[Added 2-1-1993 by L.L. No. 3-1993]
The Town Board shall establish a Kent Recycling Commission consisting of seven members who shall be appointed by the Town Board for terms of five years, except that the terms of the Commissioners first appointed shall be adjusted as follows: two shall be appointed for two-year terms, two for three-year terms, and the remaining three members shall receive five-year terms. The Commissioners shall serve without compensation. Vacancies in the Commission which may occur for reasons other than by expiration of a term shall be filled by the Town Board and shall be for the unexpired term only. All members of the Commission shall be dues-paying members of the Kent Recycling Center.
The Commission shall appoint one of its members as Chairman. The Commission may adopt such rules of procedure, subject to the approval of the Town Board, as may be necessary to carry out its functions.
The Commission shall:
Operate and set all fees necessary for the functioning of the Kent Recycling Center. The operation of the Center shall be funded solely by dues and fees paid by its members. All funds raised by the Commission shall be used for the operation and enhancement of the Kent Recycling Center.
Recommend to the Town Board the use of any profits that may result from the operation of the Kent Recycling Center.
Produce educational material in an effort to encourage recycling, reuse, backyard composting and avoidance of materials that cannot be recycled.
Research methods that will permit its members to increase the amount of solid waste recycled.
Hold informal hearings and make such inquires as may produce relevant information on recycling and report its findings to the Town Board.
Devise a system that will allow the Town of Kent to determine how much recycling is being done per capita by the members of the Kent Recycling Center and submit its findings to the Town Board.
The Kent Recycling Commission shall submit an annual report to the Town Board, setting forth an itemized list of its members, total of dues collected, and its expenditures and reserves.
All contracts for goods and services and the employment of personnel by the Kent Recycling Center shall require the approval of the Town Board.
All fees and dues collected by the Kent Recycling Center shall be deposited with the Town Fiscal Officer within two working days of collection.
The Town shall include the Kent Recycling Center in its general insurance coverage.