The procedures established in this article are intended to define the steps by which a developer shall make an application, design a subdivision plan or land development plan, record plans and construct and maintain improvements and by which the Township Planning Commission and Council may review, make recommendations, approve the plans and otherwise administer these regulations.
Prior to the submittal of plans and supporting documents, it is the responsibility of the developer and his engineer to assure that applications for approval of a subdivision or land development are in accordance with these regulations and all other applicable regulations, ordinances or statutes.
Any applicant who desires to meet with the Township's professionals or consultants prior to submitting a plan application or at such time an application is received shall execute a professional escrow agreement with the Township and post an escrow amount to be determined therein to cover any costs to the Township associated with the aforementioned consultants.
Applications submitted for subdivision or land development in Lower Saucon Township shall comply to the requirements of Article V of this chapter and any additional conditions related to the preservation of the health, safety and welfare which have been established by the review agencies.
Submission to Lower Saucon Township shall be made to either the Zoning Officer or his or her designee. Plans shall be submitted before the close of business on the submittal date, as established by the policy of the Township Planning Commission prior to a Planning Commission meeting in order to be included on the agenda for that meeting.
In addition to submitting the required copies of the application and supporting documents to the Township, the developer shall submit the required copies to the review agencies as listed in §§ 145-19 through 145-22.
Failure of the developer to provide review agency comments, which the Township considers necessary for approval, shall be grounds for denying an application. Copies of said comments shall be provided to the Zoning Officer and Township Engineer a minimum of 30 days before the Planning Commission meeting at which action is to be taken.
[Amended 2-7-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-02]
The Zoning Officer or his or her designee shall review the plan submission for completeness under the requirements of Article V of this chapter. This review is only for completeness of the application and does not consider compliance with the Township's plans, ordinances, regulations or acceptable engineering practices. If he or she finds that information necessary for the initial review of these plans is incomplete, he or she shall document those missing items and recommend that the Planning Commission and Township Council reject the plans as incomplete.
If an application is incomplete, the Zoning Officer or his or her designee shall notify the developer, in writing, and allow the developer the opportunity to withdraw his or her plans. If no written request to withdraw the plans is received, the recommendation for rejection shall be presented to the Planning Commission for its concurrence and then shall be forwarded to the Township Council for action.
Subdivision and land development plan submission procedures.
[Amended 2-7-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-02]
Any applicant who desires to meet with the Township's professionals or consultants prior to submitting a plan application or at such time an application is received shall execute a professional escrow agreement with the Township and post an escrow amount to be determined therein to cover any costs to the Township associated with the aforementioned consultations.
At least 35 calendar days prior to the meeting of Lower Saucon Planning Commission at which initial consideration is desired, the applicant shall submit 25 copies of the plan (sketch, preliminary or final), together with the appropriate escrow fees and nonrefundable filing fees, as applicable, to the Township office, to enable review letters to be generated by the various review agencies and Township personnel, consultants and staff. All submissions shall be delivered to the Township office to be stamped with the date of receipt.
Informal sketch plan submissions shall be submitted to the Township office 10 days prior to the date of meeting at which applicant desires to appear. The applicant shall provide 11 copies of the plan.
In addition, the applicant shall submit the following accompanying documents at the time of plan submission, if applicable:
Six copies of the DEP sewer facilities planning modules.
Four copies of the erosion and sedimentation control plan and narrative.
Four copies of the drainage plan, including calculations.
Four copies of the traffic impact study.
Four copies of the PennDOT highway occupancy permit application and drawings.
Four copies of any other required applications, permits, etc.
Four copies of the notice to property owners with supporting documents, as required by § 145-33E(12) for preliminary plans.
Two CDs of all plans in AutoCAD format (JPEG-ROM).
Twenty-five copies of the plans of the plot of the subdivision or land development on eleven-inch-by-seventeen-inch paper [refer to § 145-33E(11)].
One copy of the escrow agreement.
The applicant shall be separately responsible for applying for reviews by outside agencies, including but not limited to:
Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.
Northampton County Conservation District.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Revised sketch, preliminary or final plans or other documentation, along with the corresponding fee, shall be resubmitted to the Township office at least 30 calendar days prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission. Twenty-five sets shall be submitted for resubmission to the Planning Commission.
Revised informal sketch plans and other documentation, along with the corresponding fee, shall be submitted to the Township office at least 30 calendar days prior to the meeting of the Township Council. Eleven sets shall be submitted for any resubmission to Council.
Plans will not be accepted by the Township office for review unless and until all required copies are presented and all applicable fees are paid and escrow amounts are posted in accordance with the Township's fee schedule.
Per the required escrow agreement, the applicant shall be responsible for maintaining the original balance relative to the escrow account established with the Township for payment of Township costs and fees. Each month, the Township shall forward an invoice to the applicant setting forth the amount deducted from said escrow account for payment of costs and fees. The applicant shall remit the amount of the invoice to the Township upon receipt, thereby bringing the balance of the escrow account back to the original amount. In the event that any applicant's escrow account balance falls below 50% of the original amount, the Township may direct its professionals and consultants to cease work on the applicant's submission until such time as the escrow account balance is restored to its original amount.
Upon receipt of a complete submission, the Township office shall notify the Planning Commission, in writing, of the date of receipt of the submission, the date of commencement of the ninety-day review time period, and the date of the first Planning Commission meeting at which the application will be considered. The Planning Commission shall make its recommendation in accordance with this schedule, unless a written extension of the time period for review is received prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission.
When a complete plan application is submitted, the ninety-day review period shall commence on the date of the Planning Commission's next meeting following the date of the complete submission. When revised plans are submitted, a new ninety-day review period shall commence on the date of the Planning Commission meeting next following the date of the revised submission.
The Planning Commission, in its review, shall consider the comments, if submitted, of the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, as well as the Township Engineer, Solicitor, Township Planner, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Director of Public Works, the Environmental Advisory Commission and Lower Saucon Authority. The Planning Commission may recommend to the Council that a plan be approved with conditions, and in so doing, shall specifically list such conditions, in writing, and submit them to the Council for review and consideration. In the event that the Planning Commission recommends approval without conditions, or recommends that the plan be denied, such recommendation shall be forwarded, in writing, to the Council.
The Council shall take official action on all plans, after receiving the report and recommendation of the Planning Commission, and within the ninety-day time limit imposed by the Municipalities Planning Code unless the applicant/developer grants an extension of the review period, which shall be no less than 90 days. However, the Council shall take such action within the time limit herein referenced regardless of whether a recommendation from the Planning Commission has been received.
The action of the Council with regard to the plan submission shall be in writing, and communicated to the applicant personally or mailed to the applicant at his last known address not later than 15 days following the date of the decision.
The Council may approve a plan submission subject to certain conditions. When a plan is approved with conditions, the Council shall communicate said approval and conditions to the applicant as described above. If the plan is approved with conditions, the applicant shall acknowledge his acceptance of the conditions in writing. If the applicant does not accept or reject the conditions, in writing, within 60 days from the date of the conditional approval, said approval shall be automatically rescinded. Plans approved by the Council subject to conditions shall not be signed by the Township, released for construction, or released for recording until all conditions have been satisfied.
The Township Office shall secure the appropriate signatures of the Planning Commission and the Council on the approved plans. Within 90 days of the applicant's satisfying all the imposed conditions, the plan shall be recorded in the Northampton County Recorder of Deeds Office.
In no event shall the plans be released for recording until all of the Township's legal, engineering and administrative costs relative to the plan submission have been paid in full, and the required financial security has been posted with the Township.
Before the formal submission of a preliminary or preliminary/final plan for a subdivision or land development for review and approval, the developer may submit a sketch plan for discussion with the Township Planning Commission as to the suitability of a parcel of land for a specific subdivision or land development use and for direction or advice from the Township Planning Commission.
Such sketch plan submissions are not required, but if they are provided, they are considered informal. The Township need not respond to such a submission. All opinions and advice given to the prospective applicant during a sketch plan review will be unofficial and not binding on the Township or developer.
Refer to § 145-19 for procedures.
The Township Planning Commission may review the sketch plan data to determine the development potential of the site. The general development concepts may be reviewed to determine their compatibility with the development potential of the site and with relevant plans and ordinances. Also, the sketch plan stage is designed to offer the developer an opportunity to informally discuss, prior to preliminary plan submission, his or her plans for the proposed subdivision or land development with the Township Planning Commission.
No official action shall be taken on a sketch plan. The Township shall not be bound by comments made or not made as part of a sketch plan review.
Refer to § 145-19 for procedures.
Lower Saucon Township Planning Commission.
When a preliminary plan has been submitted, it shall be placed on the agenda of the Planning Commission for review at its next regular monthly meeting, provided that such official submission satisfies the requirements of §§ 145-18 and 145-19 of this chapter.
The Planning Commission may hold a public hearing on the preliminary plan.
The Planning Commission shall review the preliminary plan for conformance with the standards of this chapter and other applicable municipal ordinances and plans and shall require or recommend necessary changes.
The Planning Commission shall not recommend approval of a preliminary plan unless the following items are satisfied:
A written report of the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission is provided. However, if the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission fails to report thereon within 30 days after receipt of a preliminary plan, then the Township Planning Commission may officially act without having received and considered such report.
Approval of any zoning issues such as zoning variances, conditional uses, or special exception uses. It is noted, however, that in the case of the conditional uses, the Planning Commission recommendation on the conditional use may accompany a subdivision and/or land development preliminary plan recommendation, even though the vote of Council approval of the conditional use has not yet been granted.
Where water is provided by means other than by private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots and the subdivision or development is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bona fide cooperative association of lot owners or a municipal corporation, authority or utility, the developer shall provide a copy of a certificate of public convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question. Where water is provided by means of private wells, the Developer may be required to provide certain acceptable groundwater quality and supply tests (refer to § 145-50G).
Where sewage treatment services are to be provided by connection to an existing sewer system, the developer shall provide a letter of intent of service from the provider of the sewage treatment service.
Where on-lot sewage is to be used, the developer shall provide acceptable soil test results for each lot, as required in this chapter and/or other state or local regulations and ordinances.
A report from the Township Engineer has been received.
Where considered necessary, reports from the Township Police Chief and appropriate Fire Chief have been received prior to the meeting at which the plan is reviewed.
The Planning Commission shall recommend to the Township Council, in writing, that the preliminary plan be approved, conditionally approved or disapproved, together with the documented findings supporting the recommendation.
Lower Saucon Township Council. Time limits of required actions shall be as follows.
The Township Council shall approve, approve with conditions acceptable to the applicant or reject the preliminary plan submission within the time required by the Municipalities Planning Code. This law requires the Township Council to render its decision and communicate it to the applicant not later than 90 days following the date of the first regular meeting of the Planning Commission held after the preliminary plan has been properly filed for review, but in no case shall the Township Council's decision be made later than 120 days following the date the submission was accepted as being filed for review, unless the applicant grants a written extension of time.
If the plan is approved with conditions acceptable to the applicant, the applicant shall acknowledge his acceptance of the conditions, in writing. If the applicant does not accept or reject the conditions, in writing, within 60 days from the date of conditional approval, said approval shall be automatically rescinded.
The decision of the Township Council shall be in writing and shall be communicated to the applicant personally or by mail at his last known address not later than 15 days following the decision.
Approval of the preliminary plan submission shall constitute conditional approval as to the character and intensity of the subdivision or land development but shall not constitute approval of the final plan or authorize the sale of lots or construction of buildings.
Prior to any construction of improvements called for by preliminary plan approval, the developer shall enter into an inspection agreement with the Township, which would provide for the proper inspections of all improvements and reimbursement of costs of inspection for the Township and/or its authority.
Final plan submission deadline. Where no final plan, for all or part of the approved preliminary plan, is filed and accepted within five years from the date of the preliminary plan approval, such approval shall no longer be effective for that section or those sections of the plan not finalized unless extended, in writing, by the Township.
General. After a preliminary plan approval or conditional approval, a major subdivision or land development final plan shall be submitted. The final plan shall conform in all significant respects to the preliminary plan, as previously reviewed by the Township Planning Commission and approved by the Township Council, and shall incorporate all modifications required by the Township Council in its preliminary plan approval.
Refer to § 145-19 for procedures.
Lower Saucon Township Planning Commission.
When a final plan has been officially submitted, such plan shall be placed on the agenda of the Planning Commission for review at its next regular monthly meeting, provided that the submission satisfies §§ 145-18 and 145-19 of this chapter.
The Planning Commission may hold a public hearing on the final plan at this time.
The Planning Commission shall review the final plan to determine its conformance with the preliminary plan approval, the standards contained in this chapter and other applicable Township ordinances and shall require or recommend the changes it deems necessary.
No action shall be taken by the Township Planning Commission on a final plan until the Township Planning Commission has considered the written report of the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission or until 30 days have passed from the date that the plans were forwarded to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission shall recommend to the Township Council, in writing, that the final plan be approved, conditionally approved or disapproved, together with the documented findings supporting the recommendation.
Lower Saucon Township Council.
The Township Council shall approve, approve with conditions acceptable to the applicant or reject the final plan submission within the time required by the Municipalities Planning Code. This law requires the Township Council to render its decision and communicate it to the applicant not later than 90 days following the date of the first regular meeting of the Planning Commission held after it has been properly filed for review, but in no case shall the Township Council's decision be made later than 120 days following the date the submission was accepted as being filed for review unless the applicant grants a written extension of time. If the plan is approved with conditions, the applicant shall acknowledge his acceptance of the conditions, in writing. If the applicant does not accept or reject the conditions, in writing, within 60 days from the date of conditional approval, said approval shall be automatically rescinded.
The decision of the Township Council shall be in writing and shall be communicated to the applicant personally or by mail at his last known address not later than 15 days following the decision.
The completion of improvements or guaranty thereof shall be consistent with Section 509 of the Municipalities Planning Code (53 P.S. § 10509). The final plan will not be approved by the Township until the required improvements have been installed according to the certified preliminary plan and Township standards and specifications or until the Township is assured by means of a proper completion guaranty (in the form of security reviewed by the Township Solicitor and acceptable to the Township Council) sufficient to cover the cost of the improvements, as recommended by the Township Engineer, and the improvements shall subsequently be installed. In no case shall a building permit be issued or a lot sold without prior certification of a final plan for any portion of a subdivision shown on an approved preliminary plan. A final plan shall not be signed and recorded until all conditions of approval have been satisfied.
After certification by the Township, the signature of the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission shall also be placed on the plans, indicating Lehigh Valley Planning Commission review of the plans.
The record plan shall be a clear and legible print of a type and material required by the Northampton County Recorder of Deeds.
After recommendation by the Township Planning Commission, approval of the Township Council and review by the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, the developer shall file the record plan with the County of Northampton Recorder of Deeds within 90 days of the date of final approval by the Township Council. If the developer fails to record the final plan within such period, the action of the Township Council shall be null and void, unless an extension of time is granted, in writing, by the Township Council upon written request by the developer. The Township Engineer or Township Solicitor is authorized to record the final plan on behalf of the developer when all conditions of the final plan approval have been met and the final plan has been signed by the Township Council. The developer, however, is responsible to check at the 60th day after signing of the final plan by the Council to verify that this administrative procedure has been followed. If this procedure has not been followed, the developer should notify the Township Manager to request the return of the signed final plan so that the developer can record the plan. Ultimately, it shall be the developer's responsibility to comply with the recording requirements of the Municipalities Planning Code.
At the time the final plan is approved by the Township Council, the Township Zoning Officer shall receive two reproducible Mylars and two CDs in AutoCAD format (JPEG-ROM) of the final plan approved for the Township permanent files.
At the time the record plan is signed by the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission shall receive one print of the final plan, as approved by Township Council.
Intent. The intent of this section is to reduce the processing time and cost for certain small subdivisions and land developments.
Subdivisions for Lower Saucon Township use. Subdivisions and land developments solely involving the transfer or dedication of land requested by Lower Saucon Township or one of its authorities for Township purposes or improvements of lands solely owned by Lower Saucon Township or one of its authorities shall be exempted from all submission and review procedures, except that the stormwater management requirements and review procedures of § 145-48 of this chapter shall be met.
Minor subdivision and minor land developments.
For those subdivisions or land developments defined as "minor" by this chapter, an abbreviated submission and approval procedure may be allowed by the Township. This procedure will combine the preliminary/final plan process.
Preliminary/final plan submission shall include all items as required for a preliminary and final plan, except where a waiver is requested by the developer and approved by the Township. In cases where the impact of the proposed development is determined by the Township to be minor, this requirement is intended to allow the Township to waive submission of details that may not be needed to provide a complete plan review.
A preliminary/final plan may be approved as a final plan with only a single review and recommendation of the Planning Commission and only one review and approval by the Township Council.
Minor subdivisions qualifying as "Type B Minor Subdivisions" shall be exempted from Planning Commission review, if upon review, the Township Engineer finds that the minor subdivision qualifies as a Type B Minor Subdivision and is otherwise not in violation of Township subdivision and/or zoning regulations. Any requirement for dedication of right-of-way along existing public roads is hereby waived for Type B Minor Subdivisions. Type B Minor Subdivision must still, however, be submitted to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission and the Township Council for review and approval. Prior to Township Council approval, the applicant shall verify to the satisfaction of the Township Solicitor that the deeds for each adjusted property will be prepared with a description encompassing the entire revised parcel for each adjusted lot, will be signed by the appropriate owners and will be recorded immediately after the recording of the Type B Minor Subdivision.
The developer or applicant will be required to pay the following fees and costs during the application and construction phases of his subdivision or land development.
Cost of administration. The Township Council shall set filing fees for applications by resolution and post such fees at the Township Building. These fees are intended to cover the Township cost of administration of plans.
Municipal expense reimbursement cost. The applicant or developer is to reimburse the Township for review, approval and inspection costs associated with subdivisions and land development plans and improvements. Township Council shall adopt, by resolution, procedures for placing money in escrow to cover the payment of these costs. Such procedures can be amended, from time to time, by resolution of the Township Council. Plans shall not be considered filed until all fee and escrow deposits are paid. All outstanding reimbursable cost (to the extent known at the time) shall be paid to the Township prior to recording of a final plan and/or prior to the release of the final improvement security and again prior to release of maintenance security.
Prior to the start of any improvements or grading, the applicant is responsible for requesting and attending a preconstruction meeting between the Township staff and Engineer, the applicant's contractor and engineer, the Soil Conservation District, and any other applicable entities.
The developer must provide notice sufficient to make sure the Township Engineer has received notice a minimum of 24 hours prior to each of the following phases of the work so that he or his representative may inspect said work.
Work to be inspected.
Grading of rights-of-ways and installation of fill.
Setting crosswalk and sidewalk forms.
Preparation of road subgrade.
Setting curb and/or gutter and/or sidewalk forms.
Installation of road subbase, road base and/or sidewalk base.
Installation of concrete or paving material and application of each coat in the case of priming and sealing.
Installation of drainage pipe and other drainage structures before backfilling.
Installation of sanitary sewer laterals, submains, mains and appurtenances before backfilling and during construction of treatment plants (before activating).
Installation of water mains, fire hydrants, laterals and appurtenances before backfilling and during the construction of wells and pumping storage facilities (before activating).
During backfilling of trenches.
During testing of utilities.
During repairs to previously installed improvements.
At any other phase as requested by the Engineer in order to ascertain compliance with approved plans.
Also refer to Appendix A, Improvements Construction Standards, for additional requirements.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
Upon receipt of notice of completion from the developer, the Township Council shall request the Township Engineer to conduct a final inspection of all improvements and utilities to determine whether the work is satisfactory and in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary or final plan drawings and the specifications. The general condition of the site shall also be considered.
Construction inspection is provided by the Township to verify that the improvements proposed and required are being installed according to Township specifications and approved drawings. The inspector is not provided as a representative of the developer, but neither does the inspector have the authority to stop the work, even if it is being done incorrectly, and neither does he or she have any authority to direct the contractors in construction means and methods or safety matters. The release from the improvement bond shall be consistent with Section 510 of the Municipalities Planning Code (53 P.S. § 10510).
Upon satisfactory completion of improvements in areas required or intended for dedication to the Township or upon request of the Township, the developer shall execute a deed of dedication and a maintenance agreement for the land or easement being dedicated and the improvements thereon in a form satisfactory to the Township Solicitor. Also, the developer shall deliver such deed and maintenance agreement to the Township within 60 days of the completion of improvements. In addition, the developer shall have no more than two years from the date of the approval of the final plan and the signing of the improvement agreement by the Township Council to complete the improvements, unless an extension of time is granted by the Township Council.
The deed of dedication should include:
One original executed deed and three copies.
Only one street or parcel of ground for each deed.
A legal description of the property being dedicated with references to the subdivision or land development plan which shows the land to be dedicated, the date the plan was recorded and the map book and page number of the record plan.
An engineering drawing of the land being dedicated on paper 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches or 8 1/2 inches by 14 inches in size. If the land being dedicated is a street, the plan should show the width of the right-of-way, the width of the paving, the length of street in feet and the length of street in miles.
As-built plans and survey monument certification.
Three copies of as-built plans, certified as such by a registered engineer, and two CDs in AutoCAD format (JPEG-ROM) shall be provided showing the actual as-built location and elevations of all streets, sanitary sewers, storm drainage facilities, water systems and any other improvements that are different than shown on the originally approved plans.
A certification on the as-built plans shall be provided from a registered surveyor, stating that all monuments and lot pins shown on the approved plans have been set.
The Township, at its sole discretion, may accept such dedication in the manner provided by law upon review of all documents and upon a specific finding that:
The developer has satisfactorily completed required improvements in the area being dedicated;
The developer has entered into an eighteen-month maintenance agreement and posted maintenance security in a form and amount satisfactory to the Township;
The area being dedicated has legal access to existing Township rights-of-way or state roads;
There is a public need or good served by the land area being dedicated;
Eighty percent of the residential or nonresidential buildings on building lots fronting on a new proposed public road shall be constructed and have received a certificate of occupancy from the Township;
For subdivisions that include public water and/or public sewer extensions, the public water and/or public sewer extensions shall be found acceptable to and be accepted by the appropriate public agency within the area being dedicated;
The Township Solicitor has prepared a satisfactory advertisement and ordinance for the adoption of traffic ordinances that may be necessary for any new stop signs or other similar traffic control features within or caused by the development;
The Township Solicitor has prepared a resolution for acceptance.
Where the Township Council accepts dedication of all or some of the required improvements following completion of all required improvements, the Township Council shall require the posting of financial security to secure the structural integrity of the improvements, as well as their functioning in accordance with the design and specification depicted on the final plat. The term of the financial security and agreement shall be 18 months from the date of acceptance of dedication, and the financial security stall be 15% of the actual cost of installation of the improvements. The financial security shall be provided to a term one month after the eighteen-month agreement period.
The Township shall release the maintenance security received under the agreement of contract, provided that the condition of the required improvements listed in the subdivision improvements agreement passes the inspections of the Township Engineer and the Township.
The Township Engineer shall inspect all improvements and utilities to determine whether the improvements have been maintained in acceptable and serviceable condition.
The Township Engineer shall report his findings, in writing, to the Township Council and to the developer.
The developer shall be notified of all required improvements that fail to pass the maintenance inspection of the Township Engineer. All such improvements shall be repaired by the developer to specifications acceptable to the Township within 60 days of such notification by the Township.
All such repairs shall be performed and inspected in accordance with the requirements for new construction. Final inspection shall be made no less than four weeks prior to the release date of the maintenance security or no later than two weeks after notice has been given by the developer that all requested repairs have been completed, whichever last occurs.
An extension of time to repair improvements may be granted by the Township upon written request of the developer and upon extension of the maintenance security.
In the event that any required improvements have not been installed as provided in this chapter or in accordance with the approved final plat, the Township is hereby granted the power to enforce any corporate bond or other security by appropriate legal and equitable remedies. If the proceeds of such bond or other security are insufficient to pay the cost of installing or making repairs or corrections to all the improvements covered by said security, the Township may, at its option, install part of such improvements in all or part of the subdivision or land development and may institute appropriate legal or equitable action to recover the moneys necessary to complete the remainder of the improvements. All of the proceeds, whether resulting from the security or from any legal or equitable action brought against the developer or both, shall be used solely for the installation of the improvements covered by such security and not for any other Township purposes. Failure to properly install the required improvements shall also constitute a violation of this chapter, punishable as provided by this chapter and by law.
The developer shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Township, Township Engineer and Township agents, servants or employees against and from any and all loss, cost, damage, liability and expense on account of damage to property of or injury to or death of the parties thereto or a third person caused by, growing out of or in any way whatsoever attributable to the construction of subdivision and development improvements and the use of the street delineated on the subdivision plat during construction. The developer shall further agree, but without limiting its liability to indemnify the Township and the Township Engineer, to carry liability insurance contracts with a reliable insurance company covering the period of said construction in the sum of $500,000 to $1,000,000 for injury to or death of person(s) and in the sum of $200,000 for damage to or destruction of property, which insurance contracts shall include the Township and Township Engineer as named insured.
A building or zoning permit may be issued and building construction started after the approval of the final plat. Occupancy shall not be permitted prior to the completion of streets with at least the initial course of paving, stormwater management facilities and other improvements necessary for the reasonable access to and use of the building, including but not limited to sewer, water, street lighting, street signs, traffic control signals or signs.