The Police Commission shall have exclusive power
A. Make all regulations necessary for the government
of the Police Department not contrary to law;
B. Prescribe suitable penalties for the violation of
any such regulations, including the suspension or removal from office
of any officers or members of the Police Department;
C. Regulate the duties of the officers and members of
the Police Department in respect of criminal matters within the limits
of the Town of Wilton; and
D. Appoint, promote and remove the officers and members of the Police Department pursuant to such regulations as it adopts for the purpose and in the conformity with this Article
Appointees to the Police Department shall hold
office during good behavior and until removed for cause by the Police
Commission upon written charges and after hearing. No active head
of the Police Department shall be dismissed unless he has been given
notice in writing of the specific grounds for such dismissal and an
opportunity to be heard in his own defense, personally or by counsel,
at a public hearing before the Police Commission. Such public hearing
shall be held not less than five nor more than 10 days after such
notice. Any person so dismissed may appeal in the manner described
by Section 7-278 of the General Statutes, Revision of 1958, as amended
at the time this ordinance shall take effect and in any other manner
that may, from time to time, be provided by applicable law.