There shall be a First Selectman of the Town, elected as provided in Article IX.
The First Selectman shall be the chief executive officer and chief administrative officer of the Town.
To assist in the discharge of the duties and responsibilities of the First Selectman, the First Selectman, subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen, may delegate any of the administrative powers and duties of the First Selectman to any Selectman or Selectmen or to any person responsible to the First Selectman.
The First Selectman shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities conferred upon the office of First Selectman by this Charter and, except to the extent otherwise provided by this Charter, all powers, duties and responsibilities conferred upon that office by other law and all powers necessary or incidental to the discharge of the duties and responsibilities of that office.
The First Selectman shall, when present, preside over all meetings of the Board of Selectmen, shall be a full voting and participating member of the Board of Selectmen and shall have the power to vote to break a tie vote of the Board of Selectmen.
Except as provided by ordinance or other law, the First Selectman shall be an ex officio member of all Boards and Committees of the Town, and of all organizations to which the Town provides financial support unless otherwise provided by the Town Meeting, but without the power to vote. The First Selectman may appoint, in writing, one or more electors of the Town to be the First Selectman's representative on any such Board, Committee and organization. The First Selectman shall be given reasonable advance notice of all meetings of all such Boards, Committees and organizations.
Except as otherwise provided by ordinance or other law, the First Selectman or a person designated by the First Selectman may hire, fix the compensation of and discharge any employee of the Town, unless such employee is a department head of the Town or an Official. Such department heads and Officials shall be hired, compensated and discharged with the approval of the Board of Selectmen. These powers shall not extend to employees of the Board of Education or to Officials who are members of such Board.
The First Selectman shall be responsible for coordinating the activities and future planning of the offices, Boards and Committees of the Town.
The First Selectman shall see that all laws, ordinances, resolutions and policies governing the Town are faithfully executed.
The First Selectman shall have prepared financial and other reports for such periods as may be required by the Board of Selectmen.
The First Selectman shall conduct a continuous review, under the general policy direction of the Board of Selectmen, of the financial needs and budget requirements of the Town. The First Selectman may request and shall be entitled to receive at any time a statement of the current and projected financial position and needs of any office or Board of the Town.
On or prior to a date determined by the First Selectman, each officer, Board and Committee of the Town (except the Board of Education), and each agency to which the Town gives financial support, shall provide to the First Selectmen a statement of the estimated expenditures and desired appropriation for the ensuing fiscal year for each department or agency and shall prepare and submit a proposed budget to the Board of Selectmen.
The First Selectman shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be required of the First Selectman by ordinance or resolution of the Board of Selectmen or of the Town Meeting not inconsistent with this Charter.