[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Smithfield 6-27-1978 (Ch. 7, Art. II, of the 1985 Code of Ordinances); amended in its entirety 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-3. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
There shall be a Building Official for the Town, who shall be appointed by the Town Manager and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Manager. The Building Official shall be appointed pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 23-27.3-107.5; however, the Town Manager may make a temporary appointment to evaluate the ability of the appointee to be the Building Official.
The Building Official, to be eligible for appointment, shall have at least five years' experience in both residential and commercial construction, shall have been employed as a Building Inspector-2 for a minimum of one year, and shall possess an International Code Council (ICC) certification as a certified building official (CBO) or any combination of education and experience that the Building Code Standards Committee deems to be substantially equivalent. The Building Official shall possess a thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of residential and commercial building construction and the ability to review plans and supervise staff in the enforcement of the State Building Code. See R.I.G.L. Ch. 23-27.3, entitled "State Building Code."
In addition to other duties specifically defined by the General Laws, it shall be the duty of the Building Official to:
Issue all permits to builders or owners covering all phases or work to be constructed within the Town;
Have knowledge of all codes, zoning laws, subdivision laws, etc., in order that he/she may enlighten any person requiring such information;
Inspect all properties being built, altered, changing in use or occupancy, or added to. Inspection shall include occupancy, foundation, pre-finish, energy efficiency, final and any other inspections deemed necessary. The Building Official shall provide a digital or physical written inspection report to the permit applicant and the owner that the scope of work has been approved or disapproved;
Act as the Zoning Enforcement Officer and enforce all zoning laws adopted by the Town Council;
Serve as the Zoning Enforcement Officer unless a Zoning Enforcement Officer is separately appointed;
Act as the Minimum Housing Enforcement Officer; see R.I.G.L. Ch. 45-24.3;
Serve as the Building Inspector unless a Building Inspector is separately appointed;
Inform the Town Council, the Conservation Commission and the Planning Board where the application for a building permit is for land involving wetlands;
Inspect the prospective land on which any building is to be constructed, prior to the issuance of a building permit;
Serve as the Earth Removal Officer where building construction is permitted. See Smithfield Code of Ordinance Chapter § 182, Earth Removal.
The Town Manager is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a Deputy Building Official, who shall work under the supervision and direction of the Town Building Official; the Deputy Building Official shall carry out the duties of the Town Building Official in the Building Official's absence and shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Manager at a compensation to be determined by the Council.
The Town Manager is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a Building Inspector, who shall work under the supervision and direction of the Town Building Official.
The Town Manager is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint one or more persons to carry out the functions of Mechanical Inspector, Electrical Inspector and Plumbing Inspector for the Town.
All inspectors shall serve under the supervision and direction of the Town Building Official and shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Manager.
The Town may, from time to time, set a fee for inspections performed by the respective inspectors, which fee shall be paid by the persons whose work is inspected. (See Chapter 154, Building Construction, Article II, Building Permits.)