[Adopted 4-10-1967 by L.L. No. 5-1967]
The purpose of this article is to grant a partial exemption from taxation to the extent of 50% of the assessed valuation of real property which is owned by certain persons with limited income who are 65 years of age or over meeting the requirements set forth in § 467 of the Real Property Tax Law.
[Amended 6-14-1971 by L.L. No. 9-1971; 4-13-1987 by L.L. No. 3-1987]
Real property owned by one or more persons, each of whom is 65 years of age or over, or real property owned by husband and wife, one of whom is 65 years of age or over, meeting the requirements set forth in § 467 of the Real Property Tax Law, shall be exempt from real property town taxes to the extent of 20% to 50% of the assessed valuation, subject to the following conditions:
The owner or all of the owners must file an application annually in the Assessor's office at least 90 days before the day for filing the final assessment roll or such other time as may be hereafter fixed by law.
The income of the owner or the combined income of the owners must not exceed the following amounts for the 12 consecutive months prior to the date that the application is filed. Where title is vested in either the husband or wife, the combined income may not exceed such sum.
[Amended 6-25-1973 by L.L. No. 13-1973; 10-14-1974 by L.L. No. 12-1974; 11-14-1977 by L.L. No. 11-1977; 7-30-1979 by L.L. No. 11-1979; 2-9-1981 by L.L. No. 1-1981; 9-13-1982 by L.L. No. 7-1982; 4-13-1987 by L.L. No. 3-1987; 1-9-2023 by L.L. No. 1-2023[1]]
Income Range
Percentage Assessed Valuation
Exempt From Taxation
Income up to and including $19,500
More than $19,500, but less than $20,500
$20,500 or more, but less than $21,500
$21,500 or more, but less than $22,500
$22,500 or more, but less than $23,400
$23,400 or more, but less than $24,300
$24,300 or more, but less than $25,200
$25,200 or more, but less than $26,100
$26,100 or more, but less than $27,000
$27,000 or more, but less than $27,900
Editor's Note: This local law provided an effective date of March 1, 2023.
Title to the property must be vested in the owner, or if more than one, in all the owners for at least 60 consecutive months prior to the date the application is filed.
The property must be used exclusively for residential purposes, be occupied in whole or in part by the owners and constitute the legal residence of the owners.
[Added 6-8-1998 by L.L. No. 3-1998]
There shall be an extension of the filing deadline for the aged exemption application to not late than the last date for filing a petition for hearing assessment complaints, where failure to file a timely application resulted from the death of an applicant's spouse, child, parent, brother or sister; or an illness of the applicant or the applicant's spouse, child, parent, brother or sister, which actually prevented the applicant from filing on a timely basis, as certified by a licensed physician.
There shall be an extension of the deadline for filing a renewal for the aged exemption application to not later than the date for hearing assessment complaints, provided that the owner or all of the owners received the exemption on the preceding assessment roll.
This article shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State and the Department of Audit and Control.