[Adopted 7-14-1980 by L.L. No. 19-1980 as Ch. 101, Art. II, of the 1980 Code]
Each owner and occupant of land within the village shall keep all brush, grass and weeds on such land cut and trimmed. No owner or occupant of land within the village shall permit noxious weeds, long grass or other rank growth thereon.
Each owner and occupant of land within the village abutting on any street shall keep the sidewalk in front of such premises free and clear of all dirt, rubbish or other obstruction and shall keep any grass or grass plot between such sidewalk and the curb or gutter of the street cut and trimmed and free of any accumulation of dirt or rubbish. No owner or occupant shall permit any accumulation of dirt or rubbish on such sidewalk or shall permit any noxious weeds, long grass or other rank growth or any accumulation of dirt or rubbish between such sidewalk and the curb or gutter.
[Amended 11-30-1995 by L.L. No. 9-1995]
Upon failure to keep such land, grass or grass plot cut and trimmed and any such land, grass, grass plot or sidewalk free from accumulation of dirt and rubbish as required by this Article, the Village Clerk or the Code Enforcement Officer may serve a notice, in writing, directing an owner, lessee or occupant of such property to forthwith remedy any such violation of this Article. Such notice shall be served personally or by mail, and shall direct that such remedial measures be completed by a date specified in such notice. Such notice may also direct that the person(s) to whom such notice is directed appear before the Board of Trustees at a specified date and time to be heard with respect to further measures to compel compliance with such notice in the event the violation is not remedied within the time specified in such notice.
In the event a notice served as provided in Subsection A of this section directs one (1) or more persons to appear before the Board of Trustees at a specified date and time, the Board of Trustees, after consideration of the matter at or after the specified date and time, may determine that the remedial work has not been completed as required. In such event, the Board may extend the time to complete the remedial work, or the Board may determine that any required remedial work be done by the village, at the expense of the property owner, which expense will be a lien against the property in the same manner as provided by law for property taxes.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 101-9, Penalties for offenses, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 11-27-1990 by L.L. No. 9-1990.