Subdivisions applications of minor concern and consequence, that comply with the criteria set forth in § 190-5, shall not require preliminary plat review and the subdivider may submit a final plat application based upon the Planning Board's determination at preapplication.
The Planning Board shall have the option to hold a public hearing on the plat depending on the degree of interest shown by the public or interested agencies; the need for important and informative comment by certain interest groups, technical specialists or community representatives; and whether the subdivider needs further opportunity to present the subdivision to the Planning Board and/or public. The Planning Board shall, however, hold a public hearing on the final plat where said plat is not in substantial agreement with the Planning Board preapplication report or where the plat is a planned residential development or where the minor review is authorized under the criteria of § 190-5A(3). Where no hearing is to be held, the Planning Board shall provide notice of a complete application by posting said notice at the Planning Board office and on the Village Clerk's signboard and accept written public comment for a reasonable time thereafter.
The application, final plat, filing fees and supporting materials constitute the complete submission of the subdivision proposal. After final plat approval by the Planning Board, this complete submission becomes the basis for the conveyance of lots and the issuance of building permits, subject to any conditions called for by such approval. The plat itself must be recorded at the office of the County Clerk to have legal status.
The final plat shall be an accurate survey of the properties resulting from the subdivision.
The final plat submission of an application for minor review shall consist of the following items:
Written request for a minor subdivision as defined in these subdivision regulations.
Paper prints of the survey map showing all contiguous holdings, the arrangement of lots, their metes and bounds, adjacent landowners and such other data required by these regulations in sufficient quantity to allow the Planning Board to make all referrals. (Check with the office of the Planning Board.)
Application fee.
Copies of legal instruments covering parkland dedications or scenic and other forms of open space easements.
A copy of covenants or deed restrictions as are intended to cover all or part of the tract.
No application for final plat approval shall be deemed complete until either a negative declaration has been made for the application pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA)[1] or, if a positive declaration is made, until a draft environmental impact statement has been accepted by the Planning Board as satisfactory with respect to scope, content and adequacy. Reasonable time shall be provided for compliance with SEQRA, including the preparation of a final environmental impact statement.
Editor's Note: See Art. 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law.
The submission may, when called for by the Planning Board, require the following items:
A letter directed to the Planning Board from the Suffolk County Department of Health and/or the Suffolk County Environmental Control Board relative to the subdivision meeting all appropriate standards.
A drainage plan.
Letters directed to the Planning Board by a responsible official of the electric power agency and of the water service agency which have jurisdiction in the area assuring provision of necessary services to the proposed subdivision.
Letters, in appropriate cases, directed to the Planning Board and signed by a responsible official of the State Department of Transportation or the Suffolk County Department of Public Works approving proposed construction on state or county rights-of-way.
A private lane or common access driveway plan, when required by the Planning Board.
The submission requirements for a subdivision map requiring major review under § 190-19 shall apply where applicable.
If a public hearing is held, it must be upon at least 10 days' notice published in the official newspaper and posted in accordance with the provisions of § 190-14B(2) of this chapter. Within 62 days of the receipt of a complete final plat submission or within 31 days of receipt of a determination from the Suffolk County Planning Commission, if an application was required to be sent to that agency for its review, whichever date is later, or within 62 days after the date of the public hearing if such hearing is held, the Planning Board shall take formal action either approving or disapproving or approving with modification the final plat, and a written notification of such action shall be given to the subdivider.
All required conditions of approval and corrections or modifications of the final plat shall be completed within 180 days of the Planning Board's formal action. Two additional periods not exceeding 90 days each may be granted upon petition to the Planning Board if such period is found to be justified.
The application fee shall be as stated in the Village of Sagaponack fee schedule for each lot in the proposed subdivision, excluding parcels set aside as open space, parks, recharge areas. The final plat for minor review may also be subject to a review fee under § 190-30 and a park fee under § 190-36B. A fee schedule shall be established, and changed as needed, by resolution of the Board of Trustees. A copy of the fee schedule is on file with the Village Clerk's office.
The signature of the duly authorized Planning Board officer constituting final approval of the plat shall expire 62 days after the date of such signature unless, within such time, the final plat or a section thereof shall have been filed in the office of the County Clerk.
Expiration of an approval shall mean that any further action will require a new final application, filing fee and public hearing, as well as a review of previous filings.
The provisions with regard to map requirements for a final plat for major review shall apply.