All persons in the regular employ of any enterprise heretofore or hereafter acquired by the City and operated as a public enterprise after such acquisition shall be deemed probationary employees of the City for a period of six months after such enterprise comes under public ownership by the City. If such enterprise is operated as a separate department, the head of said department and the chief assistant or secretary of such department head, or in the case of a hospital, the Supervisor of Nurses, shall be eligible for appointment as such without competitive examination or other test and shall be exempt from the operation of this chapter so far as appointment, to promotion in and dismissal from service are concerned. All other persons employed in such enterprises who, upon completion of their probationary period of six months, shall be retained in said employment shall, upon recommendation of the head of the department which operates said enterprise and upon approval of the Civil Service Board thereupon, be deemed eligible for the respective positions held by them, without further test or examination, and thereafter all the provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to such employees as fully as to other employees of the City.
The spouse of any person who has been in the City service for not less than 10 years and who has become disabled while still a member of the City service shall be eligible for appointment to a vacancy in the City service without a competitive examination if such spouse is able to prove to the satisfaction of the Civil Service Board and the appointing authority that he or she is qualified to fill the position for which applied; in such case, if satisfactory to the appointing authority, he or she may be appointed to fill the position for which applied, but such appointment shall be on a probationary basis for six months; at the expiration of the probationary period, if the applicant has satisfactorily shown to the appointing authority that he or she possesses the necessary qualifications to fill the position, he or she may be appointed without competitive examination and in preference to persons on the eligible list, if there is such an eligible list, for the position to which appointed; provided, however, such appointment may be made only for the period of the disability of the spouse and may be terminated in case the spouse is ever able to return to former employment.