[Amended 5-11-2023 by L.L. No. 3-2023]
The Town Board of the Town of Coeymans recognizes that the proper ethical conduct of its public officers and employees is essential to the enhancement and maintenance of public confidence in local government and in our free institutions generally. It is the purpose of this chapter to supplement and implement the provisions of Article 18 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York by establishing standards of conduct for the Town's officers and employees and to establish a Board of Ethics to render advisory opinions to the Town's officers and employees with respect to these matters.
The citizens of the Town of Coeymans should expect that the Town's officers and employees behave honestly and ethically and that such officers and employees do not use their positions for personal gain.
This Code of Ethics is intended to provide all Town officers and employees, as well as the public, with the standards of ethical conduct that are intended to ensure that Town government functions in an ethical manner, and that the needs and interests of the public come before any private or political interests. It is intended to provide guidance and support to the Town's officers and employees, as well as to those who do business with the Town or who wish to do so.
In furtherance of these fundamental principles, the Coeymans Town Board establishes the following Code of Ethics.