The final plat shall be at a scale no smaller than 100 feet to one inch and will be drawn on a sheet not larger than 24 inches by 36 inches in width leaving a margin on one end of two inches for binding purposes and a one-half-inch margin on the other three sides. The final plat shall constitute only of that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider has completed satisfactorily at the time; provided, however, that such portion conforms to all requirements of this chapter. If the final plat is drawn in two or more sections match-marks are to be shown. In addition, it shall be accompanied by a key map showing the location of the several sections. The final plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor or licensed civil engineer and shall show the following information:
The name of the subdivision.
The name and address of the owner and subdivider.
The North point designation, graphic scale and data.
The block and numbers (in consecutive order) and dimensions. The total number of lots, square footage of each lot and acreage of the whole development.
The names of the owners of all adjoining unsubdivided land.
Lot lines with accurate bearings and distances.
Accurate dimensions of existing public land and of any property to be dedicated or reserved for public, semipublic or community use within the boundaries of the plat; and all areas to which title is reserved by owner.
Accurate distances and directions to the nearest established street corners or official monuments. Reference corners shall be accurately described on the plat.
Accurate locations of all existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract.
The complete curve data for all curves included in the plat, including radius, delta angle and tangent.
Street lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet, with the bearing of such street lines.
Street names.
The location and material of all permanent monuments and lot markers, as required by the Town Engineer and installed by the subdivider before final Town Board acceptance.
Easements for utilities and any limitations on such easements.
Building lines not less than the minimum as fixed by Chapter 280, Zoning, or any other setback lines established by these regulations or by public authority or those specified in the deed restrictions, whichever is greater.
All dimensions shall be calculated to the nearest 1/100 of a foot.
Sewage disposal, water supply and any other health department requirement to be included on the final plat.
The following certificates, where applicable, shall be shown on the plat:
Certification, with seal, by a New York licensed land surveyor or licensed professional engineer to the effect that the survey and plat are correct in accordance with this chapter and plat law, as follows:
"In my opinion, this is a correct representation of the land platted and has been prepared in conformity with minimum standards and requirements of law.
On _________________________ 20_____
By _________________________
New York Registration Number __________________"
Certificate of approval by the Planning Board, as follows:
"Pursuant to the Town of Hamburg Land Subdivision Regulations, all the requirements of approval having been fulfilled, this final plat was given final approval by the Town of Hamburg Planning Board on __________________ 20_____
Certificate of approval by the Town Engineer, as follows:
On _________________________ 20_____
      Town Engineer
Certificate of approval by Erie County Department of Health, as follows:
(space for ECHD stamp)
The owner's certification, as follows:
"The owner of the land shown on this plat and whose name is subscribed hereto, in person or through a duly authorized agent, certifies that this plat was made from an actual survey and that all state, Town and county taxes or other assessments now due on this land have been paid.
The final plat shall be accompanied by the following material:
Restrictions of all types which will run with the land and become covenants in the deeds of lots shown on the drawing.
All covenants running with the land governing the reservation and maintenance of dedicated or undedicated land or open space, which shall bear the certificate of approval of the Town Attorney as to their legal sufficiency.
A certificate of dedication of streets and other public property (this is the offer of dedication).
Stormwater pollution prevention plan. A stormwater pollution prevention plan consistent with the requirements of Chapter 226A and Chapter 280, Article LI, and with the terms of preliminary plan approval shall be required for final subdivision plat approval. The SWPPP shall meet the performance and design criteria and standards in Chapter 280, Article LI. The approved final subdivision plat shall be consistent with the provisions of Chapter 226A and Chapter 280, Article LI.
[Added 7-16-2007 by L.L. No. 4-2007]
A copy of the approved (or pending approval) form of ownership for the development (homeowners' association, condominium, etc.).
[Added 12-18-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2018]
[Amended 12-11-2006 by L.L. No. 7-2006; 6-25-2012 by L.L. No. 2-2012]
Before a subdivision plat may be submitted to the Town for final approval, all of the public improvements for that phase of the plat subject to such final approval must be constructed and/or installed by the developer. In the event that a developer intends to construct the public improvements in only some portion or portions of the total subdivision plan which has been granted preliminary plat approval, the developer shall submit a final plat depicting only those portions whereon said public improvements are complete.
When the public improvement work has been satisfactorily completed or performance bonded, the subdivider may then submit the final plat (map cover) to the Town Engineer for review. In the event it is determined by the Town Engineer that the final plat is not in substantial agreement with the approved preliminary plat, the plat will be returned to the Planning Board for further review and action in accordance with § 230-30.
The procedure for obtaining final plat approval is as follows:
The final plat shall be properly signed and executed as required by these regulations before recording by the Clerk of Erie County. Final plats that are in substantial agreement with the approved preliminary plat (as determined by the Town Engineer and the Planning Board Chairperson) may be signed by the Town Engineer and the Planning Board Chairperson without the need of appearing before the Town Planning Board.
[Amended 6-25-2012 by L.L. No. 2-2012]
A final plat that is determined to be not in substantial agreement with the approved preliminary plat will need to be processed through the Planning Board. Within 62 days of the submission of a plat in final form for approval by the Planning Board, a hearing shall be held by the Planning Board, which hearing shall be advertised at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town at least five days before such hearing.
[Amended 6-25-2012 by L.L. No. 2-2012]
The Planning Board shall, by resolution, conditionally approve with or without modification, disapprove or grant final approval and authorize the signing of such plat, within 45 days of its receipt by the Clerk of the Planning Board.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the time in which the Planning Board must take action on such plat may be extended by mutual consent of the owner and the Planning Board. In the event that the Planning Board fails to take action on a final plat within the time prescribed therefor, the plat shall be deemed approved and a certificate of the Clerk of the Town as to the date of submission, and the failure to take action within such prescribed time shall be issued on demand and shall be sufficient in lieu of written endorsement or other evidence of approval herein required.
Upon resolution of conditional approval of such final plat, the Planning Board shall empower a duly authorized officer to sign the plat, subject to completion of such requirements as may be stated in the resolution. Within five days of such resolution, the plat shall be certified by the Clerk of the Planning Board as conditionally approved and a copy mailed to the owner, including a statement of such requirement which, when completed, will authorize the signing of the conditionally approved final plat. Upon completion of such requirements the plat shall be signed by said duly authorized officer of the Planning Board.
Conditional approval of a final plat shall expire within 180 days after the date of the resolution granting conditional approval unless such requirements have been certified as completed. The Board may, upon application and for good cause shown, extend such limitation for one or more additional six-month periods. The final plat as approved and so stamped by the Board must be filed or recorded in the Erie County Clerk's office within 90 days of such approval and stamping.
When the approved plat has been recorded, one linen of the plat with the restrictive covenants will be furnished to the Engineering Department and six photo copies for distribution to Town departments.
No street shall be accepted and maintained by the town, nor shall any permit be issued by the administrative agent or department of the town, for the construction of any building upon any land concerning which a plat is required to be approved unless and until the final plat has been approved by the Hamburg Town Planning Board and all public improvements have been accepted by the Town Board. The procedure for obtaining final Board acceptance is as follows:
The final plat shall have been recorded by the County Clerk.
The street(s) or other land(s) and easements shall have been deeded and filed with the County Clerk.
All public improvement work shall have been completed and approved by the Town Engineer. Minor improvements may be performance bonded for final acceptance if recommended by the Town Engineer and approved by Town Board resolution.
All sewer, water or other work shall have been completed and approved by district, county, state or other authority.
The maintenance bonds shall be approved by the Town Attorney.
The Town Board shall have all required items in place for a regularly scheduled meeting.