[Adopted 5-7-1990 by L.L. No. 4-1990]
In order to ensure the proper protection, conduct, safety, health and general welfare of its residents and inhabitants and to provide for the proper care, management and use of its highways, roads, streets and property, the Town Board of the Town of Kent, Putnam County, New York, finds it in the public interest to eliminate a public safety hazard arising from the encroachment of a dwelling onto the right-of-way of Rockwood Road by designating a portion of Rockwood Road for one-way traffic and by erecting a barrier parallel to that portion of Rockwood Road which said dwelling obstructs.
This Article is enacted pursuant to the provisions of the New York State Constitution, the Municipal Home Rule Law, the Town Law, the Vehicle and Traffic Law and the Code of the Town of Kent.
Rockwood Road is hereby designated for one-way traffic, such traffic proceeding in a southwesterly direction between its intersection with Mohegan Road and its intersection with Cottage Road.
The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Kent is hereby directed to erect a barrier parallel to that portion of Rockwood Road contiguous to certain real property owned by Maryann Bleil and designated on the Tax Maps of Putnam County as Tax Map No. 83-1-18 and Tax Map No. 83-1-2. Specifications as to the nature and extent of said barrier must meet the approval of the Town Board.
The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Kent is hereby directed to post "DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE-WAY" arrow signs as he deems necessary on Rockwood Road and the above-mentioned intersections.