The Commission shall undertake an ongoing survey and research effort in the City of Crystal Lake to identify neighborhoods, areas, sites, structures and objects which have historic, community, architectural, or aesthetic importance, interest and value. As part of the survey, the Commission may review and evaluate any prior surveys and studies by any unit of government or private organization and compile appropriate descriptions, facts, and photographs.
The offices of the City of Crystal Lake shall be the depository for all applications, maps, reports, records of proceedings, decisions, and other materials created by and in conjunction with the Commission. These historic preservation materials shall be made available to the public subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act of the State of Illinois (5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.).
The Historic Preservation Commission shall not recommend to the City Council a designation of a landmark or Historic District unless it shall make findings based upon the evidence presented to it in each specific case that the proposed structure, building, object, site or area meets the following requirements:
It is located within the corporate boundaries of the City of Crystal Lake; and
It is over 50 years old, in whole or in part; and
One or more of the following conditions exist:
General consideration.
It has significant character, interest, or value as part of the historic, cultural, aesthetic, or architectural characteristics of the City, the State of Illinois, or the United States;
It is closely identified with a person or persons who significantly contributed to the culture or development of the City, the State of Illinois, or the United States;
It involves the notable efforts of or is the only example of work by a master builder, designer, architect, architectural firm, or artist whose individual accomplishment has influenced the development of the City, the State of Illinois, or the United States;
It has a unique location or single physical characteristic(s) that make it an established or familiar visual feature;
Activities associated with it make it a current or former focal point of reference in the City;
It is of a type associated with a use once common but now rare, or is a particularly fine or unique example of a utilitarian structure and possesses a high level of integrity or architectural significance;
It is an area that has yielded or is likely to yield historically significant information or even prehistoric data;
Architectural significance.
It represents certain distinguishing characteristics of architecture inherently valuable for the study of a time period, type of property, method of construction, or use of indigenous materials;
It embodies elements of design, detail, material, or craftsmanship of exceptional quality;
It exemplifies a particular architectural style in terms of detail, material, and workmanship, and has undergone little or no alteration since its original construction or has been properly restored;
It is one of the few remaining examples of a particular architectural style and has undergone little or no alterations since its original construction or has been properly restored;
It is or is part of a contiguous grouping that has a sense of cohesiveness expressed through a similarity of style, characteristics, time period, type of property, method of construction or use of indigenous materials and accents the architectural significance of an area;
The detail, material and workmanship of the structure, building, object, or site can be valued in and of themselves as reflective of or similar to those of the majority of the visual elements in the area;
Historic significance.
It is an exceptional example of an historic or vernacular style or is one of the few such remaining properties of its kind in the City;
It is associated with an organization or group, whether formal or informal, from which persons have significantly contributed to or participated in the historic or cultural events of the City of Crystal Lake, State of Illinois, or the United States;
It is associated with a notable historic event;
It is associated with an antiquated use due to technological or social advances;
It is a monument to or a cemetery of an historic person or persons.
Landmark application.
Any person or group of persons or association, or the Commission on its own initiative, may request landmark designation for any site or structure which is located within the corporate limits of the City and which may have historic significance as set forth in the criteria for evaluation. No such person, group of persons or association, nor the Commission, shall be required to obtain the consent of the owner of the site or structure prior to filing the application for landmark designation, nor shall the owner's consent be required as a condition of designation itself.
Applications shall be filed at the Crystal Lake Community Development Department on a form provided by the Commission. Persons wishing guidance or advice prior to completing an application may contact the staff of the Crystal Lake Planning and Economic Development Division. The form shall contain the following items:
[Amended 6-3-2014 by Ord. No. 7036]
The name and address, as shown on the Tax Assessor's rolls, of the owner(s) of the property or properties proposed for designation.
Party or parties proposing designation.
The legal description and common street address of the property or properties proposed for designation.
A map delineating the boundaries and location of the property or properties proposed for designation.
A written statement describing the area and property or properties and setting forth reasons in support of the proposed designation.
An indication of whether or not the owner(s) consent(s) to the proposed designation.
A list of significant exterior architectural features and/or objects that should be protected.
Photographs of the site, structure, or area.
A filing fee of $25 shall accompany the application.
[Amended 11-19-1996 by Ord. No. 3972; 6-16-1998 by Ord. No. 5065]
Within 60 days after filing of the application for landmark designation, the Commission shall hold a public hearing on the question of proposed landmark designation.
Public hearing.
Prior to the public hearing on the application for landmark designation, the Community Development Department shall conduct a study of the site or structure proposed for landmark designation and make a report containing preliminary findings on the historic, architectural and aesthetic significance of the site or structure.
[Amended 6-3-2014 by Ord. No. 7036]
Notice of the public hearing shall be published at least once not less than 15 days nor more than 30 days prior to the date of the hearing.
The applicant shall, no later than 15 days in advance of the public hearing, post on the site or structure being considered for designation as a landmark a sign no smaller than four square feet, subject to the consent of the property owner. Said sign shall state that the site or structure is being considered for designation as a landmark, and shall bear the information required to be contained in published notices.
The applicant shall also give written notice, 15 days in advance of the public hearing, to the persons to whom the current real estate tax bills are sent, as shown on the record of the local real estate Tax Collector, of all tax parcels, whether tax exempt or not, lying immediately adjacent to the site or structure proposed for landmark designation. The applicant shall also give written notice to the property owner of the subject property. The written notices shall be sent certified mail.
All published notices shall contain the number assigned to the application, the place, the nature, the purpose, and the date and time of such hearing, and the common address or location of the site or structure in question, the name and address of the applicant and of the owner of the site or structure, and the office address of the City where full information, including a legal description, may be obtained concerning the application.
The public hearing shall be conducted by the Commission and a record of such proceedings shall be preserved in such a manner as the Commission shall, by rule, prescribe from time to time. The applicant shall produce at the time of the public hearing such information as the Commission may require, including but not limited to the following:
All information required with the application.
A visual presentation of the significant site or structures on the subject property, together with information as to the age, condition, and use of each.
Proposals for preservation and enhancement of the property proposed for designation.
The applicant and the owner(s) of the subject property shall be entitled to speak at the public hearing, and the Commission may accept comments from all other interested parties. The Commission shall review and evaluate the application according to the applicable standards (criteria) set forth in § 295-13. A record of the proceedings shall be made and retained as public record.
The Commission shall make written findings of fact and shall submit same, together with its recommendations, to the City Council within 60 days of receipt by the Commission of the application for landmark designation. However, if the Historic Preservation Commission finds at the time that the application merits further consideration, the Commission may table the request until its next regularly scheduled meeting in order to allow sufficient time for consideration.
Within 60 days of the filing of the findings of fact by the Commission, the City Council shall grant or deny the application for landmark designation. A simple majority vote by the Crystal Lake City Council is necessary for approval of the designation. If the City Council approves the application for designation, a notice will be sent to the property owner(s), City Clerk's office and recorded with the County Recorder of Deeds. If the City Council denies the petition, no application for landmark designation of the same site or structure shall be made within 90 days of the date of final action on the original application.
The applicant(s) submitting the application for landmark designation shall bear all costs and pay all fees required in connection with said application. All fees shall be set by ordinance enacted by the City Council.
Buildings designated as landmarks or Historic Districts shall be subject to issuance of certificates of appropriateness. A certificate of appropriateness shall be required for alteration, construction, removal, or demolition of a proposed landmark from the date that the application is filed until the final disposition of the request.
Any person, group of persons or association, or the Commission on its own initiative, may request Historic District designation for any geographic area within the corporate limits of the City which may have historic significance as set forth in the criteria for evaluation. Such person, group of persons or association must have the written consent of 10% of the owners of real property within the area to be considered for designation. Accessory structures such as garages, sheds or other storage facilities shall not be considered in computing the number of property owners. The total number of owners shall be determined on the basis of the total number of tax parcels within the area proposed for designation. For purposes of calculating the ten-percent figure, the number of tax parcels owned, rather than the identity of the owner, shall prevail, so that, for example, one person who owns two separate tax parcels shall be counted as two owners.
Nominations shall be filed at the Crystal Lake Community Development Department on a form provided by the Commission. Persons wishing guidance or advice prior to completing an application may contact the staff of the Crystal Lake Community Development Department.
[Amended 11-19-1996 by Ord. No. 3972; 5-16-2000 by Ord. No. 5268; 6-3-2014 by Ord. No. 7036]
The form shall contain the following items:
The name and address, as shown on the Tax Assessor's rolls, of the owner(s) of the property or properties proposed for designation.
Party or parties proposing designation.
The legal description and common street address of the property or properties proposed for designation.
A map delineating the boundaries and location of the property or properties proposed for designation.
A written statement describing the area and property or properties and setting forth reasons in support of the proposed designation.
Names of the owners which consent to designation.
A list of significant exterior architectural features that should be protected.
Photographs of the site, structure, or area.
A filing fee of $25 shall accompany the application.
Public hearing.
Within 60 days after filing of the application for Historic District designation, the Commission shall hold a public hearing on the question of proposed Historic District designation.
Prior to the public hearing on the application for Historic District designation, the Community Development Department shall conduct a study of the site, structures, or area proposed for Historic District designation and make a report containing preliminary findings on the historic, architectural and aesthetic significance of the site, structures, or area.
[Amended 6-3-2014 by Ord. No. 7036]
Notice of the public hearing shall be published at least once not less than 15 days nor more than 30 days prior to the date of the hearing.
The applicant shall also give written notice, 15 days in advance of the public hearing, to the persons to whom the current real estate tax bills, as shown on the record of the local real estate tax collector, of all tax parcels, whether tax exempt or not, lying immediately adjacent to the property lines of the parcel of which the properties proposed for Historic District designation are located. The written notices shall be sent certified mail.
All published notices shall contain the number assigned to the application, the place, the nature, the purpose, and the date and time of such hearing, and the common address or location of the properties in question, the name and address of the applicant(s) and of the owner(s) of the property, and the office address of the City where full information, including a legal description, may be obtained concerning the application.
The public hearing shall be conducted by the Commission and a record of such proceedings shall be preserved in such manner as the Commission shall, by rule, prescribe from time to time. The applicant(s) shall produce at the time of the public hearing such information as the Commission may require including, but not limited to, the following:
All information required with the application.
A visual presentation of the significant site or structures on the subject properties together with information as to the age, condition, and use of each.
Proposals for preservation and enhancement of the properties proposed for designation.
The applicant(s) and the owner(s) of subject properties shall be entitled to speak at the public hearing and the Commission may accept comments from all other interested parties. The Commission shall review and evaluate the applicant according to the applicable standards (criteria) set forth in § 295-13. A record of the proceedings shall be made and retained as public record.
The Commission shall make written findings of fact and shall submit same, together with its recommendations, to the City Council within 60 days of receipt by the Commission of the application for Historic District designation. However, if the Historic Preservation Commission finds at the time that the application merits further consideration, the Commission may table the request until its next regularly scheduled meeting in order to allow sufficient time for consideration.
Within 60 days of the filing of the findings of fact by the Commission, the City Council shall grant or deny the application for Historic District designation. A simple majority vote by the Crystal Lake City Council is necessary for approval of the designation. If the City Council approves the applicant for designation, a notice will be sent to the property owner(s), City Clerk's office and recorded with the County Recorder of Deeds. If the City Council denies the petition, no application for Historic District designation for the same site or structure shall be made within 90 days of the date of final action on the original application.
The applicant(s) submitting the application for Historic District designation shall bear all costs and pay all fees required or enacted by the City Council.
Buildings within designated Historic Districts shall be subject to issuance of certificates of appropriateness. A certificate of appropriateness shall be required for alteration, construction, removal, or demolition of a proposed Historic District from the date when the application is filed until the final disposition of the request.