[HISTORY: Adopted by referendum on November 3, 2009.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Charter is the organic law of the Town of Wilton that provides the rules for administration of the Town's operations. Any official matters not specifically addressed in the Charter related to the administration of the Town's business and not covered by local ordinance are governed by the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut and any Special Acts that might be applicable.
The 1957 "Home Rule Law" gave authority to Connecticut Towns to create their own Town Charters. Wilton's first Town Charter became effective November 4, 1962. Subsequent Town Charter amendments were adopted in November 1969, November 1981, and November 1992.
The Charter sets forth the structure of the Town of Wilton's governing bodies. These bodies include the Town Meeting, which constitutes the primary legislative body, and leadership by a Board of Selectmen, including a salaried First Selectman.
The Charter is broken down into "Articles" that outline how the Town is governed and the responsibilities and roles played by its elected leaders and citizens. The "Articles" provide the rules for the Town Meeting, the First Selectman and Board of Selectman, Ordinances, Finance, Appointed Officials, Elected Officials, Elections and other miscellaneous subjects related to Town governance. Ordinances provide additional laws that govern the Town as well as the creation of local boards that are made up of Town residents who serve as volunteers.
The Charter and Ordinances together make up the Town Code. Detailed information on these documents can be found on the Town of Wilton website.
Editor's Note: This Charter supersedes the provisions of the former Charter, adopted 11-3-1992, as amended.