[Adopted 1-19-1993 (Art. IV, Ch. I, Section Q, of the 1993 Code; amended in its entirety 1-3-2017 by Ord. No. 7345]
Definition. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person who transports tangible personal property for retail sale within the City of Crystal Lake who does not maintain in the City of Crystal Lake an established office, distribution house, sales house, warehouse, service center or residence from which such business is conducted. However, this does not apply to any person who delivers tangible personal property within the City of Crystal Lake who is fulfilling an order for such property which was solicited or placed by mail or other means. This article does not apply to any person holding a valid license issued by McHenry County or the City of Crystal Lake to engage in retail sales.
Any individual, corporation, partnership, trust, firm, association or other entity.
Any person who is engaged temporarily in the retail sale of goods, wares, or merchandise in the City of Crystal Lake, and who, for the purpose of conducting such business, occupies any building, room, vehicle, structure of any kind or vacant lot. However, this article does not apply to any person selling goods, wares or merchandise which are raised, produced or manufactured by him/her, to any person selling vegetables, fruit or perishable farm products at an established City market, to any person operating a store or refreshment stand adjacent to property owned by him/her or upon which he/she resides. This article does not apply to any person operating a City-permitted food truck or to any person holding a valid license issued by McHenry County or the City of Crystal Lake to engage in retail sales.
[Amended 9-6-2016 by Ord. No. 7289]
Except as otherwise provided in this Code, itinerant vendors and transient merchants, as defined herein, are prohibited from operating within the corporate limits of the City of Crystal Lake.