisdiction. Applications to modify prior approved existing signs and to change a tenant sign within a project where a master sign plan has previously been approved by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment may be reviewed and approved directly by the construction official, provided that the requested changes comply with this article. After approval for new signs is received from the Planning Board, an application for a sign permit shall be made to the construction official.
All new businesses shall be required to obtain a permit for all signs, including existing conforming and nonconforming signs, whether or not such existing signs are to be changed.
Exceptions. The following operations shall not be considered as creating a sign and therefore shall not require a sign permit:
The changing of the advertised copy or message on an approved painted or printed sign or billboard, a theater marquee, or similar approved signs which are specifically designed for the use of replaceable copy.
Painting, repainting, cleaning and other normal maintenance and repair of a conforming sign or a conforming sign structure, unless a structural change is made.
Exempt signs. The following enumerated signs, allowed in all districts, shall be exempt from the requirements of this article:
Signs of a constituted governmental body, including traffic signs and signals or similar regulatory devices, legal devices or warnings at railroad crossings.
Memorial tablets or signs and historic markers, as approved by the Township Council.
Signs required to be maintained on any lot or parcel by law or governmental order, rule or regulation, with a total surface area not exceeding 10 square feet.
Signs which are within public recreation facilities, such as, but not limited to, signs setting forth rules and regulations of play, hours of use, parking facilities, directional signs, scoreboards, park names and sponsor signs.
Flags, emblems or insignia of the United States, State of New Jersey, Gloucester County, other counties or states, religious groups, civic organizations and service clubs. Each project shall be allowed up to three flags, one flag each of any type listed above. Flagpoles shall not exceed 35 feet in height and flags shall not be of a dimension greater than five feet by eight feet.
Signs which post or display address numbers and occupant names with a total area not to exceed two square feet.
Signs displayed for the direction or convenience of the public, including signs which identify rest rooms, location of public telephones, freight entrances or the like, with a total area not to exceed two square feet.
Signs, each of which has a total area not exceeding two square feet, placed by a public utility, showing the location of underground facilities.
Seasonal displays and decorations not advertising a product, service or entertainment, for a period not to exceed 45 days.
Freestanding signs or signs attached to fences at approximate eye level, no larger than four square feet, warning the public against hunting, fishing, trespassing, dangerous animals, swimming or the like.
Any information or directional sign or historical marker erected by a public agency, which may include signs displayed by a public agency for the purpose of giving directions and distances to commercial districts in which are located the following types of commercial facilities for the convenience of the traveling public: restaurants, motels and establishments for the servicing of motor vehicles, provided that no such sign shall give direction or distance to any specific business establishment.
Signs, each of which has a total area not exceeding two square feet, identifying parking for the handicapped, except when the handicap logo is painted on the specific parking stall pavement.
Parking lot markers, internal traffic control signs and entrance and exit signs erected on the same premises to which they apply, provided that each such sign does not exceed three square feet.
Nonresidential property building numbers in excess of two square feet.
Temporary signs. All temporary signs are required to obtain a sign permit, except temporary real estate signs, as set forth in Subsection C(6) below and temporary daily special signs, as set forth in Subsection C(10.1) below:
[Amended 6-12-2008 by Ord. No. 25-2008; 6-10-2009 by Ord. No. 15-2009]
Temporary flags.
[Amended 5-23-2018 by Ord. No. 10-2018; 5-8-2019 by Ord. No. 13-2019]
Businesses shall be allowed up to one temporary flag for a period of 30 days up to four times per calendar year.
[Amended 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
A permit allows a temporary flag to be displayed for a period of 30 days starting from the date the permit was issued.
[Amended 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C(1)(c), which did not allow permits to be issued for consecutive months, was repealed 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023.
Only one temporary flag per business is permitted to be displayed during any one time.
[Amended 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
Temporary flags shall be no more than 20 square feet.
Any person displaying a temporary flag without a permit shall be in violation of this chapter and be subject to the penalties set forth in Subsection C(11).
Newly established businesses shall be allowed four flag permits, exempt from fees, for a period of 30 days each, within the first year starting from the date a zoning permit is issued.
[Added 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
Inflatable signs shall not exceed 64 square feet, shall be limited to one inflatable sign per lot per year, and shall be removed within seven days.
Official notices or advertisements posted or displayed by or under the direction of any public or court officer in the performance of his/her official or directed duties or by trustees under deeds of trust, deeds of assignment or other similar instruments, provided that all such signs shall be removed not later than 10 days after the last day of the period for which the same are required to be displayed in order to accomplish their purpose.
Temporary political signs, not exceeding 32 square feet in area, may be erected on any privately owned lot or parcel in any nonresidential zone. Corner properties are allowed one sign not exceeding 32 square feet on each road frontage. Temporary political signs not exceeding six square feet in area are permitted in all districts, not to exceed five signs per property. On properties with thirty-two-square-foot signs, only four small signs are allowed. No such temporary political sign shall be erected more than 45 days in advance of election and all such signs shall be removed within 10 days after Election Day. Each candidate, or representative of such candidate, must apply for a permit, but shall be exempt from all fees. Temporary political signs that are fixed permanently are prohibited.
[Amended 8-16-2023 by Ord. No. 13-2023; 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
Temporary signs not exceeding 32 square feet in area announcing a campaign, drive or event of a civic, philanthropic, educational or religious organization, provided that the sponsoring organization shall ensure proper and prompt removal of such sign. No such sign shall be erected more than 30 days prior to the event advertised, and all such signs shall be removed within 10 days after the event. Each organization, including nonprofit organizations, must apply for a permit, but shall be exempt from all fees.
Nonilluminating temporary real estate signs advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises or part of the premises on which the sign is displayed. Such signs shall not exceed 12 square feet, all sides combined, in all residential districts and 64 square feet, all sides combined, in all other districts. Such signs, not to exceed one in number per lot, shall be permitted on each major road frontage.
Temporary "Open House" signs may be placed on the lot no sooner than 24 hours before and shall be removed within two hours after the open house is closed. Only one such sign shall be permitted per lot. No more than three off-site directional signs are allowed. These signs shall include the day and time of the open house on the sign.
All temporary real estate signs shall be removed no later than five days after settlement. The realtor or listing broker shall be the entity cited if there is a violation of this regulation.
Temporary construction signs which identify the architects, engineers, contractors and other individuals or firms involved with the construction and, during the construction period, signs announcing the character of the building, enterprise or the purpose for which the building is intended. Such signs shall not include any advertisement of any product and shall be limited to a maximum area of 32 square feet on each side for each sign. The signs shall not exceed one in number per site and shall be confined to the site of the construction and shall be removed within 14 days following issuance of the last certificate of occupancy. In no case, however, shall such signs be displayed for a period of more than one year. With respect to temporary construction signs, no permit fee shall be required by contractors as set forth in fees adopted by the Township Council.
Temporary signs, not exceeding 30 square feet on each side, announcing a "Grand Opening," "Under New Management" or "Going Out of Business," only, shall be permitted for a period not to exceed 30 days. The applicant has the right to request one fifteen-day extension.
[Amended 10-10-2018 by Ord. No. 24-2018; 6-28-2023 by Ord. No. 12-2023]
Banners, subject to the following regulations:
[Amended 10-10-2018 by Ord. No. 24-2018]
Permits shall be issued for 12 consecutive months.
[Amended 6-28-2023 by Ord. No. 12-2023]
Banners shall include the temporary signs listed in Subsection C(8).
An applicant may secure one permit per calendar year at $150 per permit.
[Amended 6-28-2023 by Ord. No. 12-2023
A permit allows a banner to be displayed for a period of 365 days starting from date the permit was issued.
[Amended 6-28-2023 by Ord. No. 12-2023]
Banners shall not exceed 30 square feet.
Only one banner per business is permitted to be displayed during any one time period.
[Amended 6-28-2023 by Ord. No. 12-2023; 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
Any person posting a banner without a permit shall be in violation of this chapter and be subject to the penalties set forth in Subsection C(11) below, if they fail to obtain a permit within 30 days from notice of the violation.
[Amended 6-28-2023 by Ord. No. 12-2023]
Any banner that is worn, torn, faded and in need of replacement as determined by the Zoning Enforcement Officer must be replaced or must be removed within 30 days of notification.
[Added 6-28-2023 by Ord. No. 12-2023]
Temporary garage sale or yard sale signs, not to exceed two per lot. Each lot shall be entitled to the posting of such signs no more than two times each year. The maximum size of such sign shall not exceed 20 square feet.
Temporary daily special signs (sandwich-board-type) not to exceed one per business. The maximum size of such sign shall not exceed 10 square feet. Such sign can only be displayed during business hours, upon the sidewalk, and cannot unreasonably obstruct any sidewalk. Such sign cannot be located on any roadway or along any roadway unless it is upon a sidewalk. Such sign must be located within 15 feet of the building entrance.
Any person or entity in violation of these temporary sign regulations shall be subject to the following penalties:
First offense, $200, and the sign to be removed within five days.
[Amended 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
Second offense, $300 and the sign to be removed within five days.
[Amended 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
Third offense, $400, and the sign to be removed by the Township and the cost billed to the violator.
[Amended 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023]
For each offense, the violator shall be denied one sign permit during the calendar year.
The following signs are prohibited in all zoning districts:
Signs with a lighting arrangement which is more than that which is necessary for the primary illumination of the sign. This shall include exposed lighting which is intended to attract attention as well as to illuminate the sign.
Any portable sign.
Any sign that violates any provision of the Uniform Construction Code.
Any sign so located as to obscure all or any portion of a sign or traffic signal erected by a governmental authority.
Any sign, except fire signs, so erected, constructed or maintained so as to obstruct or be attached to any fire escape, window, door or opening used as a means of egress or ingress or for fire-fighting purposes, or placed so as to interfere with any opening for ventilation required by law.
Any sign or illumination that causes any direct glare into or upon any road or any building, other than the building to which the sign may be related.
Any sign of which all or any part is in motion by any means, including fluttering or rotating. This shall not apply to the hands of a clock or to a weather vane.
Any sign displaying flashing or intermittent lights, rotating beams or lights of changing degrees of intensity of color, except signs indicating time, temperature, barometric pressure or air pollution index, but only when the sign does not constitute a public safety or traffic hazard.
Any sign that is attached to a tree or rock, whether on public or private property, except official notices or announcements.
Any sign that is attached to a public utility pole, whether on public or private property, except official notices or announcements.
Any sign which by reason of its location, position, size, shape or color may obstruct, impair, obscure, confuse or interfere with any traffic control sign, signal or device. Accordingly, no sign shall use the words "Stop," "Slow," "Caution," "Yield," "Danger," "Warning" or "Go" when such sign may be confused with a traffic control sign used or displayed by a public authority.
Any advertisement which uses a series of two or more signs or units placed in a line parallel to the highway or in similar fashion, all carrying a single advertising message, part of which is contained on each sign.
Signs advertising any business or industry not conducted within the Township.
Signs extending above the roof line.
Outdoor advertising signs, such as billboards, except for Washington Township welcome signs and affiliated logo(s).
[Amended 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003]
Pavement signs, except for identification of handicap parking stalls and fire zones and areas.
Flags, except as listed under §§ 285-225B(5), and 285-225C(1), pennants with or without words, copy balloons, kites or other similar devices.
[Amended 5-8-2019 by Ord. No. 13-2019]
Signs located off the property which it advertises, except for existing nonconforming billboard signs.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Subsection 22-34.5s, regarding neon signs, which immediately followed this subsection, was deleted 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003.
Homemade signs that are not professional in appearance and which detract from the neighborhood.
Merchandise shall not be located outside so as to constitute a sign.
No copy boards (illuminated or otherwise) are permitted within the Township (except as provided in § 285-231I). Copy boards include manual and/or automatic changing text signs.
[Amended 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003; 3-16-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012]
The area of a sign shall mean and shall be computed as the area to the outside edge of the frame surrounding the sign or by the edge of the sign if no frame exists. When no frame or edge exists, the area shall be defined by a projected, enclosed parallelogram drawn to include all figures, letters, pictures and graphics on such sign. Standard signs shall be assumed to have only two sides. Multifaced signs shall not exceed the area followed for standard signs.
A margin of at least 15% shall be located around all signage text, graphics, and logos. Such margin shall simply provide for a "background" that does not permit text, graphics or logos to extend to the edge of any given sign.
[Amended 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003]
The following sign regulations shall apply to all single-family residential and institutional uses within the Residential Zones A, B, C, R, PR-1, PR-2, PR-3 and Institutional Districts:
One nameplate sign indicating a professional use, accessory use or home occupation or name signs indicating the occupant of a dwelling and trespassing signs or signs indicating the private nature of a driveway or premises shall be permitted, provided that the area on one side of any such sign shall not exceed two square feet, the sign shall not be illuminated and the sign shall be situated within the property lines of the premises it identifies.
Signs for each residential development shall not exceed 50 square feet on each side. If the sign consists of additional architectural features or improvements which are intended to establish a theme, logo or special identification for the project, then the 50 square feet may be applicable only to the area of the lettering. Architectural features which are harmonious with the sign may include, but shall not be limited to, brick, stone or wood focal features, fences, walls and pedestrian shelters. All signs shall be located within the development and may be located adjacent to any street bounding the development and shall not exceed two in number per major entrance street. All signs and architectural features shall not exceed five feet in height from ground level (ground-mounted monument style) and shall be ground maintained.
[Amended 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003]
Institutional District uses may be permitted one identification building-mounted sign, not exceeding a total of 32 square feet in area. Freestanding signs limited to one per use, with or without bulletin board or reader board for religious uses, shall be permitted, provided that the sign does not exceed 24 square feet on each side. LED (light-emitting diode) or LCD (liquid-crystal display) digital message boards, illuminated and changeable message signs, shall be permitted in Institutional Districts. The LED (light-emitting diode) or LCD (liquid-crystal display) digital message boards shall comply with all other requirements and permits and shall not have any scrolling message but allow for digital, changeable copy.
[Amended 6-12-2008 by Ord. No. 25-2008]
No more than one permanent sign per lot shall be permitted, unless otherwise specified, for each use permitted in these zones.
No freestanding sign, including supports, shall extend more than five feet above the ground unless otherwise specified, and all such signs shall be ground-mounted.
The following sign regulations shall apply within the Residential Zones MH, H, PACC and PUD:
For child-care centers and religious facilities, as specified in § 285-228.
The single-family sections of such projects, if permitted, shall be permitted the applicable signs specified in § 285-228, subject to those specifications.
The multifamily sections shall be permitted one wall-mounted sign per building, totaling 12 square feet per building. Such signs shall indicate only the number or name of the building and shall be lighted.
For all other uses, except retail sales and banks, as specified in § 285-233.
For all retail sales facilities and banks, as specified in § 285-230.
Building address numbers shall be clearly shown on each building.
All signs shall adhere to the provisions of § 285-230A(3).
The following sign regulations shall apply in the NC Neighborhood Commercial District:
Each commercial use or tenant may have one facade sign as follows:
If the building consists of a series of strip stores attached to each other, the owner shall submit a master sign program for the entire project. A facade sign board or area shall be provided. The master sign program shall show the proposed color combinations, location and size of all signs. Individual facade sign boxes shall not be more than three feet high. The length may vary in accordance with the width of store frontage, but there shall be six feet of open area between any two signs. If individual channel letters are used, they shall not exceed three feet in height. Spacing between tenant signs shall be as noted above.
For individual buildings, not part of the strip store center, each tenant shall be allowed one facade sign, not to exceed 40 square feet in size. The regulations in Subsection A(1) above shall apply where applicable.
Signs shall be limited to identifying or advertising the property, the individual enterprises, the products, services or the entertainment available on the same property where the sign is located.
Each store or group of stores approved as a single subdivision or site plan application may have one freestanding enterprise sign which shall not exceed 32 square feet in area on each side.
[Amended 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003]
The freestanding sign shall contain only the name and logo of the project or tenant. Individual tenants can be listed on the freesanding sign.
[Amended 3-16-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012]
The freestanding sign shall be architecturally consistent with the materials and design of the building.
A store or building on several lots shall not have a separate freestanding sign on each lot.
All freestanding signs shall be ground-based monument signs not to exceed six feet in height and shall not be raised in the air on poles.
[Amended 3-16-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012]
All freestanding signs shall be located no closer than 10 feet to a street right-of-way or adjoining property line, and shall not create a visibility hazard for motorists.
Signs for professional offices, as specified in Subsection B above. If the offices are on the second or greater floor above the retail occupants, then no exterior facade-mounted signs are permitted. All office tenants shall be contained on lobby directory signs.
Banks shall be permitted one facade sign, as specified in Subsection A above. In addition, a separate facade sign, not to exceed 24 square feet, shall be permitted as part of a wall-mounted money access machine.
The building address number shall be clearly shown on each building.
A master sign program shall be submitted, showing proposed color combinations, locations and sizes of all signs.
The following sign regulations shall apply in the HC Highway Commercial District:
For child-care centers, as specified in § 285-228.
For all other uses, as specified in § 285-230, except that freestanding signs in the HC zone shall be permitted up to 50 square feet in area on each side.
[Amended 3-16-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012]
Up to two facade signs shall be permitted within the HC zone, provided the combined sign area does not exceed the sign area as specified in § 285-230A.
[Amended 3-16-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012]
Building address numbers shall be clearly shown on each building.
All signs shall adhere to the provisions of § 285-230A(3).
Motor vehicle sales agencies shall be permitted freestanding signs indicating "Parts," "Service" and "Customer Parking." Such freestanding signs shall not exceed 15 square feet in size, shall not be higher than six feet, and shall be located internally within the project and not along the public street.
Gasoline filling stations shall be limited to the following signs:
One freestanding sign, which shall be a combination identification and price sign. The total sign square footage shall not exceed 50 square feet. The maximum width of the sign may not exceed eight feet, nor may the sign exceed 15 feet in height.
One facade sign on the face of the building indicating the identification name, food services, or a combination of both. Such sign shall not exceed 10 feet in length nor shall the sign letters exceed three feet in height.
If there is a canopy, two sides of the canopy may contain identification signs. Such signs shall not exceed eight feet in length nor shall the letters exceed two feet in height. Two project logos may be included on the canopy in addition to the identification signs.
No more than three service bay banner signs, which shall be located on the facade of individual service bays. These signs shall advertise auto service only and not food or drink.
A master sign program shall be submitted showing color combinations, locations and sizes of all signs.
LED (light-emitting diode) or LCD (liquid-crystal display) digital message boards, illuminated and changeable message signs, shall be permitted in Highway Commercial Districts. The LED (light-emitting diode) or LCD (liquid-crystal display) digital message boards shall comply with all other requirements and permits and shall not have any scrolling message but allow for digital, changeable copy.
[Added 6-12-2008 by Ord. No. 25-2008]
Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, businesses shall be permitted one freestanding sign for each road fronting on the project.
[Added 3-16-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012]
The following sign regulations shall apply in the SC Shopping Center District:
All signs as permitted in § 285-230 shall be permitted, except as modified herein.
Each shopping center may be permitted one freestanding sign for each major road fronting on the project.
No freestanding sign shall exceed 25 feet in height nor 64 square feet in size.
A master sign program shall be submitted showing proposed color combinations, locations and sizes of all signs.
The following sign regulations shall apply in the CI Commercial Industrial, PI Planned Industrial, O-1 Office Residential and O-2 Office Districts:
For residential properties, signs as specified in § 285-228.
For retail commercial uses, signs as specified in § 285-230.
For all other uses in the CI Commercial Industrial and PI Planned Industrial Districts, signs as follows:
For all projects, a master sign program shall be submitted for review and approval. The master sign program shall show the proposed color combinations, location and sizes of all signs.
If two or more buildings are proposed in a project, the overall project shall be permitted freestanding project identification signs, one along each existing perimeter street or highway. These signs shall identify only the name and logo of the entire project. They shall be monument based and ground-mounted horizontally, and shall not be raised in the air on poles. They shall not be greater than 10 feet long and six feet high.
Each office building, hotel and industrial building shall be permitted one freestanding sign indicating either the name and logo of the building, the address of the building or both. These signs shall be located where they are visible from the adjacent street. They shall be monument based and ground-mounted horizontally, and shall not be raised in the air on poles. They shall not be greater than 12 feet long by three feet high, or four feet long by six feet high.
Each office building and industrial building shall be permitted one or more tenant directory signs for multi-occupied buildings. These signs shall be located within the parking lot near the vehicular access points. These signs shall be monument based and ground-mounted horizontally, and shall not be raised in the air on poles. These signs may list the occupants of the building and suite numbers. Such signs shall not be greater than 3 1/2 feet in height by 4 1/2 feet in length, or three feet in length by six feet in height.
Each tenant in a multi-occupied office or industrial building shall be permitted a wall-mounted sign next to the exterior entry doors listing the occupant's name, suite number and logo. These signs shall not be greater than 12 inches by 12 inches. These signs may also be painted on entry doors.
Each office building, hotel and industrial building may be permitted one facade sign on the face of the building indicating the name and logo of the building. If the building name is the same as a tenant, then that tenant must occupy at least 60% of the rentable area of the building. These signs and logos shall be individual channel letters, not exceeding 30 inches in height. The length may vary according to the number of letters and logo necessary to spell the complete name.
For all nonresidential uses in the O-1 Office Residential and the O-2 Office Districts, signs as specified in Subsection C(4), (5) and (6) above.
The following sign regulations shall apply in the CR Commercial Recreation District:
A single freestanding sign is permitted, as specified in § 285-230B.
A building facade sign is permitted, as specified in § 285-233C(6).
The Planning Board may permit, at selected locations, welcome signs identifying projects and service organizations located in the Township.
The size of each welcome sign shall not exceed 32 square feet, and shall be constructed in accordance with the model sign on file in the office of the Planning Board Secretary.
Within the permitted sign area, the Planning Board may approve any combination of project identification and service organization lettering.
A uniform color combination, as approved by the Planning Board, shall be used for the entire sign. Deletions and additions shall conform to the original color specifications, which shall be on file with the Planning Board.
[Added 11-22-1999 by Ord. No. 29-1999]
The following signage as regards the use of premises within the zone by a health care system shall apply:
One freestanding sign (monuments preferred) is permitted at each road entry/curb cut. The sign shall not exceed 100 square feet per side, maximum 10 feet high for monument and 20 feet for pole-mounted, set back 10 feet from the property line.
Facade signage on each facade facing a street and one internal side totaling three facades is permitted to identify the facility name, not to exceed 10% of the facade face.
Emergency room identification and directional signs shall be permitted in a size acceptable to the Planning Board. "Tower" structures are permitted four-foot-high letters.
Illegal signs. In accordance with the provisions of this article, it is the intent of these regulations to bring all illegal signs into conformity with the standards set forth herein. Therefore, within six months of the effective date[1] of this article, all illegal signs shall either be removed or brought into conformity with these standards.
Note: July 3, 1995.
Nonconforming signs. All signs which prior to the adoption of this article received either Planning Board or Zoning Board approval and are now nonconforming according to the current sign standards may continue as nonconforming signs without further alteration.
In order to provide directional assistance to the public, the construction official is authorized to have installed at the intersections of state, county and municipal highways within the Township, and at a charge sufficient to defray the costs thereof, uniform, ladder-type signs establishing the general direction of geographical areas, public or semipublic uses, shopping centers, industrial parks and businesses. Such signs shall be maintained and serviced upon completion of initial installation by the Department of Municipal Support Services. The charge for installation of each slat shall be per Township ordinance. Administrative procedures and sign design for instituting this section shall be approved by the Township Council, upon recommendation of the construction official.
Anything to the contrary in this article notwithstanding, the Township shall have the right to erect any signs needed or required in connection with the operation of the municipal government, including, but not limited to, signs to preserve order, protect the public health and welfare, regulate traffic, identify Township limits, advertise Township police regulations and advertise Township ordinances.
For all use variances granted, the signs permitted shall be the same as specified for the zoning district where the use is first permitted as a matter of right, except as herein modified. If the use variance is for a property that is contiguous on two or more sides to residential housing or residentially zoned land, then the signs permitted shall be as specified in § 285-228.
General regulations.
Every sign permitted by this article must be constructed of durable materials and must be kept in good condition and repair. No sign may be injurious to the public interest or endanger the interests of public safety or morals. If the owner fails to comply with this section, the Township reserves the right to remove such sign at the owner's expense.
All unapproved signs shall be removed upon 10 days' notice, in writing, to the landowner or the lessor or the lessee of the sign. If the owner fails to comply with this section, the Township reserves the right to remove such sign at the owner's expense.
No sign shall be erected containing information on it which states or implies that a property may be used for any purpose not permitted under the provisions of this chapter in the zoning district in which the property to which the sign relates is located.
Signs within Washington Township shall comply with the requirements of Section 5 of P.L. 1991, c. 413 (N.J.S.A. 27:5-9) and the Sign Fabrication Safety Quality Assurance Act [Sections 2 through 7 of P.L. 2019, c. 84 (N.J.S.A. 34:15B-41 to 34:15B-46).]
[Added 9-14-2022 by Ord. No. 15-2022]
Private regulations. Whenever private parties establish internal sign regulations for private property that are more restrictive than these regulations, then the more restrictive private sign regulations shall take precedence over these regulations.
A Sign Review Board may be established, whose purpose is to determine the appropriateness of signs and to hear disputes relative to abuses. Members may be appointed from both the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment.