[Adopted 2-22-1971 by L.L. No. 1-1971 as Ch. 62, Art. XVI, of the 1971 Code]
The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department and inspectors of the Fire Prevention Bureau shall survey each mercantile and manufacturing establishment; each garage, school, public hall, place of assembly, hospital, apartment house, sanatorium and convalescent home; each boarding- , rooming, tourist and paying guest house; and each hotel, club, restaurant and eating place, and shall designate suitable hand fire extinguishers. Such fire appliances may consist of fixed, wheeled or portable chemical extinguishers of a type suitable for the probable class of fire. The size, number and location of such fire appliances shall be determined by the Fire Prevention Bureau.
Failure to install or provide the equipment ordered by the Fire Prevention Bureau or Chief Engineer of the Fire Department and failure to maintain it in operative condition at all times shall be considered a violation punishable as indicated hereinafter in this article. Repeated disregard of such orders shall constitute sufficient basis for the Chief Engineer to recommend to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Rockville Centre revocation of any permit held.